
Gamer Chat Group

[In Japan] World GamingTournement... Lights beaming everywhere... Loud hyped cheers and screams!

[ DemonZ Clan Vs FaZe Clan!] The League of Gods finale! [Totally not a rip off of League of Legends]

"Oh my god! Look at that final move by Lucian the team leader of DemonZ with the clutch play! He wins the Game! He wins the game with a penta kill! 1 vs 5 players clutch in 30 seconds! The biggest upset in gaming history!" A female and male announcer yells out to the top of their lungs with shock on their faces. The whole crowd goes wild.

"I guess Faker the world's best Korean gamer has finally lost and been dethrone!" Yells the older male announcer who had white hair and mustache kind of like Batman's butler Alfred but he wasn't bald.

"That was amazing Lucian!" Shouts out his teamates as they all crowded around him and held up a golden trophy.

The crowd chants and there are many POG faces after Lucian had pulled off the impossible.

Lucian a gaming pro and the MC of this story holds up the golden trophy high up in the air, "Winning feels good, there is not point in playing a game to lose," His speech was with a sly smirk on his face with a thumbs up as he cooly pushes up his glasses. He kind of looked like Harry Potter or Joker from Persona but with brown hair and eyes. Neither less he was a nerd and average looking at best and of course %100 a virgin, but that didn't matter right now as he was now the world's best gamer!

He looks at the grand prize money as he holds the trophy, 'Finally I can pay all of my mother's medical bills and get her the medication she needs' He thinks to himself, he won this game for his team and family. Since his father was never there for him, he had to do everything himself. This was his only way to make money.

"Hey how about we celebrate!" Shouts Lucian happy teammates.

"Sure, what you guys have in mind?" Lucian says as he holds the trophy close to his chest.

"Well how about you ask that one girl in class that you have been crushing on out on a date! Haha!" His teammates tease him.

"Shut up, she is just an old friend," Lucian tips up his glasses and walks out of the tournament arena.

"I am starting to think you like games more than girls Lucian," His friend Takashi says.

"Well games are less complicated than girls, anyways we got class today, not like I care about school. Anways see you idiots in class, " Lucian says as he goes his own way

Lucian after winning tournament collects his money, "This should be enough to pay some bills for my mom,"

"Hey nerd, we told you if you win that gaming tournament we would get our money back, you can't win the game of life haha! Now hand over the money!" Riser and his friend Shinji[From Fate verse] who were asshole characters go right in front of Lucian and push him down on the ground. They were the top students in his class and bullies, they made Lucian join their group of friends in order for him to make money for them, if not they would threaten him and kick his ass or worse, try to beat up his mother and sister.

"I need this money guys, can you guys not be scumbags for once in your lives," Lucian said as he pushes them aside, for once in his life he stood up for himself, Riser and Shinji didn't like that very much.

In mere seconds they beat up Lucian leaving his face bruised and bloody.

"You see in school today loser! Remember to win more games and make us more money! Haha!" Riser and Shinji walk away.

Lucian gritted his teeth, "My life fucking sucks, if only I had the power to stand up to such assholes," Blood leaks down his face as he goes back home.

[At Lucian home]

'Fuck everyone,' Lucian slams open the door of his house.

"Ara! Ara! What happened to your face my son!" Lucian mother walks over to him and holds his face.

"It's nothing dont worry about it, mom" Lucian replies.

"Let's talk about over some food," His mother brightly smiles, she was indeed gorgeous and brought happiness to Lucian's life. She had long brown hair and bright cute violet eyes.

His mother turns on the TV, school starts soon in an hour.

The news has Donald Trump in it and the Japanese making fun of the fat orange man.

'Life is so fucked up, nothing changes, it's always the same shit every day, bullies, pointless slaughter, riots, ' Lucien looks up at the T.V in his kitchen as his mother is cooking. Lucien was an average looking teen with long brown hair and hazel eyes, nothing special about looks, the only thing special about him is that he played video/mobile games every day 15 hours straight, he was once a Pro Gamer he went to Gaming Tournaments and won first place in most of the tourneys he entered. He also watched as much anime, gacha games, movies as possible and of course he even watched and read all the rarest light novels and isekai manga. So in a way, he was an Otaku. Of course he even looked at the epic sexaul wonders of rule 34 and hentai.

Lucien would also dabble into reading LN[Light Novels], Manhwa, and most Webnovels/fanfics[Most of the fanfics on webnovel he thought were shit and trash on WN. Lucien turns up the volume of his T.V.

>>Today in the news mass riots in the US, the Corona Virus spreading faster than ever, and a useless President who can't admit defeat, many other countries are suffering as well, when will things change?<< Says a news reporter.

"Damn, 2020 really has been hell, I am surprised there aren't any zombies yet," Lucian pours himself some coffee. Right now Lucian was going to his Academy in Japan he had moved to Japan when the US was burning itself. Though Japan was also suffering just like many other countries, it was a dark age in human history. Lucian knew things were about to get crazy soon, but for now, it was just another day at the Academy.

"Have a good day at school!" Lucian's mother hugs him with a bright warm smile her big soft pillowy oppai smoosh up against his young face. Lucian smirked as well, though it was awkward since he was living with his mother and sister for years now, while his father was away for a long time, so you can say he was the man of the house now, and he had to do so many jobs to help pay the bills and help his mother and younger sister. Though it was still strange that he was so close to his mother. 'Dammit I have been reading too many GhostyZ and smut novels,' He thought to himself, too many lewd thoughts running through his mind as every young teen has. "It's just you and me Lucian, we have to stay strong," Lucian mom says things have changed when his father left and that his sister is out on a modeling gig.

"Yeah see you later, I will be home late, I have another tournament today," Lucian said with a sigh as he puts his backpack over his shoulder.

"Good luck!" His mother cutely does a thumbs up and smiles with a slight blush. Even being in her 40s she still had a young beautiful face and busty body.

Lucian does a thumbs up as well, he would do whatever it takes to protect his family.

Lucian gets on his motorcycle and drives to Academy...

His new life was about to begin.


[At Lucian Acadmey]

Lucian walks to his science class meets with his friends. He gets a message on his iphone.

Suddenly the ground starts shaking like there was an earthquake he checks his phone there is a text that he was invited into a chat group.

"What the fuck? I was never in a chat group before," Lucian looks at his text with widened eyes.

[YandereQueen]: "There is a war coming. Get ready. You must be the 'Master, I cannot wait to meet you and cut you up!"

[KingofKnights]: We must act swiftly

[IceQueen]: I cannot wait for a good fight! Maybe I can finally find a lover!

Suddenly a holographic screen kind of like a system from solo leveling appears in front of his eyes.

Incoming Boss... [Must defeat] or make her join your team]

The world is about to end

[Gamer Group chat]

Join the Game... [Live] and granted Gamer System

Deny the Game [Die]

[Select your Squad]

You can summon 4 starter characters from any world, however, their tiers and level will be lower, also characters from chat group will start to appear in your world as well! Get ready for a new adventure!

[60secs to choose]

'What the hell is going on!? The world is going to end?' Lucian thought to himself, and he wondered which characters he should summon into this squad to protect the world, but will he become a hero? Or Villain?

Things were about to get very interesting!

What will Lucian do. What will you do?


A/N: Don't worry you will be able to learn more about the MC next chapters and his school! Which powerful characters will you pick for your squad? Vote away.

Give a guess who is the YandereQueen, KingofKinghts, and IceQueen is.

This chapter needs to be edited.

A/N: Don't worry you will be able to learn more about the MC next chapters and his school! Which powerful characters will you pick for your squad? Vote away. 

I might go for Erza Scarlet, Esdeath, Zero two, and some other girls who knows. Maybe Rukia from Bleach.

GhostyZcreators' thoughts
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