
Gamer Chat Group Pt.2 [World End] [Vote for you OP character]

'This can't be happening? This has to be fake? The world ending today? What kind of bullshit is this? This is like from some kind of anime plot! And Gamer Group Chat? What the hell is this system in front of me?' Lucian starts touching the hologram in front of his eyes, it seems like he was the only in class who could see it, all the other students were looking at him funny though since his hands were up in the air as he was typing.

Some Japanese girls eyes were furrowed and others were giggling at Lucian as he typed in the air, of course, he was trying to learn more about this strange Gamer Chat Group, apparently there was a system within his mind, but how did he get a system? Was he born with it? Or was this something else? Like a prank or something, 'This has to be fake, and who are these weirdos typing? YandereQueen? KingofKnights? IceQueen? These characters must be from some anime I know of? What if this is real? Finally a change in my life, I can change my destiny with this Gamer Chat Group, I wonder what powers this will give me. First, let me type back to the chat group.' Lucian starts typing on his Iphone before he accepts the Gamer Chat Group. He wanted to know more about the people in his chat group.

His username was simply [Gamer]

[Gamer]: Who are you guys? And I am no master... Just a Gamer.

[YandereQueen]: Oh senpai! You are talking back to me! I cannot wait to meet you! We are going to have so much fun together! Only us! You only belong to me!

[Gamer: Slow down, I don't even know who you are. What's your name?

[YandereQueen]: You will soon know hehe! I will see you in class in 10mins! <3!

[KingofKnights]: Whatever you do not meet up with her! I will come to save you! It is my honor as a King!

[IceQueen]: Oh so you two girls must be my opponents! I look forward to fighting with you! I will be coming to meet you as well!

[Gamer]: Wait! None of you come here! I don't even know who you guys are! Tell me your real names!

Before Lucian can type anymore he feels his heart stop and he breathes hard.

[You have 30 seconds you die or choose to join the [Game] and pick your squad] the gamer system says with a feminine robotic chime.

'What about everyone else? Will they die?' Lucian said to the Gamer System.

[No they will simply join the [Game] as well with you]

'What exactly is this game?' Lucian asked the gamer system.

[Survial of the fitest. The Game of Life. We deemed your planet [Earth] the weakest planet and set for destruction. We will send [Bosses] from multiverse to end your planet]. But Luican you can change your destiny become the God you want to be]

'What exactly are you!?' Lucian shouts within his mind.

[You will soon see the truth. 20 seconds left]

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Lucian starts thinking about which characters from the multiverse will be strong enough to fight against whoever was going to end the world. But it was clear. Maybe the crazy girls from his chat group might help out. So Lucian's plan was to meet with them, hopefully, they don't kill each other, and then Lucian was going to think of other characters to form a squad with.

'I know who I will pick for my starting squad, ' Lucian clears his throat, he had an idea that the girls from his chat group from anime worlds, now he just had to say the name.

[Select Squad]

Types of classes













Monster Girl:

'Here goes nothing, I just need to pick 4 characters,' Lucian gets ready to join the Gamer Chat Group. Maybe to save the world or maybe... Just to get more power and have whatever he wanted! He was going to win this game of life!


A/N: Guys pick which anime girls you want to see in this fanfic. remember this is for fun. Now go on ahead. I need powerful girls! but you can also pick girls with no power! You can also pick male characters! [No they wont be in harem. There is no Yaoi this inst wattpad trash]

Also review and vote power stones for this fanfic for more chapters!

A/N: Guys pick which anime girls you want to see in this fanfic. remember this is for fun. Now go on ahead. I need powerful girls! but you can also pick girls with no power! You can also pick male characters! [No they wont be in harem. There is no Yaoi this inst wattpad trash]

also review and vote power stones for this fanfic for more chapters!

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