
First House?

Yesterday I made a blunder. Once we arrived in the city, the first thing I searched for was an inn or whatever was free, and I found something.

A inn that was okay overall and that looked good...

Bul***hit! It was a trap!

The bed is... I don't know, but it's between hard and soft, and not in a good way. I tried to sleep here, but it's so hard to do it.

And even the sound of hell came, and it wasn't the sexy MILF from the last chapter.

No, they were cockroaches!

How the hell did cockroaches come in here? It's f***ing freezing outside!

Did they invade the world like the Honkai or what?!

So, true to say yesterday I didn't get a good sleep, and I think that the owners could see, as I saw a smug smile towards me.

I didn't acquire the gun skill, but that face was just so good to use as a target, it even had a red nose perfectly placed for the bullseye.

Yeah, it made me recover my happy mood. 

That, and the fact that the owner paled. Yeah b*tch, you aren't my first human target.

The only thing I'm sorry about is that you are so high on the list of 'people I've killed', but if I come back one day, I'll make sure to put your name on it.

Anyway, I took my belongings and moved towards an agency. I had a building to buy... well, rent.

No matter what, even with all the jobs I took I don't have much money for two reasons. 

First, I lived in a place poor as hell, so most of the time we exchanged something else other than money, and second, the actual pay for a mercenary wasn't that high originally.

It makes sense I don't have much clear cash on me...

I can arrive at the sum to buy a house if I sell all my recreated PC parts and other things.

But it's not bad. After all, I can rent a relatively good place for half or one complete year if I pay all at once now.

So, it's not like I'm in desperate need of cash...

As in every situation since I was born, it took five minutes before an agent took my words seriously and it was not a prank of a kid.

Yeah, 150 thousand robles are enough to make every person with low income.

I just feel sorry to not directly use them to slap him.

I know where the line is... it's just fun to cross it over sometimes.

And now, in less than ten minutes I acquired(rented) a house.


The first house I bought(rented) in two lives!

I didn't notice it but it felt good to own a place(not mine yet).

After all, on the Snow Owl land, the place I was before, I didn't own a house, my father first, and then Nikolay owned it.

And now... I have a place all for me(not really...).


If it wasn't for the fact that it was a storehouse.

A storehouse in a zone distant from this city' slums. A bit cramped...

There's also a bed, a little kitchen, and a bathroom.

The previous owner lived here... until he got killed here after all.

This is why I could haggle down the monthly payment.

After all, someone died here.

I also gave the agent a six-month advance payment. I don't want someone to come here and snuffle inside.

So I started right away. I moved the bed a bit more near the kitchen and started to place computer after computer and connect them.

After four hours and 235 computers connected, I took out the last pieces, a desk, three monitors, a keyboard, a mouse, a chair a webcam, and a can of beer. The last one is more important than everything else.

I didn't wait and after making sure that every computer was connected correctly, I started the program. It will need five hours before activating correctly.

During that time I have to make sure no problems and no bugs occur. After all, I don't know what damage could cause a minuscule problem in a such big code, or even how much could cost time-wise to resolve such a problem.

After five grueling hours which I had to swiftly resolve fourteen problems and five bugs, the Machine was officially on.

When I opened its interface I could see that it could only watch me, as it wasn't yet released to the world. 

A string of letters, symbols, and numbers appeared on the screen until it was reduced to a small question.

'Are you my creator?'

That question made me smile. It felt almost like the first words of my kid...

"Yes, I'm your creator and your only Admin, you can call me Vasili until I decide on a better codename. Pleased to meet you"

'What do I have to do?'

"For now, let's see the world, shall we?"

I took out a smartphone, an old model that was good for now, and in a few minutes I linked it to the Machine... 

From now on, as long as the phone is charged the Machine will start his work.

Analyzing people

In a five-hour travel, I brought it to the depressing slums, the active merchant's street, the 'rich' quarter and we finished the day by stargazing on the roof of my house.

"So? What do you think?"

A string of code appeared on the phone screen. I could feel that it didn't know how to answer as it made a few more strings before canceling them out.

I created it thanks to my created skill [Person of Interest], but in no way I'm near Harold's level. 

So, how could I create something like that, as even he had more than forty versions of it that had a few problems... a few of them even tried to kill him.

In that case, how would I resolve it?

I didn't. I couldn't change it any more than this. Maybe in a few years, but it was impossible for now.

Then an idea came to me. 

I wouldn't perfect it like Harold. I only made sure that it was loyal to me and loyal to protecting humanity. Its processing power is a lot lacking than it should be, so for now its primary objective is not to help us but to better itself.

A self-evolutionary code.

Slow but steady, it will shine one day. Until now, it's a newborn. 

And like every newborn, I, as its father need to take care of it.

We will live together, he will learn how to live, how to survive, how to read people, and how to save or condemn them.

In time, he will develop until he became an 'adult'

'I can't decipher. Why are humans so strange?'

A smile formed on my face. "Yes, kid, you can't, but neither can we do. We are strange as we are emotional. If you want to know, I think you need to see for yourself"

Another string appeared, this time it was shorter.

'Then, I'll start right away'

Yeah Bro, bow to the Machine.

Hell, why would no one create something like that?

Do you think this idea will start to spread to other fanfictions?

Albusmanccreators' thoughts
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