
status example interworkings

status example

name- Joe d hutch

title- the man

stats- average mortal has 10 in every stat which means a mean of 15 for mind and body.

mind- mean of below stats

intelligence- how good they are at understanding the way things work and how fast their though process is

wisdom- how good they are at decision making and their mental fortitude

charisma- how well they understand others and themselves.

body- mean of below stats

strength- the durability and flexibility of the body.

endurance- the speed of regeneration and how much they can keep their body running for.

dexterity- how perceptive they are and how much they can control their body.

soul- the soul is the rank that you fall in. go to ranks for more information.

energy- how much energy they have and how fast they regain said energy. the energy is different depending on class for warriors it's chi and for mages it's mana. the equation is (wisdom plus endurance) times 5 equals total energy. (wisdom plus endurance) divided by 20 equals energy regeneration rate

control- how well they control their emotions and energy. the equation for this is (charisma plus dexterity) times 3.75 equals total control. control affects efficiency of spells and martial arts. if you have less control than the energy a spell or martial art takes to cast than add the difference of your control to the total energy cost of said spell and if you have less than half than the energy cost the spell or martial art takes than it will not cast but you will still lose the energy you used for it. if you have more than the require control you subtract the excess control from the energy it costs but the lowest it can go in cost is 75 percent of the original cost. if you don't have the energy to cast a spell or stance than it takes all your energy and does not cast.

power- power decides the speed that you cast a skill and how strong the skill is when cast. total power is (intelligence plus strength) times 0.25 equals power. the equation is power plus damage of skill equals damage dealt. cast speed is skill cast speed minus power equals cast speed of the skill. the lowest the cast speed of a skill can go is 50 percent of the original cast speed.

talent- how well you learn and comprehend new things. the equation for this is (mind plus body) divided by 3 equals total talent. learning a spell of martial art has a talent requirement. if you have more than the talent required to learn a spell or stance requires than minus the learning time by your excess talent the lowest it can go is 20 percent of the original time needed. if you do not meet the requirement of the spell or stance you want to learn than multiply your talent score by the required to learn it and that is how long it will take to learn, this does not work if you have less than 80 percent of the talent required to learn it.

rank- total rank score equation is (mind plus body) times 2.5. go to ranks to see which rank it falls in. rank equation is without gear or items

skills- there are 3 types of skill. they are spells, martial arts, and support. spells are divided by element and then by rank. martial arts are divided by weapon and then by rank. support is divided by rank. spells are used by being near the element type the spell is and using the element to cast the spell. spells do things for the user but it depends on the spell that is used. martial arts are used by doing certain stances which have different affects. stances give buffs to the user in order for them to accomplish their task by themselves. supports are used by giving information needed to do a certain task to the user. go to skill page for more in depth information.

titles- titles give special effects to the holder of the title. only one title can be worn at a time and when titles are not worn their affects do not activate. a title is gained by doing something no one has done before of doing something that is extremely difficult. go to titles page for more details.

carry weight- the carry weight is how much you can carry in your inventory and on your person before you get a status debuff. the carry weight is decided by (mind plus body) times 5 equals total carry weight. the debuff is decided by every 1 percent over the carry weight is a 1 percent all stat debuff and no matter how much over you carry all energy is used twice as fast.

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