
Game of Thrones: Sword of Songs

A sword master reincarnates in Westeros after a government conspiracy results in the massacre of his temple. (MC born in the same year as Jon Snow.) (Events and/or knowledge is based on the TV show.) (No profit is being made from this. Strictly writing for the fun of it.) (Please keep your comments cordial and respectful. I won't be responding to any nastiness.) (Cover Art 'The lost ronin' by MoonlitAlien)

SonnyBritches · TV
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11 Chs

Wild Ever Bright

The street of steel blew up after Dante made his mark.

The people of King's Landing, from peasants to high born, strolled through, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famed boy sword smith prodigy. It had gotten to the point where a niche Eco system formed. Organized beggars, pickpockets, and whores cruised the surrounding streets alongside just about any entrepreneur pulling their oyster cart or whatever get-rich-quick idea they conjured up.

Tobho Mott stood outside his store, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he announced to the large crowd, "I'll tell you the same as yesterday; we haven't seen him."

The crowd groaned, "Aw, come on!"

"Where is he?"

"I don't know!" Tobho firmly replied, "Haven't seen him!"

"What about the blade he made?" asked an onlooker.

"Yeah!" they cried, "Let us see it!"

Frustrated with the same old tune, Tobho slammed the ebony-white doors of his store, closing it off from public view.

This eased the tension between Margaret and the rest of the apprentices, but none were happier to see the doors shut than Gendry. Ever since receiving Dante's Mark, Gendry received ridiculous offers.

500 Gold Dragons, 1000, 2000, 4—

The offer rose each day, testing Gendry's willpower. If things continued like this, an offer so ridiculous might come by that Gendry couldn't refuse. He could sell the sword and live luxury for the rest of his days.

But his heart told Gendry to hold onto it, and even when he asked Dante for advice, the answer only confused Gendry more.

"I gave that sword to you," Dante told him with a smile, "What you do with it is your decision."

That conversation was a while ago.

"Gods be damned," said Tobho, as he slumped into his chair, mentally exhausted from handling the crowd, "We haven't seen Dante in this month since the wager. Where in hell's is that boy?"

Gendry hammered away at molten steel, "He told me he wanted to skip the attention for a while. Said he would do some important research in the meantime."

Master Mott, now well past trying to keep up with Dante's antics, shook his head and said

"Important research?"


The corridors were dim and spacious, sending each footstep echoing the expanse. The air was cool but had a dryness that hinted at the experiments that went on there.

"Might I say, you are the youngest lord to have visited our halls," said Hallyne the Pyromancer.

"I'm no Lord," corrected Dante, "Just a paying customer concerned with a science of his own. How hot does this 'Wildfire' burn, exactly?"

"The flame burns so hot that no water can put it out," explained Hallyne, all too happy to speak about his passion, "So hot that they call it the cousin of Dragon flame."

Dante grimaced, "Sounds dangerous. And what of safety?"

"Our Order prepares the substance in stone cells. If a fire starts, the ceiling opens and fills the cell with sand, smothering the flames."

"And suffocating the man inside, no doubt."

Hallyne continued, not phased by Dante's concern, "We have found this to be the better alternative from—"

"From burning down the entire city?" finished Dante, "I can imagine. Tell me; I heard you use magic to create the substance. Is this true?"

Hallyne flinched. He appreciated that Dante called it 'the substance', giving respect to the Guild. Then he mumbled some incoherent old-man gibber jabber that vaguely said "The recipe is a closely guarded secret."

Dante laughed candidly, "A shame," he said, now more eager, "No matter. If this Wildfire works as you say, I see no reason why your Guild and I can't become the best of partners. Speaking of which, I am very anxious to see the substance in action."

"Yes…. I am pleased you understand, my Lor— I mean—"

"Dante, call me Dante."

"Dante, yes…." Said Hallyne, slightly embarrassed, "We at the Guild are very pleased by your interest. Would you like a demonstration?"


Hallyne the Pyromancer led Dante through the confusing and ominous labyrinth that lurked deep under the Guild Hall. They passed rooms where gallons and gallons of Wildfire were stored, and deeper still, to the point that Dante felt like he was taking a stroll to the Underworld.

Then they finally came upon a stiff door, and after fumbling with his keys, Hallyne opened it, revealing a cell lit with torches. Dante could tell this cell was large because the torchlight from the edges was not strong enough to illuminate the whole room.

"Please," said Hallyne, motioning to a seat.

Dante shrugged his shoulders and sat, ready for the show.

Then Hallyne delicately took a small jar of Wildfire and poured it into a stone bowl on a rectangular slab of stone. Dante noticed that the walls and floor were black with soot and ash. Suddenly a lousy feeling tied knots in Dante's stomach, and he could sense the danger that Wildfire possessed.

But not even the combat-hardened instincts of Dante could prepare him for what happened next. Hallyne set the substance alight, and the flames burned a green ever bright. The fire burned violently and without remorse, the flames dancing beautifully in the reflection of Dante's emerald eyes, the entire cell now seen clear as day.

Then it was over without warning, and the blistering heat faded, leaving Dante and Hallyne as quickly as it began.

Dante watched the last green flame vanish, his dropped jaw showing his disbelief, "Perfect," he said.

"Perfect?" asked Hallyne.

Dante nodded, "Yes, the heat is perfect. I'll probably need the help of your Order to work out the details. Some experiments, if you will."

Dante made sure to use the word 'experiments' on purpose. It was barely an hour since he'd met Hallyne the Pyromancer, but that was all he needed to understand the man. Just like how Dante dedicated his life to the sword, so too was Hallyne dedicated to his science.

"Yes," agreed Hallyne, "Experiments…."

"Then it's settled," said Dante with a grin, "We are now partners."

Dante gave a brief overview of his plans with the Wildfire while Hallyne escorted them out of the labyrinth, and the Pyromancer rubbed his hands the entire time.

"I assure you, Dante, our Order cannot wait to get started," said Hallyne as he bowed respectfully.

"Good to hear," said Dante, "But have patience. I still have other things to work out."

"Then patience we shall have."

"Ah, that reminds me, I need some information."

Hallyne tilted his head queerly, "Information?"


Later, when the sun went down, and darkness blanketed the alleys, Dante sneaked his way to the street of steel, now a ghost town compared to the bustle of the day's trade.

Tobho Mott had almost finished closing the shop when Dante caught his eye, "There you are! Where have you been?"

Dante smiled, "Good to see you too, Master. Is Gendry home?"

"I'm right here," said a voice behind him, and it was Gendry, alongside Margaret and the other apprentices, "What's up?"

Dante bit his lip, "Hope you got a bag packed, Gendry, because we're catching a boat."

Margaret, Master Mott, the apprentices and Gendry all widened their eyes, the initial shock of Dante's words pinning at their throats, before all saying together

"A boat?!"


Next Chapter: Where doth Dante be sailing? Does it have something to do with Wildfire?

Dante: "Maybe I just like boats?"

Gendry: "Boat arc incoming?"