
Game of thrones: House Maxus

I only own the MC. MC is Intersex. A girl ends up dead and in front of God with need of help.

GustWind · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 12 - Betrayal Child


I teleported to Kingslanding to watch Daemon as he was traveling under cloak as well as I am.

Mia: This idiot is going to cause trouble if I don't stop this.

I followed him as he met with Blood and Cheese, this event will push things worse in the eyes of the people but more importantly Helaena to a breaking point.

But then I saw a Dragon coming to land as it was someone I didn't think to see, Maeor, my son, what's he doing here.

As I followed him around to listen to him with my magic to see him kiss Aemond, I was shocked and hurt as I listened.

Aemond: I glad to see you, what's happened at Dragonstone?

Maeor: Nothing much but Criston sending one of the Kingsguard to Dragonstone to be caught.

Aemond: I see, don't worry my love, this will all be over with you at my side.

Maeor: I'm taking a risk Aemond, I'm betraying my mothers, my siblings, and the people under us.

Aemond: Your brother took my eye, it's at least the great thing to do.

Maeor: Yes but attacking Luke was a bad move in Storms End.

Aemond: He took my eye!

Maeor: And you attacked him thus securing the Baratheons for there side!

Aemond: I will have my justice, just not today.

They walked off as my heart was broken by this betrayal, my son plots against us for that one eyed cunt!?

But I need to focused of Blood and Cheese as I need to deal with them first.

I waited til it was night as I teleported the wing of the Red Keep which was unguarded, Cuntston is with Alicent no doubt.

I was really ashamed that Heleana had to go through this but she's always welcomed to Dragonstone with her children plus I can teach her of her Dragon Dreams to control them.

I was walking to room with her children as I drew my daggers to sneak in to see one holding Heleana by knife as I stabbed him in the throat which I assumed was Cheese.

Blood: What the hell?

I then slashed Blood's throat as he held it while cloaking on his blood.

I looked at Heleana as she was scared but I brought her into a hug which calmed her down.

Mia: It's okay, I've got you.

Heleana: W-What are you doing here?

Mia: Keeping you alive along with your children.

Heleana: Thank you Mia, I feared the worst.

Mia: Heleana, you are always welcomed at Dragonstone, away from this, they say your sister Rhaenyra wants your life but she sent me to protect you, to offer you sanctuary.

Heleana: What about the bodies?

Mia: Here, take my dagger, you blood on you so that's good, I need you to act like you killed them, I need you to call a meeting to hold everyone responsible including Aegon, I need you to make chaos, can you do that?

Heleana: Yes, I can.

Mia: Good, will you come to Dragonstone?

Heleana: Once this is settled.

I nodded to putting my cloak back on as I smiled.

Mia: But now my son's betrayal, I need you to force him to come back to Dragonstone to face punishment.

Heleana nodded as I walked out of the room.