
Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Charge!!

The scorching sun was like fire, just like Samwell's heart at this time.

He has already donned a full set of armor, a long spear, while carrying a huge sword [Heart's Bane] on his back , he rode a white steed in the front. Behind him were more than 700 fully armed cavalrymen.

They stood on the ridge like steel sculptures, waiting for the attack order .

They were unshakeable against the dry, hot wind, which could only make a flag flap and flutter in its hunt.

Under the scorching sun of Dorne, the steel armor soon became hot.

But this group of reach knights still has no impatience and anxiety at all.

Samwell couldn't help reaching out and touching the huge sword [Heart's bane] behind him.

This Valerian steel sword, which has been inherited in the Tarly family for 500 years, is exuding a cold chill, slightly relieving the heat at this moment.

More than half a year ago, "Highgarden Rose" Margaery Tyrell used this giant sword to make him a knight.

The scene at that time was still vivid in his mind .

Earl Randyll once said that he was not even qualified to touch the [Heart's bane] sword hilt, but now, he gave the sword to Samwell and asked him to use the sword to lead the family knights to charge.

The world is wonderful and unpredictable.


A low horn interrupted Samwell's thoughts.

He followed the sound and saw that the army led by Earl Randyll had already charged.

At the same time, the pier garrison, which got the signal, also began a counterattack.

Samwell's breathing gradually accelerated.

But he forced himself to resist the impulse and remind himself--

The time hasn't come yet.


"What's going on?"

"How did the Reach soldiers came from behind us?"

"They should have landed on the upper reaches of the Torentine river."

"Where's the horn? The bastards of the Yronwood family didn't find them at all?"


There was a lot of chaos and commotion in Dorne's army.

Among them, the most ugly ones are the knights of High hermitage City.

Of course, they know that there are not many shallows for landing in the upper reaches of the Torentine river, and the place that can transport such an army of thousands of people in a short time can only be the dock of High hermitage City.

But if the people of Reach really landed from the pier of High hermitage City, then the City...

"Dark Star" Gerold Dayne was blue at this time and couldn't wait to fly back to his hometown immediately.

"all quiet!"

Princess Arianne loudly stopped the commotion of her subordinates. Her eyes quickly swept over the faces of the knights and said in a low voice, "What are you afraid of! Since the Reach soldiers dare to come out from behind , let's teach them a lesson!"

"Situation is not too bad! We still have an advantage in our number strength! The Reach soldiers don't have the protection of the blockade . How can they beat us!"

"Yes, fight them head-on!"

"We will never lose!"

Seeing that everyone's fighting spirit was stimulated again, Princess Arianne was secretly relieved.

Because the Reach soldiers came too suddenly, it was too late for them to change their position at this time, but she still assigned the combat responsibilities as soon as possible, and then said:

"Dorne's warriors, today is the time for us to show our bravery to the seven gods! I will personally beat the drums for you until the triumph!"

After saying that, Princess Arianne turned her head and rushed to the high slope behind her.

That's where the Dorne's army drum is.

"For Princess !"

"For Dorne!"

"For glory!"


The war drum rumbled, and it seemed to hit everyone's heart.

Samwell looked at the official clash of the two armies, like two distinct rivers suddenly colliding, rolling up blood-red waves.

The time has come!

He took a deep breath and clamped the horse's belly.

The horse slowly moved forward and began to trot.

The 700 cavalry behind him followed closely.

Over the ridge, the Reach cavalry went down the gentle slope, but the speed was not fast.

Because the distance is still too far at this time, speeding up too early will only consume the strength of the horse.

Entering the relatively gentle wilderness, the Dorne's military array was clearly visible.

The cold murderous atmosphere was like substance, and the bloody sky diffused and converged.

Samwell put down his helmet mask, pointed his spear, and leaned forward slightly.

The war horse under him immediately understood his master's intention and began to accelerate slowly.

The 700 cavalry behind him also made the same move neatly.

The sound of horses' hoofs gradually sounded until it was like a thunder on the flat ground and exploded on the wasteland!

The earth also began to tremble, like a small earthquake.

The gravel kept beating, the weeds trembled, and even the scorching sun in the sky seemed to hide behind the clouds in shock.

Such a terrible momentum finally attracted the attention of the receiver's .

But at this moment, it was too late.

The Reach Cavalry has accelerated to the limit, and the distance of hundreds of yards closed in an instant.

They were like a sharp arrow out of the string, sticking straight into the right wing of the Dorne's army!


Samwell remembered his father's teachings and discarded all distracting thoughts from his mind.

Dorne's cavalry finally realized and they tried to protect the right wing of the army under the summons of several knights.

But they have lost the opportunity. They not only don't have enough numbers, but also don't have a formation. More importantly, they don't have the time and space to accelerate.

And speed is everything about the cavalry.


The first wave of collisions finally occurred.

It was a group of Dorne's cavalry who were hurriedly assembled.

They were brave and fearless, trying to block the Reach Cavalry who had completed their acceleration like a jet, so as to give the rear infantry more time.

However, their ending was doomed to be tragic.

Samwell crashed into the Dorne's knight in front of him, and the hot blood splashed on the armor, as if he has collided with paint box.

His speed did not decreased at all.


The 700 Reach cavalry, like a group of fast-moving steel monsters, blew a cyclone of death on the wasteland and swept towards the right wing of the Dorne's army.

Under the hoarse orders of the Dorne's officers, a group of infantry who hurriedly gathered from the battle held up their oak shields and spears, trying to block the terrible Reach cavalry.

But all of their faces showed despair and fear.

In the face of the charge of the armored cavalry, no one can keep calm and firm.


The thunderous sound of horses' hoofs has become the only sound in this world.

A sound that hit every Dorne's soldier's heart heavily, making them frightened, making them shudder, and making them want to turn around and run away desperately.

However, can they escape?

Samwell was able to clearly see the panic on the enemy's face.

He took a deep breath, then held his breath and prepared for the collision of iron and blood.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a loud noise, the Reach knights in the front row had hit the shield wall that the Dorne's army that they had hurriedly erected.

In an instant, countless Dorne's soldiers seemed to have become light puppet dolls under this terrible impact, flying out spreading blood.

The right-wing defense line of the Dorne's army was as thin as a layer of paper in front of the impact of the Reach cavalry. It instantly tore open a ferocious crack, and countless horrible and fierce steel monsters rushed in unscrupulously.


Samwell's eyes were already red, his nose was full of rust, and even the spear was broken.

But he won't stop.

Throwing away the broken spear casually, Samwell pulled out the [Heart's bane] behind him and waved it vigorously.

This giant sword made of Valerian steel was extremely sharp. With the high-speed impact of the horse and the terrible power of Samwell itself, it can easily tear up any sword, armor and shield.

Of course, there are flesh and blood and bones left in his wake.


The Reach Cavalry after breaking through the defense line, under the leadership of Samwell, was like a red-hot blade pierced into the butter, deeply pierced into the heart of the Dorne's army without any obstacles, and kept rushing deeper!

Anything that is blocked before the iron hoof was completely crushed!


Wherever he went, there was a bloody storm, leaving a wreckage all over the ground.

Samwell's arms were numb, and the helmet mask was stained with too much blood, which blurred his vision.

But he still kept his mission in mind--



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