
meeting 2

Now Jon had the interest of everyone in the hall

lord Dustin spoke "what is this plant you speak of boy"

Jon spoke "the plant his a different breed of potatoes it goes very fast and can be use for feed not only is but lives stark I have shown measter luwin about it and we even did an experiment with it you can all come and see it after we have done here "

everyone looked at luwin and man can only curse for being in the spotlight

Ned "is this true luwin "

"yes my lord " luwin spoke "we have conducted experiment on it and the growth of the plant is outstanding and it was how Jon was able to figure out how theon stark funded his war campaign on the south with the surplus of this plant he can carry his army and also feed the north which led to his success in expelling the anders"

"very well we go and take a look" lord stark spoke

lord mandarly spoke"is this plant grown on the south " and luwin answer"no my lord it thrives in cold place not in warm area like the south that's why it isn't know "

mandarly mind was thinking of how to export and Jon read his mind

Jon spoke" and we can also export them to earn money too"

all the lord's look at Jon new found respect something lady stark notice even Ned was proud and spoke"you have done well Jon I am proud of you"

"thank you lord stark" lord hill spoke you said you have two solution what's the other solution" this got everyone attention and lord ryswell spoke "yes am intrigued about your nest presentation"

Jon spoke " yes my lord the other problem is for the farmers to till the land I went around and check the tools I found out that the wooden plough can't penetrate the hard soil of the north so I drew this plough that has metal to be able to plough the hard ground the smith mikken has been use the scraps to forge it and it's ready to use "

lord Bolton speak "making iron plough is expensive do you expect us to arm every farmer with metal plough"

Jon said "no my lord we don't need to give everyone the metal plough why because it's strong enough to plough the soil and speed is 10 times faster according to my calculations and with this plough our yelds would be plenty full to my lord's"

after Jon spoke all the lord's where quite and thinking about the fact that a 8 name day old child has brought great solution that if applied would solve Thier problem it was mind blowing lord Dustin look at lord stark and said" my lord the old gods has bless you with a gem as a son" Ned could only smile and say "it's all Jon learning and experimentation "

lord umber laugh and said " if only my son can have half the brain your lad has I will be very fortunate, lad if this plan works know I am indebted to you" lady mormort said "as do I to young one you have given the north a great gift "

lord mandarly spoke"young Jon can we go and see this plant and plough you speak of"

Jon nods and spoke "of course my lord we can go and see them "

lord stark stood up and said "very well lead us Jon"

everyone began to step out and follow Jon to the little garden he had behind Winter fell glass house and everyone was in wonder about what dey saw the plant was every where

lord mandarly ask how many plant was able to bring this Jon answer and said just one and they where in shock just one produce this mush unimaginable with this plant the north won't get hungry that mush it will be able to sustain the small folks

everyone was in excitement of this new plant

Ned look at Jon in wonder and ask luwin why he didn't inform him

luwin said it was only an experimentation and he didn't think Jon would bring it to the meeting and now he is happy for Jon bringing it

Ned could only nod and thinks within him if only you were alive you would be proud of your son

lord mandarly said "do you know how it tastes "Jon nods and said I have given some to the cooks to prepare for your taste and told them how it can be cooked" everyone nodded and went to the hall where the servant began bringing in plates of white pudding and gravy with vegetables

Jon said Go on my lord try them "

everyone starts eating and was amazing at how it was good filing lord umber and mandarly asked for a second serving even lady stark took a liking to it and that made her even angrier

lord Dustin spoke"this filling with this the small folks won't starve to death any more "

everyone agree

next Jon show them the plough andk it even amazed them more especially the speed in Which the plough cut through the hard icy ground the farmers were so amazed you can see the stupified look on their face

after everything was checked every one went to the hall to discuss and it was decided that every lord would take some of the plant and a blueprint of the iron plough to Thier lands to use and they won't pay any fee for it for 3 years after that they will pay 20 percent to Winter fell and two percent would go to Jon

why he is still a kid

and that's was how jon name began to spread in all the North

Next chapter