
Meeting of kings, part 1

As soon as they saw the man who had arrived, the four of them joined hands and folded the body in a position of respect.

"Big brother from the North, I didn't think I would be here today".

"Northern brother, I see you're still handsome as an ancestral Far-ie."


The man put his hand in front of his mouth and let out a low giggle, but it certainly didn't go unnoticed by the others around him, yet none of them dared to say anything and just kept silent while they waited for him to speak.

"Come on, I've told you tens of thousands of times to call me Skay, but you never do when you see me."

"great brother, I don't think it's very respectful call the most powerful under heaven by his name."

The man didn't wear a shirt and therefore showed his perfect and well-balanced muscles, but he still kept a slender body and a young man's height. In addition to his muscles he also showed his numerous marks, which had the color gray.

His skin is pale and his hair is gray, his eyes have no iris only the eternal white, his features are a little feminine, but his thick mustache confirms his masculinity.

"Drazil my dear brother, don't worry about things as small as respect, because in the end we are all fetuses of the same mother, the great Astr."

The conversation would continue, but a commotion happened on the opposite side to theirs, A man of large size and dark skin screamed loudly in his lungs.


The man looks like a bear. A helmet that dominates his face and only demonstrates the golden color of his eyes blocks the sight of his face, he is also wearing a very thick and heavy looking armor. The golden color of the armor shines with the sun and reflects in the eyes of the observers.

On his back is a big, wide sword. The sword seems to be made as rudely as possible, as it has the appearance of a raw iron on a wooden handle, but no one on the spot decided to despise such a weapon because, there was not one among them who could say that he could wield such a weapon on a battlefield.

Behind of Garrin was two ordinary men holding a banner with the emblem of their king, a spear with a head on it. The flag is completely red and the symbols printed on it are black.

Where the man passed the sea of people opened up and he goes towards the four guardians. Not far from there a troop of a hundred knights with trumpets announces the arrival of another king.

"Far-teus announces his arrival!"

A troop of a hundred riders shouting this left everyone frightened, after shouting, he created a way for his king to pass by. Everyone wears a light armor made of some animal's leather and is riding on a black horse.

A man with pointed ears on a white horse makes his entrance, his face is blocked by the a mask and his red cape shakes in the wind, his green hair is messed up by the wind, but he doesn't seem to care because on his face there's a satisfied smile.

His armor is the color of ice and looks rather light, but does not seem designed for battle, on his back there is a long arch of wood very well carved and with two ropes that cross and make an X in a certain place.

Following the man there are two knights holding a very flashy banner, he shine when in contact with the sun and his symbol rose to the sky as magic and dominated certain part where he passed by.

The symbol is a long tree with two pointed ears on its stem, the color brown and green predominates on the standard.

They head towards the guardians at high speed, it even seemed to be competing with the machine he can see in the corner of his eyes.

There was a bronze machine and running smoke towards the guardians, a small person pilots the great construct, but its appearance remains a mystery because of all the steam released by the metal creature.

He has no weapons, only his intimidating appearance and his five feet tall would be able to intimidate most enemies, but his huge fists can also do a great deal of damage to whatever is in front of him.

Nobody followed this machine so on his back was attached a long and gigantic banner, on the banner was drawn a glasses on top of a planet, behind the planet is several bright stars.

The machine runs unceasingly and everyone who stands in its way is pushed aside, while everyone had their attention focused on those on the ground, in the sky there were ten winged and scaly-skinned creatures who were heading in the same direction.

The man in front did not wear armor or protection, but in his body there were dense looking scales, a long tail snaked between his legs, there was no hair on his head, but two horns decorated the sides of his head.

The pair of open wings are extremely wide, but each wing strike made the surrounding wind go away, space itself is affected by the force imposed by the wings, its followers are kept away for fear of being torn apart by the force exerted by it.

Just behind him were two warriors holding completely red banners with only one black eye drawn in the center. The eye had an intimidating yellow iris.

The four followed towards the four guardians and arrived in front of them at the same time. The Drak-han Drakan fell from the sky in front of Azure the Southern guardian. Far-ie Far-teus ran to the front of Skay the northern guardian. The Fallen Last light stopped its metal giant in front of Flane the guardian of the west and the Humenin Garrin stood imposing in front of Drazil the guardian of the east.

The four stood in front of the guardian where their kingdom is located, none of them made a single sound and slowly the air began to get cold around them, fear sprang into the hearts of those who are weak and moved away up to twenty steps away and finally felt safe.

"I Garrin the human dismisses his service close to the Kintanws kingdom, on the great plain to the east".

He took off his helmet so that he could look into the eyes of the one in front of him and so his features were exhibited to everyone. Big eyes and thick lips, his hair were green dreads and there was a scar crossing his eyebrow and left eye.

"Far-teus decline the help provided by Skay the guardian of the north, and we ask him to withdraw from the holy tree of Astr".

He also removed his mask and showed his beautiful face, his thin lips and green eyes the color of jade, his skin is impeccable with even women are jealous of him, in his left ear there is a red jewel very similar to that of Flane.

"Weak creature, I Drakan Stone Fire ask you to withdraw from the endless cave, for there is no place for creatures like you".

His yellow eyes and scaly skin gave a sense of coldness and contempt. All Drak-hans believe that muscles are strength, and the Azure is very thin and weak looking so Drakan despised him at first sight.

"I Last Light dare say that the nomadic people will now secure their land and we claim the entire West, so we ask you not to invade that land"

The machine opened its upper part and a small figure, no bigger than a child came out of it, its body is sturdy and its hair is purple, its eyes are large and round and it wears a thick coat even inside that oven flame machine.

All four said what they wanted and then looked sideways to see their rivals, The four guardians looked at each other and it is not known who did it, but laughter began to echo in the wind.

"hahahahahaha, you're funny, I say im in a good mood."

In a short space of time a wide and heavy sword collided with a war hammer and the sound of metal made the ears of some bleed, Garrin was the one who gave the first attack.

"Only death awaits those who despise me".

Next chapter