

EVERY BODY WANTS SOMETHING AND SOME GET BUT SOME DON'T. This is a story of a man which reincarnated in parallel universe with magic. So let's see some minor details that may be used in the future chapters...

Mages levels

1. super god level

2.god level

3.legendary level

4.legend level

5.mythical level

6.low mythical level

7.counter level

8.low counter level

9.peerless level

10.low pearless level

11.foundation level

12.low foundation level

13.beginer level

14.starter level

each level are divided into 10 small levels.


Mages are those people who possesses magics.

some examples of those magics are divided into grades.

Grade A magic

ELEMENTALS TYPE MAGICS( fire, water,earth,wind, lightning)

Healers type magic

Grade B magic

Unelemental type magic (same as elemental but sub of them also known as hybrid magic)

like shadow,teleporter etc