
GG "End": Day 1.1

Suddenly, under my feet came the sound of a handle falling. I even faltered because of this. The monster instantly turned around and walked quickly towards me. Cursing the one who did this, I braced myself and rushed forward. I had a plan that could well work.

Running between the rows, I shouted:

"Dorian, you need a cut!"

- Got it!

The answer immediately followed. What was surprising, the monster ran right behind me, but did not knock down a single party. This encouraged me to create a plan. I took a direct course on Dorian and quickly reached his desk. Running through the sweep area, I shouted:

- Come on!

The monster only put one of its legs on the floor, as Dorian's foot flew out from under the desk. The monster did not have time to react and lost its balance. I immediately turned and swung to hit the monster's head properly.

Dorian also did not sleep. He transferred the entire weight of his body and stuck the horns on the skull right into the ribs of the monster. He only managed to scream a little as I smeared his head. These strange claws pressed against the body, and it froze. It seemed the creature had died.

My head was spinning heavily, and I fell to my knees. Not holding back, I vomited right on the remains of the monster's head. Because of this disgusting scene, I vomited again. A little away from this state, I got up and sat at the desk.

- How are you? Fine?

I asked about the state of Dorian. I had a slight concussion, so my thoughts were slightly in the fog, which did not allow me to look at things normally. Dorian was healthy and whole, and perhaps everything seems insane to him.

- Y-yes, ok. A little sick because of this mixture here, but otherwise normal. Let's get out of here, otherwise, because of the stench and I will throw up! (Dorian)

I agreed with him, and we left the audience and went to honey. paragraph. I need to treat my wound. I still remember something about first aid, so I can help myself. In extreme cases, just drink a pain reliever.

The female students who ran in earlier, ran away while we were dealing with the monster. Now, thinking about this situation, it seems to me that this pen was thrown by one of them. Apparently, she was afraid to be seen by the monster while he was returning to the door. She threw a pen to divert his attention. Of course, this is only speculation.


Had not so long to go. Opening the door, we ran inside and locked ourselves. I went to look for painkillers, and Dorian just fell on the bed. Opening the cabinet behind the cabinet, I could not find a painkiller. There were a lot of different pills here, but I didn't know their effects.

Opening the next cabinet, I exclaimed in surprise. There was no medicine. Here was our school doctor! It was a thin woman in age. She was forty years old, and everyone called her Miss Nara.

"Miss Nara, what are you doing here?"

Having gone a couple of steps, I just now noticed that her dressing gown and clothes were dust and dirt. She seemed to roll on the ground in it. Her body trembled, and she herself stared at me in shock.

- Y-you ... student? If I'm not mistaken, you are Lin ... (Miss Nara)

- Just Lin. (I)

- Lin, yes. Why are you here? Didn't all humans turn into these monsters? (Miss Nara)

- You also faced monsters? How were you saved? (I)

Miss Nara got up and wandered over to the chair, incidentally answering me:

- Y-yes. I went to the school canteen, as three students turned into these monsters! One of them attacked me, but I was able to escape. While I was running here, I saw how similar monsters were attacking others! What's happening?

- I do not know, we ourselves were saved with difficulty! Can you look at my wound? (I)

Miss Nara looked at me and seemed only now to notice the wound. She waved her hand, and I sat down in the opposite chair. Taking a device that looked like a magnifying glass with light, she began to examine the wound.

- You are lucky. You have a torn wound, but the skull is intact. How did you even get such a wound? You almost did not remove the scalp! (Miss Nara)

The words of the nurse made me shiver. So, if I hadn't tilted my head, would the blow have passed not on a tangent, but would have broken a skull? How strong is that creature!

- It is the fault of that monster. Can you help me? (I)

Miss Nara thought and said:

- Yes I can. But not everything is so simple. You will need to shave off all your hair. Agree to that? (Miss Nara)

- Yes. (I)

I agreed without hesitation. Now my health is more important than hair, which can grow in the future. Miss Nara gave me a pill for dizziness and gave me a painkiller. My body was a little numb, and I stopped feeling even my limbs. Gently wielding scissors, she cut off my hair almost under the base, and what was left, she shaved off with a razor. The whole process took only ten minutes.

Now it's time to stitch up the wound. Miss Nara handled the edges of the wound and, like paper, fastened it with a special medical stapler. I am very lucky that in our honey. paragraph there are tools for first aid.

Having completed all the work, she tied up my head with bandages and gave me a hat that the student had forgotten last week. It was amazing, but the hat on the bald head looked good. She allowed to hide the bandages and protected the bald spot from