
Game Dimension in Apocalypse

Astharot Baal Crocus (nicknamed Crocodile) was a simple high school boy who dreamed of being a King. However, his life is full of misfortune as he enters adolesence stage of his life. Waking up after he was kicked out of his apartment, he found out that he's in a different earth; an Alternate Universe. While he is in school. Ding! [Greetings earthlings of planet Earthoran, sector ***********, year 2022. [I am called, ALL SYSTEM. [Human race is chosen to participate in the survival game by the creator of all! Survival of the fittest! Winner takes all! I am used to only announcement, gifts, shop and checking your statuses. [What game? It is random.] This is an unknown system called ALL SYSTEM appeared in front of everyone like a sytem text that they could only see, for the announcement, warning, gifts, and the current status. Crocus, however, is unafraid of this ALL SYSTEM because he had a personal game dimension similar and much better to it, where he could improve, find treasures and learn abilities not relying on the so called ALL SYSTEM.

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"This time, where am I?"

Crocus looked at the giant light bulb in the ceiling, the cool air from the air conditioner, the strange hospital-like place, and of course, the bed.

"Am I in the hospital?"

He muttered in silence with his breath feeling cold.

"You are in the infirmary. Not the hospital." A voice came out of nowhere.

Looking where it came from, Crocus saw a motherly-looking nurse.

"Still school?"

Crocus asked. 

"Yes, and you should go back to sleep. Your body should not move so much or it would break down again due to low blood pressure.

"But before you sleep, pick some fruits on the side and drink a lot of fluids."

The nurse girl told him with her voice of kindness, Crocus observed her from bottom to top.

'She didn't look that too beautiful, but she's okay.'

Thought Crocus. Suddenly, he shook his head.

'Why am I analyzing her when I have to worry and know about this world?'

He looked at her with questioning eyes and then abandoned his thoughts.

He wanted to ask her in his mind what is this world like, is this the future? A past? Or a completely different world? But he had his phone.

'I have a phone. Why do I even have to ask her, anyway?'

"Okay, I'm leaving. Make sure that you go to rest and don't force yourself to move too much for at least two hours." 

Said the nurse. Crocus watched her leave for a short while.

Suddenly, he felt stunned. No! The world itself felt like it stopped moving. Even the speck of dust that was touching him softly can be felt by his skin.

[ Greetings Earthlings of planet Earthoran, sector 333333, the year 2022.

[I am called ALL SYSTEM. 

[Human race is chosen to take part in the survival game by the creator of all! Survival of the fittest! The winner takes all! I am used only for announcements, gifts, shopping, and checking your status. What game? It's random.

[First trial: Zombie Apocalypse.

[Goals: One must survive for at least five years or murder the King of Zombies and its generals. Don't forget the hazardous human anomalies. In order not to turn into a zombie, one must have Spirits and awaken magic inside their body. If not, then goodbye. You'll be a flesh-eating, walking dead ]

It was all a sudden, Crocus was frozen like his body was not controlled. Waiting for the announcement and wondering what is on the text-like system in front of him. 

The entire world was listening to it. It's in front of them.

[As for my introduction, we will make a question and answer. Those who got it right will have an amazing title that will make him safe from the horde of human zombies and will have one wish.

[The question: Who is the first spiritual undead?...and the clue is...]

Crocus can finally move. He didn't hear the question and was not interested in it. However, he was cursing while hearing all of this...

"Satan sh*t! Mad sh*t! I still don't know what kind of this world is this and now there will be a zombie apocalypse and this ALL SYSTEM sh*ts!!

"Can't you at least give me an idea about the future of this world? Past? Future? Or whatever it is... And how did my body get here!!!?"

Crocus said without knowing that he answered correctly.

[Oh... So fast, Someone finally answered correctly! It is Satan! He died and rose again not only so that humans could receive forgiveness, but even more so, He died and rose again so that humans might have life. It is through His death and resurrection that humanity receives life.

[Someone answered the question so fast that this ALL SYSTEM was quite shocked by it. I didn't even give the clue, yet he got it right. 

[This will be for today humans. I won't be able to access easily anymore in your heads to assist all of you, once every single one of you had spiritual powers and gain the magic powers.

[To access to me in your head to know the announcement, just say: ALL SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT.

[For the Shop: ALL SYSTEM SHOP.

[For the Gifts: ALL SYSTEM GIFTS.

[For your status: ALL SYSTEM MY STATUS.

[That's all. This ALL SYSTEM shall take his leave and attend to the winner. Bye and Good Luck Humanity!]

As if by a blow, Crocus was in disbelief at what the system said.

'Huh!? I won!? And why is Satan's description different? What's going on?'

[Yes, you are the winner. Your new Title, Zombie King, be careful or the humans will hunt you down.

[As for your wish, the world background especially yourself, I have no idea how to put this. You are confused about what is the world and happening because, according to my findings, my conclusion is that you lost all your memories.

[So, I will make you remember all your memories. Thank you for answering the quiz so fast. I still have a lot of worlds to visit. Farewell, the enemy of humanity.]

The voice of a man disappeared. That made Crocus wonder.

"Enemy of humanity?"

He asked in the air. All of a sudden, his eyes felt like it was crumbling in white. He can see stars colliding with each other and a kaleidoscope world-like place.

"What is this?

"A memory of someone else?"

Crocus can see the memories of the person, and that person looks just like him. The day he was cheated on by her childhood friend who turned girlfriend until she became ex-girlfriend. The day he failed to take the test to become a verifiable prince from the normal prince.

Crocus blinked.

"So this world is not the future or past, but an alternate universe of earth called Earthoran. No wonder Satan became the holy son.

"The seven continents are North Taured, South Taured, Andorra, Zeinna, Xarica, Teerepe, Azia. I am in a part of the area of Azia. Land with 7,006 islands in a high tide and 7,007 in low tide. The person I occupied is a former prince Crocus Phereon in the  Phereon Kingdom, who failed to awaken his Spirit and was abandoned to become a civilian. 

"He hoped to live alone and desire should be fulfilled, but he knew that he'll be assassinated to avoid trash or embarrassment to the Phereon Family, the ruler of this kingdom. Democracy doesn't apply and only pure communism, but it's not that strict. Right now, he wished to live a normal life in a school, but he knew he will be executed later on."

Crocus looked at his hands and realized why he ended up here. He also lost his hope in his parents on earth.

"Our wish is opposite to each other. I want to be King while you want to live alone and peacefully. I'. just wondering how the two of us swapped bodies."

Crocus tried to grab a fruit and took a bite. He looked at the door and thought...

'No one is coming in. Maybe the system is real. But it doesn't matter, receiving a warning like that would surely put humanity in panic. Adding the fact that the memory that the voice gifted to me is true.

'This is the best time for me to test that All system features and for me to know what that All system means when it's said that I am the enemy of humanity.'



[ Make sure to always have a spirit or all of you will be turned into a living dead. ]

'Is that all? Then how about the next one?'


[ Buy or Sell? ]

Seeing this, Crocus nearly choked.

'What do I have? A treasure? This body that I swap with didn't have the money after being kicked out of its Palace. What do I have?'

However, Crocus is still curious, so he clicked the 'Sell'



[Completed Exploding coin technique series technique: 8000 SP.

[Clothing: 0.01 SP

[10 MH Bil : 0.000001 SP


Seeing this, Crocus' body trembled. 

'The Exploding coin technique that I got from the Coin Cave cost that high?

'The clothing and money didn't cost that high. Should I sell it?'

Crocus put his hand on his chin, decide if he should try it out. Soon he shook his head.

'No, this had a lot of Spirituals Power to sell, so it means that it's a strong Technique. After all, this coin technique and bomb a lot of Zombies. of they are a group so it's alright.

'Let me see if I clicked 'Buy'.' 


[Spirits :

[Spirit Animas: 100 SP (List)

[Spirit Insects: 100 SP (List)

[Spirit Plants: 100 SP (List)

[Spirits Category will be added.

[Techniques :

[Magic archery technique: 100 SP

[Magic Swordsmanship technique: 100 SP

[Magic Bombing technique: 100 SP


[Magic archer: 50 (List)

[Magic sword: 50 (List)

[Magic bomb: 50 (List)]



[Human Zombie King: Given to an anonymous human being.

[Insect King: will be given in the future.

[Beast King will be given in the future.

[Underwater King: will be given in the future.

[Carnivorous Plant King: will be given in the future.]

'This is rather surprising, a zombie king in human and other species? Interesting. I wonder who is that got the title,


'What the hell!??

'Am I the human zombie King?'

Crocus nearly coughed up blood when he remembered what the All system said to him.

'No sh*t! What does it do?'