• Kaelos Pov •
The sound of water drops was the only thing that could be noticed in this dungeon, the feeling of oppression still continued with each step. Going up the stairs in front of me, I found myself in a more open field, and right in front of me was a sword stuck to a set of stones.
The sword seemed to be attracting me, but I was sure it wasn't something bad. As I got closer and extended my hand, embers surrounded the blade and my arm until the fire lit up. "Wow, it's like...being at home? This feeling is a relief in the midst of all this chaos." I sat down close to the fire and started to rest. It was common in these instant dungeons to have a spot to rest, and here it wasn't so different.
The path was quite complicated, these strange creatures were in the corners, some seemed to not want to attack me while others were out for blood. I could feel a powerful presence behind that huge door, something that made my body go cold.
"Whatever lies beyond those doors doesn't look weak; this developer created a game for barbarians—just for them to laugh at while fighting these things." I was now more willing to continue, so I went towards that huge gate, which was starting to open. The place was empty and full of pots, but its width was an indication that it was a trap.
'I've been an adventurer too long to know that thing is going to show up here.' Every corner seemed to be a dead end until I saw a small gate in the corner. If I have any difficulties, I can just run in that direction.
'After here, I'm going to spend some time with my cat, I'll be too mentally tired to go on any missions.' I just accepted this job as an adventurer for the money. Every time something big happens on these missions, that only makes me hate it. Why does working have to be so boring and tiring?
Walking towards another gate, I had my guard up. Just seeing the creature jumping from a crack in the ceiling, the ground shook completely, and I could see its immensity, it was much bigger than a golem, plus that huge hammer would be a problem.
"How huge...does the developer want to compensate for something?" The only way to try to be less tense is to tell a joke, this helps me a lot in these stressful situations.
That thing didn't wait any second before jumping with that hammer. My body involuntarily rolled to the side, just seeing the damage that the floor was left with just one of those hammer blows.
"Haha...fuck me." I would run along the pillars, trying to escape the sight of that thing, but it seemed to know very well where I was! Maybe this thing has a great sense of smell.
The fight went on for a while longer. I was looking for openings to attack, and the only ones I found were when it was recovering its strength after so many attacks with the sledgehammer. Using something that size must be very tiring.
It started flying, ready to come down with all its strength. I wasn't going to stay there like an idiot, so I started running towards that small gate. 'Nope, nope, fuck you' it was open, and when I was going down those stairs, the sound of the gate closing was possible to hear.
And again, there was a bonfire on my way; the place was humid, so it was a strange choice of where to put it, but seeing the situation I went through, it has had reasons to be here.
"Wait, that's.." On the ground near the way out of this place was a fallen knight, in his hand a shield and on his knee an arrow. 'What a devil's way to show what lies ahead...' Taking the knight's shield, I would follow my path, only to see an arrow coming.
"Not this time." With the shield now in hand, I was able to easily protect myself from those arrows. The zombies were physically strong but were slow to reload the bow. I've fought too many Kobolds to know how to deal with archers.
The path took me to the upper floor of that arena from before; there was the monster just walking aimlessly. My guess from his sense of smell is wrong, or he would have found me now.
The stairs were right in front of me. Going up, I could hear the sound of something moving until a large ball-shaped stone fell between the stairs, heading towards me. I jumped to the side with everything I could, falling down the stairs, causing that boulder to hit the wall, completely destroying it.
"What the fuck! I almost died!" I could feel my heart racing with this, the discomfort of having jumped from the stairs remained, but the scare was complete. I would go back to where I was before until I noticed a small path that was opened by the boulder.
Passing through the crack was a skull being illuminated by sunlight lying among the rubble. Its heavy sighing demonstrated its critical situation, it was heading towards it, and it seemed to have noticed me the moment I entered.
"...Oh, you...You're no Hollow, yes? Thank goodness...I'm done...I'm afraid...I'll die soon, then lose my sanity...I wish to ask something of you...Hear me out, will you?" He spoke in a slurred manner due to his injuries, I could feel his life slipping away. His last words? I still have time to stay here, so I will listen.
"You can speak, Fellow Knight, I will listen to you." I would kneel in front of that knight, even if he is a creature created by the instant dungeon, he is still a knight, and I could feel the noble air coming from him.
"Regrettably, I have failed in my mission...But perhaps you can keep the torch lit...There is an old saying in my family...Thou who art undead, art chosen..In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of the Ancient Lords...When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know...Well, now you know...And I can die with hope in my heart...Oh, one more thing...Here, take this...An Estus Flask, an Undead favorite...Oh, and this..." That noble knight gave me strange vials with powerful vital energy coming from them, and next to that was a key that I'm sure will help me a moment later.
"Now I must bid farewell...I would hate to harm you after my death. So, go now. And thank you." Hurt me after your death? What is he...ow...So he's going to turn into one of those zombies.
"Of course, like a knight, I will continue my path in this place. May you rest in peace, honored knight." I got up so I could continue, just looking at him again and continuing my journey. Even if it is just someone artificial, your will is not going to die. Whatever your mission is, if you fought bravely, I will defeat that creature and become victorious.
The path was quite common, with just a few more zombies. With the flame of my determination, I passed everyone who opposed me, finally reaching the final part, a huge drop towards that creature. 'So be it, you are my enemy, and I will not run away from you.'