
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Eleis reveals a few things

Ken gently and lovingly embraced Eleis, who wrapped her leg around his waist tightly and pulled him closer. Ken broke the kiss and stared at Eleis's goddess-like face, his eyes holding back his obsession. Eleis slightly opened her eyes and stared back into Ken's; she could see the obsession in him.

But more than that, she was connected to him, making her able to feel the overwhelming obsession he was holding back.

'This... this might be a little too overwhelming for me,' she helplessly thought.

Ken loosened his hold on her hand, making it easy for her to free herself. Ken looked at her in surprise but didn't really care as he pulled her waist, making their bodies stick, her firm, and soft boobs pressing against his chest.

She deeply looked into his eyes, "Let's stop here," she whispered, but Ken didn't let her go, nor did she loosen her legs that were tightly wrapped around him.

Ken peeked at her lips and hugged her for a bit, then loosened his hold. Eleis pulled away to the bed and looked at Ken, who closed his eyes, standing still. Eleis frowned as she felt Ken's desire being agitated, "Sigh... I might have underestimated your obsession..." she muttered as her heart beat rapidly from all the violent reactions she felt from his connection.

Ken opened his eyes and stared at Eleis, who sat cross-legged, "Sigh..." He sighed and lay on the bed with his hands behind his head.

"You gained a skill, and a title," Eleis stated and lay right beside Ken, who was calm.


Name: Ken Valxin. 

Level: 64 | 1% done!

Class Stage 2: Monster Slayer

Title: Anomaly, The Hunter of Aggressors, The Strongest Player, Chaotic Obsessive 

{Chaotic Obsessive 

Effect 1: Every time your obsession rules you, your status increases by 50%

Effect 2: Your obsession boils when you are around your obsession}

Power Level: 1176

Magic level: 2061

Magic Circuit: E

Mana tier: 1

skill: Enhancement {3}, Quick Step{3}, Mana infusion{2}, Connection{∞}, Obsession

{Obsession: the closer to your obsession the stronger you become

Being further away will make you clear-minded.}

Affinities: (!&@^%((_!@_!)

System points: 103,040


Ken looked at his status without a change in his laid-back expression while Eleis plain looked on. "Status" she called out and her status appeared making Ken look in interest.


Name: Eleis Eyrluna Ysolde

Level: 64 | 1% done!

Class Stage 2: Monster Slayer

Title: Forgotten Ruler, Embodiment of #####, ####### k#e##r, Obsession of the Greatest Anomaly. 

Power Level: 1176

Magic level: 2061

Magic Circuit: E

Mana tier: 1

Cursed: -1% in all stats, upper limit: Ken, ##### #####, ### #####, ####### ###.

Affinities: All 


Ken looked in surprise as Eleis revealed her status to him. He scanned her status. "Our status is the same, why is that? And cursed?" He questioned as he narrowed his eyes at the 'Cursed' section. 

"Thraxis wants things to be fair, so he has dampened my abilities and set you as my upper limit. However, I am inherently more powerful than you, and despite this suppression, my strength remains intact, albeit dormant. Essentially, if you possess 10,000 units of power, I too will have access to that same level of power. I am simply in the process of reclaiming my power." She explained and pointed at the ##### #####, "You can't see this right?" she asked. 

"No, I can't, same for Embodiment of... whatever that is and after,"

Eleis closed both their statuses and looked at Ken seriously, "Don't try to figure it out, 'the system' will block you from reading, meaning you aren't strong enough to know," she warned. 

But something else caught Ken's attention, "So, you are not the system but a separate entity?" he curiously asked but kept Eleis's warning in mind. 

Eleis leaned into Ken as she began to explain.

"Huh...? Yes, me and 'the system' are separate entities. I created the system for balance, but it was also a weapon. 'The system,' in a way, isn't a system like what you think. The systems you see in anime and all are just helpers or with specific purposes, while 'the system' that I created is different in that it is a guardian of balance and a weapon, a prison, paradise, hell, heaven, and all that. It was never meant to be a helper or be given a specific purpose.

Thraxis deemed it 'The Anomaly System,' but that's because he could understand it. Thraxis, as the strongest, could comprehend it, making anyone else call it an anomaly as well even though they have never even seen it. But in truth, he was just lacking knowledge and so called it a system... not that it is one, just mimicking a system."

Eleis explained, and there was clear mockery in there. Ken stared at her gray eyes; he could feel the pride she had for a second. "I got the gist of it," Ken remarked, making Eleis giggle. 

"Hehehe just know that 'the system' is more capable than any anime system there is, even if it's just mimicking." She hugged him from the side, using his arms as her pillow. "And 'the system' is fair, unlike Thraxis," she added while making a jab at Thraxis. 

"Haa. Let's sleep now, it's been 3 days since I have had a good sleep," Ken whispered and hugged Eleis. 

Eleis stared at Ken's sleeping face and smiled. She glanced outside the open window. Her eyes glowed blue and then transitioned to purple, and everything in her vision disappeared, replaced by an empty dark void. Her eyes pierced through the layers of space and landed in a dominance space. Thraxis's domination space.

Thraxis was present in his dominance space, seemingly making something as thousands of mystical energies danced in a fascinating pattern around him. 

Eleis closed her eyes and reopened them. Her eyes had returned to normal. 'I have plenty of time before he starts watching again... Thraxis, you are a hassle to deal with, but you are also stupid to pair me with unrest I desired. Just for that, I will make sure you die painlessly.' she calmly declared in her mind. 

She snuggled into Ken's neck and went to sleep. She was also awake and a little tired out.


Give me your powerstones!!!

If you have any suggestions then plz comment them!! 

images in Discord!!! 
