1 Hope

In 400006 years, humans have found galaxies where it's possible to live. They were 8 galaxies. Every human went to each of these galaxies. And then, 10000 years later, for an unknown reason, all the 8 galaxies went to war.

30 years late, we meet an in an intake world. It was a world full of sand. The only place to get water is at a river. It cut the world in half, it was called the cuter it was 500 km. On the south side of the cuter there is another wording thing called bepoop. The north side it where the humans. There are in a war with the bepoop to take over their world or resources of their galaxy to use for the Great war with the other galaxy.

Coby is a 16-year-old boy. Who has black flowing hair and light orange die eyes and light-brown skin.He is like an any normal boy in his time except for his beautiful eyes. He was wearing a dirty old shirt and shorts. Furthermore, he used to be a C worrier. They are different levels of worries that they use in this galaxy there is:

S worries: Is the captain of the spaceship and cans a use a big robot to battle in the war

A worries: They're the second to the captain and they can use robots too

B worries: they can use robots too

C worries:They fix robots in and out of the war

D worries:they are the cleaners and cooks and message for the other worries

And that want Cody is a D worrier." Hey you kid, "said a C worrier." Me ?" asked Cody

"Yes you are you a C worrier ?" said the C worrier

"No, I am a D worrier" said Cody

"Then why you're you're wasting my time for

that go find a C worrier said the C worrier.

"Ok" said Cody as he walks right out the tide

"And run" said the C worrier well fixing a robot.

"No way I am going to run" Cody thinking to himself.

"Everyone came to the meet area, "said the D worrier." All of us, "ask a kid who is a D worrier." Yes, all of you" said the D worrier.

"What they call us too" Cody thinking to himself.

Cody ran to the meet area what to know what so big that they even had to call the D worrier too.

"Hey, Cody" said a man with gold hair and eyes. He was handsome.

"Oh, It's you "said Cody

"Has anyone told you look like a girl "said the man called Jack

"No, only you have!!"said Cody in anger.

"Ha, l forgot "said Jack

"Well goodbye" said Cody, run to the meeting area

"That man all said that ever since the day a way sent to this world. But his much better now, the first day I met him cried say that words and left.I just didn't pay attention to him because I…I…I have to go to the meet area"Cody thinking to himself, ran to the meet area

"I finally made it"Cody thinking to himself

"I have called you today "said the B worrier"because we will be visited from one of the great rule's girl "said the B worrier." What ."shouted everyone

To Be Continue…

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