
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Cody: Nice Bath

As Cody and Isla were walking in the hall. Cody saw a first king's payers left and right.

"There are so many of them just of to a person but to them they're gods. I wonder where they are in family tree of gods"thought Cody looked around even more and heard nothing, "It as if there is no one here. There are all ghosts"

Cody laughed to his own joke.

"What is funny? I would like to laugh "said Isla, Cody could not see her face because of the mesk, and he was at the back, but she sounded like she was saying is in a kind way.

Cody didn't know what to say so he wanted to change the topic and quickly "Has your mother said anything about when we will get out"

"My mother!?"asked Isla sounding confused

"Yes, The first king's payers that looks like she is the leader of this place

"Oh, Mother"said Isla as if she remembered something

"Yes, That want I said"

"No, you must be confused Mother is not really my mother it just because she is the person watching over this place, and she teaches us. That why she is Mother, meaning every first king's payers Mother. So do you understand

Cody didn't understand, but he didn't want to look like an idiot so he said"Yes"

But it was not fully entirely lie because he understood that Mother is not only Isla's but every first king's payers.

"We here"said Isla as she showed a little door that looked as if only one person can enter." It is kind of fitting because only one person enters a bathroom"

Cody opened the door living Isla outside and when he entered saw a huge circle shape that had water." Look like this is where bath, but where can I wash my clothes. My only clothes.There are nothing I can do, I just wash them when I am done washing my body."

This way of going thing was normal to Cody but of where he used to live.

So Cody got in the water and washed himself. Got out of the water and putted in his clothes and wash. He only stopped washing them when he saw there was no blood. Then took the out living, the clear water became red.

Then put them somewhere to let them dry and then sit down naked and remember "Isla didn't answer my question but how can I get out of there if I don't know their... thing... what is it called again... bepoop magic I don't understand it fully and Laylala said that it made by marks meaning I have to learn those

Cody waited a few minutes and then there were dry.

"Sometimes I am really glad of this heat"thought Cody as he putted on his clothes and then started walking out of the door when he was done putting on his aldald.

"Maybe there is something like a library?"thought Cody as he looked around.

And as luck must have it there was a library when Cody want to pass a hall.

Cody quickly entered the library and looked around at the first row of three rows in the library and then want to the second row. He looked and was beginning to lose hope but around and at the second last book was written "The Art of a warrior"

"It has to be it because warriors use bepoop magic "thought Cody as he took the book.

As he was reading released something. Cody was not able to taken in the information because it is a written. Cody had a heard time taken in information when it has written.

"I don't get it"

This was something Cody found out when he was a capital city with Max and while Max was reading. Cody had one day want to try but then.

"What is it trying to say? This again I don't know why this keeps happening is it because I learnt who to read really late"

But the good thing he knew about force himself to read was that in know what was a atom in a book he found under picture it was a human.

"I can't believe a human picture is here and it got human knowledge it must be this human's book."

Cody could not see the human because it was old but he could keep of see the eyes"They looked like Max"

As Cody was sitting there the pages his was reading were starting to turn themselves.

"I want to say it was ghosts, but I know it just the wind. Where is it coming from?"thought Cody and started following the wind.

Where the wind took him was something like a window like door where a person stood, and that person was a Kid.

Cody looked at her. She looked as if she was thinking of something else.

"What should I say to her"thought Cody as he stood close to her and then just "Hey, Kid what are thinking about ?"

To be continued...