
Tracks in the snow

In the window, a young man about as pale as the snow that was falling was looking out at the military man talking to Gran.

As he was about to climb down, Gran looked back and yelled, "Asbjorn, go get the kids; it's time to head to the bunker."

Asbjorn nodded his head to her, turned away, and started walking through doors, yelling, "It's time to go to the bunker, brats."

A few minutes went by before twelve kids were in front of him, the youngest being one whom Gran found on the steps this morning and the oldest being thirteen who's been watching the youngest. The oldest said in an irked voice, "Ash, you always call us brats when you're one too."

Asbjorn ignored her, which got him in a huff as they walked to Gran. When they stepped out the door into the snow, he heard the kids gasp, and one asked, "Ash, how come it's so cold? The teachers in school said it used to not be this cold." Asbjorn replied with a grin on his face, "It's because little brats like you started misbehaving." He once again gets a huff in response.

Once they get closer, he hears the military man. "I'm sorry, ma'am, you're not the first to ask to bring one more, but we can't let you, or we would have to let others." Asbjorn can hear the sadness and pity when he says it. Asbjorn's heart feels a bit heavy because he has an inkling as to what's going to happen and walks up, looking at Gran, and says, "I brought them."

Asbjorn can tell she's counting them and can see the sadness in her eyes, which becomes even more prominent when she looks at him. "Asbjorn, take the kids and follow him to the bunker. I'll be waiting to welcome everyone back after winter."

Asbjorn could hear the cries of protest from behind him after she said that, and he nodded his head and then turned to look at them and said, "Brats, go get in the truck while I talk to Gran." As they were about to voice their complaints again, he glared at them, so they reluctantly walked over to the military man, who took one final look at us before walking away with the kids.

Gran watches as they walk and get in before giving Asbjorn a sharp look. "Now, you brat, go get in." Her voice matching her look, Asbjorn sighs, "Gran, you should g-" was all he got out before she got his ear and gave it a twist. "Ouch! Dammit gra-"

"What did I tell you about using that language? Don't start with me; go get in." Feeling aggrieved, Asbjorn squirms his body, trying to get free, which doesn't work, causing her to twist more. "Ouch! Gran! Gran! Stop! I won't say it anymore." She lets go, and he starts to rub his ear with a pained expression, but inside he's happy he got to act like this one more time since he knows that after today they won't see each other again.

Asbjorn rubs his ear, looking at Gran with a frown. "Seriously, Gran, those kids need you, and I won't be able to be there like you can." Gran looks into his eyes; hers start to look distant, as if she were looking at the past. "Asbjorn, I'm just an old orphanage lady, but you are seventeen, and you have a lot more to look forward to." Listening to her shaky voice and the tears that are threatening to come out, I start to feel some forming in my eyes, but I wipe them away, knowing that if I don't, she will make me leave.

"You named me Asbjorn, so I should at least be able to survive in the cold." Asbjorn tries his best to muster the best smile he can give, but it seems it has the opposite effect as Gran sways about to fall, but he catches her and helps her start walking towards the truck.

While walking towards the truck, the only sound was the crunching of the snow and Gran trying to stop sobbing. "Asbjorn, do you know why I named you that? When I found you, you didn't have anything with a name on it like the others, so after we got back from getting you checked that night, I had a dream of someone whispering Asbjorn, so when I saw you the next day, I named you it."

Asbjorn listened; he was confused. "Couldn't they tell you while I was with the doctor?" Hearing his questions, Gran thought for a moment before saying, "Probably, but they didn't say anything besides you were in perfect health."

As we step in front of the truck, Gran hugs him one last time to calm him down and get ready for the other kids. Asbjorn pulls the handle on the door to open it. He can hear the other kids talking to each other once they notice the door opening. "Look, Ash and Gran!" the other's heads turn to us. Gran lets Asbjorn go, so he helps her start to climb in.

"Look, what did I tell you? Ash would be able to convince her to come with us!" Asbjorn smiles and nods at the kids, but in the corner of his eye, he can see the military man looking at him with a multiple emotions in his eyes before sighing to himself.

Once Gran sat down, Asbjorn helped her buckle, and she just watched him, trying not to start sobbing again to let the other kids know.

Once the click goes off, he tightens it and starts to step down when Gran grabs the sides of his face and just stares at him until some tears start to form again. Asbjorn pulls away and wipes them, then steps off the step, takes one last glance, can see the confusion on the kids faces, and closes the door. He walks back to the orphanage door, watching the trucks start to drive off. All that was left was the orange glow from the sun and the tracks in the snow.

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