
chapter 1: real life game

In the dark street of New York, a man panting heavily as he run from street to stree. Most of the people or rather. Most people he saw didn't move like they are statue.

Of course, the man knew this as he keep running away. Behind him was a unknown individual people wearing armors and cloak.

They gave a murdering aura as they keep chasing him.


As he swipe his phone with his shaky fingers. He then tap his phone screen as a card was materials in his phone.

He quickly grab it and said.

"Materials: ice wall!"

As he threw the card in the ground. The wall of ice separate him from his chaser but it's no use.

"Materials: thunder shot!"


The ice wall he use was destroyed but someone causing him to send flying from explosion.

This makes him to roll to the ground. As soon as he stop and laying to the ground. Then A arrow pierce his shoulder causing him to scream in pain.

"It's no use to escape victor, give it up."

Victor look at his attacker who was Grimming sadistic. This man was tall black man wearing a hat in his head.

Next to him was elf woman carrying a bow while the other was full plate armored man carrying a large sword.

"Kerry!!! Do you think you can get away with this?! If the guild master heard your betrayal. You will be hunted down?!"

"Hahaha, I know my old friend. But do you really think I care? Beside I have found a better group so it didn't matter. Which means this is the end old friend."

As Kerry nodded to the knight next to him.

The knight walk towards him slowly and slowly drew his large sword in the back.

This makes victor to shake in fear as his death really reach him.

When the knight was already in front of him. This knight rise his sword high as victor spoke.

"Toshi, am sorry."



In the next day, toshi who woke up in the bed stretch his stiff body. As he yawn a little while getting out in his room.

He saw his roommate who wears a glass and coat. ready to go to school.

"Oh? Toshi, you finally awake."

"Baek hyeon, are you leaving? It's too early to go to school?"

"Yeah, I know. But Mister Walter said we need to practice in early morning since the school compilation was almost near."

"Oh? I see."

As toshi went to the kitchen to grab a coffee, baek then ask.

"By the way, have you seen victor? I didn't saw him in his room?"

"Victor? No, I didn't see him last night. Probably he went back to his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? You mean that bitch Elizabeth? He should just give it up on her."

"I said that to him too. But that moron was hard to talk about her."


As baek click his tongue, he then change the subject.

"By the way, what level are you in the king's knight."

"I don't know, I didn't play it for a very long time."

As toshi spoke, baek was surprised and said.

"What? You. A hardcore gamer- no, a simp of prin-. Ugh."

As toshi gave his friend a punch, he then said with embarrassed tone.

"Am not a simp, you four eyes sadistic bastard."

"Hey, am not a sadistic!"

"Oh yeah? Then tell me why are you laughing like a lunic last night?!"

At toshi's words, baek quickly dodge his gaze and said.

"Oh look at the time, I have to go man."

As he quickly escape in toshi's question. Toshi snorted to his friend as he then opened his phone and press the game called king's knight.

He knew what kind of baek was since he was also a gamer like him. But unlike him who prefer to play using knight class.

Baek was a necromancer in a different game.

King's knight was once a popular gacha game but unfortunately, there are very few players that played the game.

Most recent new ones was because of the new graphics and highly perform action games. Was better the the old games.

Most old gacha games doesn't have this kind of stuff causing many players to go to the new ones.

Toshi look at his favorite character Lina in the king's knight.

She wears a full plate armor and her equipment was a large spear.

The reason why baek ask toshi about his level was because. In the king's knight. The final event was going to be the end of the king's knight.

For over millions of players that played the game. Only less than 20 players are still playing the game and most of them are veterans.

As toshi gave a small sad face in his favorite game. He then spoke.

"This is the last time we played together Lina."

As he planned to skip the school today. His eyes became serious at the final event which is about to starts.


"Come on, we almost there."

As toshi keep tapping his phone, his character Lina was almost finished the boss. And just like the boss. His character Lina was also in the inchi of it's life.

Many of the players was already died in the game and only two people are left.

But after the boss finally attack. That player also died.

This moment was the last stand between Lina and the boss monster.

Both characters are glaring each other. While toshi was also keep staring at the phone. Waiting for the boss next move.

As the boss and his character Lina was in the stalemate. The boss made a move.

He swing his huge axe at Lina and which she dodge it.

But unfortunately, that was a trap.

The axe suddenly gave a electric discharge causing the whole area to explode. But toshi who was a veteran gamer expecting this move.

Using Lina's skill lance charge. The boss attack didn't gave Lina a damage. But the lance charge has a drawback. Meaning he can't stop the charging attack.

Of course, toshi knew this and quickly activate. Lina's skill which is one of his favorite.

"Lance of the heaven?!"

Thousands of lance was shot from the sky and hit the boss monster.

He can see the rapid decrease of the boss HP. But the boss monster didn't gave up and use the invulnerable shield skill.


To toshi's surprised. The boss monster swing his axe to Lina causing her to send flying.

Toshi can see that his character's health was only 1% so he decided to risk it. And finally use the special skill while he was covered in dust cloud.

"This is it! Let's do it this?!"

With a final press of the button. Lina activate her special skill.

"Go for the kill. Tesseract?!"

Lina throw his spear towards the boss monster with great speed as soon as the invulnerable shield has finally end.

With the large explosion. The boss's health was reduce to zero. Causing everyone in game community cheer in excitement.

This including toshi who scream in joy as they finally end the game's event.

He can see the tons of rewards including gold. And toshi saw the new title that attach to Lina called.

*The savior of the world*

Toshi saw his game character who was looking at the horizon and tears was going out from his eyes.

For years, he love the king's knight.

For years, he played the game to point he almost kick out the house because he played too much.

For years, he finally saw the ending of the game.

As the game credit has finally end. He can see that Lina's face looking at him with smile and said for the first time.

"Thank you my king."

And that is how the game end as the game automatically close itself.

This makes toshi to smiled a bit but he didn't throw the game apps yet. Not until he finished the last memory burned in his brain.

As toshi smiled with tears in his eyes.

This door was suddenly opened and baek spoke.

"Toshi, we have a prob-."

As baek saw his friend crying with a smile on his face. Baek couldn't help but to be creep and said.

"What the fuck?"

When toshi heard this, he quickly become embarrassed himself and said.

"Why the fuck you destroyed my moment. Quickly close the door?!"

At toshi's words. Baek said.

"I don't know what the hell happens but am going to tell this to our friends."

"Stop it you bastard! Anyway why are you hear?! Should you be in school? It's still in the middle of the day!?"

At toshi's question, baek the remembered why he was here and said.

"Shit, I forgot! Victor was dead?!"



Somewhere in the street, many people look at the dead body of a man who's body was cut in half.

This gruesome scene makes everyone to vomit including police.

Many people don't know why nobody saw this body in the street but one thing for sure was. The person who did this was a psychopath.

"What the situation here captain."

A man in the mid 30's look at his detective with frown and said.

"Whoever did this was brutal but the wounds of the body was very suspicious."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Look, the wound of his shoulder doesn't look like it came from the fire arm and most of all. The cut in the middle doesn't look like it came from the chainsaw. Move like he was Cleve in half in one swing."

The detective name Santiago look at body in disgust.

For over a couple of months, this incident keep happening all over the world. Most people including the international police didn't know what's happening.

But what's hit the most was america. They have a largest crime but some of it was solve in few months. But this time the investigation was taking longer that even FBI didn't know what to do.

His detective then ask.

"So what's his name?"

At Santiago's question. Captain Jerry said .

"His name was victor hoshimiya. The first son of the hoshimiya family. He doesn't cause trouble and more like he was a good student in the university.

Last being scene was he was going home after the professor send him home with his friends. But unfortunately. He and his friends was murdered in this streets."

"Tsk, what a shamed."

"I know right,"

As the two was about to continued, they heard a voice.

"Let me go! I need to see my brother?!"

"Sorry kid you can see the crime scene."

When detective Santiago saw toshi he the ask.

"Who is he?"

"Oh? That's toshi hoshimiya, the half brother of victor hoshimiya. We also ask him about his brother. But he said he didn't see his brother last night. In fact, victor was always late with his friends."


As the two cops look at toshi with pity eyes. Both of them couldn't help but sigh in regret.


Sitting in the bench nearby the crime scene, toshi's eyes was lifeless. He never expected that the big brother that he inspired will die like this.

Moreover, toshi and victor are always together even during their childhood days. He thinks victor as his inspiration and even tried to be a best in academics to prove his parents that can do it too.

When baek arrived at him. He offered a can of coffee at him, which toshi unconsciously took without saying.

This makes baek sigh in sadness. He remembered how he met victor in the University when both he and toshi visited him.

There also times that three of them are hanging out every month in the beach.

As baek sip the coffee with his mouth. Toshi spoke.

"What do I do now, both mother and father will not like this."

As tears drops in his eyes. Baek spoke.

"Hmmm .. I don't know but remember. I will always here for you my friend."

When baek patted his friend's shoulder. Tears continued to drop without noise. He just stared blankly to his brother's corpse as if the world freeze itself.

Next chapter