
Chapter 1- unfortunate beginnings

[2020, Friday night 11:56, Misute rareta tochi nuclear plant, Hiroshima japan]

Mae Hajimeni a 26 newly graduated nuclear chemist was working on a new nuclear fission theory, as Mae was finishing up his study he was met with a sudden tremble. The tremble shook the whole facility this spontaneous shock made Mae confused because there where no warnings of a earth quake prior that day. Mae "What? What is happening I don't recall this appearing on the news" a crack appeared in the facility showing the beautiful moonlight that was now apparent to Mae due to the large crack in the ceiling. "damn I was just about to finish my ground breaking discovery that would have lead to a more useful energy source, what time is it?"

Mae looked towards his watch which displayed the time 11:59.

Mae "woah it's almost mid night I forgot to go home and check on my grand mother"

As Mae walked towards the nearest exit he stumbles and finds him self dangling from his untied shoe lace over a open tub of nuclear waste

"Ahhhhhhhh no way this can't be happening I forgot to tie my shoe lace that's the first rule in lab basics, I can't die yet I spent my whole life in school trying to reach this point in life and it's about to go down the drain in this one instance all that money grandma spent on those cram schools, all of her hard work just for me to follow my passion"

As mae's life flashed before him a rock from the ceiling struck him in head causing him to lose conscious. The flames that where in the facility grew larger leading multiple explosion occurring leaving nothing behind except a giant mushroom cloud.

As Mae Hajimeni life ended that day a new life was born in the future 300 years in the future to be exact.

[2320, Saturday morning 12:00]

"Huny I don't think the baby will make in this situation we don't have a proper tools or supervision to be giving birth to a child" exclaimed a man in old worn robes.

The man had his hand on a woman who was laying on the ground cushioned by what could be found near by. "Ahhhhhhhh uhhh" the woman screamed and groaned aloud.

As the pain seemed to escalate the woman quickly grabbed the man by the arm and dug her surprisingly long nails in to the mans arm which began to bleed.

"Ahh sh*t hang in there it's almost ov-" as the man was close to finishing his sentence the head of a baby began to appear. "oh my honey the baby is almost here just a little bit more" in span of a few minutes the baby was completely out of the womb and now in a piece of cloth which was torn from the mans sleeve.

"Elizabeth it's a beautiful girl with my eyes and your hair what should we name her?" Said the man enthusiastically "let me see her rein, a mother must see the baby before making such a important decision" it took Elizabeth a couple of minutes before she finally decided on nova

"Nova as in beginning ?"Rein questioned "yeah it's the child's beginning in this world so I thought of nova , don't you think it suits her?" Elizabeth explained "that's a splendid name I wonder if the baby enjoys the name?" Rein agreed

POV: rein

What is happening?, where am I?, this doesn't look like the lab. Woah everything looks so massive and distant, are these giants why are they carrying me. Oh my nooo..... this must be the after life I never expected it to be so dark and unappealing. As I tried to move my arms I noticed I had a bit of fat on me. This was surprising due to the fact that I was a bit of a neat through out my time when I was alive I lived on instant ramen and what ever my Grandma made.

"Rein look she's moving around" the strange beautiful woman exclaimed "I'm surprised she isn't crying looks like she Will be a strong girl like her mom" the man named rein said

Wait girl, mom? Are you talking about me? As I looked down I noticed that I was wrapped in cloth. What I noticed I was missing was my man hood and the ability to talk and perform basic human things. Why is my body not listening to me as I closely observed the two giants I noticed that one was a silver haired lady who looked to be in her twenties with bright red eyes that that contrasted well with her pale skin and a man who resembled a pop idol with his long black hair that wasn't kept and his blue warm eyes that felt like the ocean itself. As I took in more of my surrounding I noticed I was in a alleyway with people who seemed to call themselves my parents. I came to the conclusion that I reincarnated I don't know how but it happened and I was a new born girl that's what I figured out as of now.

Rough draft ig

Clarence_derismecreators' thoughts
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