20 New Case..

These days, there are no cases, and you can get off work on time.

  Han Bin had dinner with his parents, put on headphones, listened to the novel, and walked around the community.

  The greening of Huayuan District is doing a good job, and Han Bin enjoys this easy walk.

  Tired of walking, sitting on a chair, listening to the novel, occasionally smirking, attracting curious eyes.

  Not far away, three people came. A man in the middle was very familiar. Han Bin took a closer look and it was his colleague Li Hui.

  The two people next to him, a man in a white shirt and trousers, and a woman in a professional dress, with a badge on his chest, looked like people in an agency.

  Han Bin stood up and said, "Well, isn't this Officer Li? How come here?"

  "It's been a long time, why is Police Officer Han here?" Li Hui exaggerated.

  Han Bin bowed his head and glanced at his watch: "It's been a long time, almost two hours."

  The intermediary salesman next to me was a little crying.

  "Binzi, how are you in this neighborhood?" Li Hui said.

  "My home is here," Han Bin said.

  "Rely on, isn't it that I want to be your neighbor in the future?" Li Huizhang wondered.

  "You want to buy a house here?" Han Bin said.

  "Just, the house price is so high, how can I afford it." Li Hui shook his head: "I am going to rent a single room."

  "The neighborhood environment is ok, I'll accompany you around." Han Bin said.

  Han Bin's family lives in Building No. 6. Li Hui's house is in Building No. 9. The room number is 801, which is similar to Han Bin's family.

  After entering the door, the intermediary saleswoman introduced that there were two houses for rent, one was the master bedroom with a bathroom, and the other was the south-facing side bedroom. The house type of their house is the same.

  "What are the rents for these two houses?" Li Hui asked.

  "The main bedroom is seven hundred and the second bedroom is five hundred." Said the saleswoman.

  "Can it still be cheap?" Li Hui said.

  "This is already the lowest price," said the saleswoman.

  Li Hui looked at the room and said, "Is there another house inhabited?"

  "Live, it's a female tenant," said the saleswoman.

  "Well, I probably understand the situation and think again." Li Hui said.

  After going downstairs, the salesmen of the two intermediary companies left, and Han Bin and Li Hui stayed to chat.

  "Binzi, don't you think it's expensive?" Li Hui said.


  "Then what do you think I should rent?" Li Hui said.

  "Which room do you like?"

  "Of course it is the master bedroom, but it is more expensive." Li Hui said.

  "Then rent the master bedroom. It is also convenient to have a bathroom, more private." Han Bin said.

  Li Hui nodded.

  "It's okay to rent this out, and there's a care to live near." Han Bin said.

  "I can go to your house for dinner." Li Hui laughed.


  Han Bin 's family does not open fire every day, sometimes in the morning, they also go to the cafeteria to eat.

  A small steamed bun, a tea egg, and a carton of milk, the Interpol couldn't say, when it was time to go on a mission, do n't eat more and could n't carry it.

  After eating, Han Bin went to the office and saw that Li Hui, Tian Li and Zhao Ming had arrived.

  After saying hello, Han Bin was going to make a cup of tea.

  Zeng Ping walked in quickly and patted him: "Papapa ..."

  "Clean up and show up."

  "Zeng team, what case?" Han Bin asked.


  Since it was a murder case, it was definitely not a trivial matter. Everyone packed their bags and immediately got in the car and rushed to the scene.

  A technical team was also accompanying.

  "Zeng team, why didn't the people in the forensic department come?" Tian Li said.

  "Chen Forensic went to the provincial hall to study;

There has also been a murder. Wu Forensic Doctor has not returned yet and will pass later. "Zeng Pingdao.

  "Zeng team, what is the specific situation?" Han Bin said.

  "The reporter is Li Yu, a high-speed toll collector. He worked the night shift last night. After returning home in the morning, he saw her husband Xing Jianbin hanging." Zeng Pingdao said.

  "He killed? Or suicide?"

  "Unclear." Zeng Pingdao said.

  Hanging is an abnormal death. You need to report to the police. After the police investigate and eliminate the criminal case, you can handle the aftermath.


  The crime scene was in the suburbs and villages in the city.

  The policemen of the police station have surrounded the cordon, and there are many onlookers around, pointing and pointing at a small three-story building.

  Han Bin got out of the car and looked around for four weeks. No camera was found.

  Entering the gate, there is a small courtyard with a beautiful three-story building in the middle.

  Putting on shoe covers and gloves, Han Bin entered the lobby on the first floor and saw a rope tied to a fan, and a short, short man hanging from it.

  On the sofa next to him was a woman, in her thirties, lowering her head and sobbing her face.

  "Zeng team, can you put down the body, we will take pictures and obtain evidence." Lu Wen said.

  The Zeng team nodded: "Let it go, try not to damage the body."

  Zhao Ming was bold and volunteered to join Lu Wen to lower the body and lay it on the ground.

  Zeng Ping squatted aside and observed the body. Only after judging whether it was suicide or homicide, the criminal investigation team could conduct the next investigation.

  If it is suicide, then leave the team.

  If it was homicide, follow up the clue.

  Han Bin also learned something, squatted to observe, then boldly touched the body with his fingers. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

  "I think the dead time should be more than nine hours." Han Bin said.

  "How do you know?" Li Hui asked.

  "People usually start to stiffen within half an hour to two hours after death, and they will become stiff after 9-12 hours."

  These knowledge points for solving the case are all worthy of merit and exchanged from the criminal investigation knowledge base by Han Bin, as if engraved in his head, and they are handy to use.

  "Then he committed suicide or homicide?" Tian Li said.

  Han Bin took a closer look at the scar on his neck and said, "Kill him."

  "How do you know?"

  "There are two main points. The first point is the striae. The striae that hangs is about 45 degrees inclination angle upwards. When he kills, the striae is usually backward." Han Bin said.

  Everyone nodded, they could understand this.

  "What about the second point?" Tian Li said.

  "The cause of death is not the asphyxiation we usually think. Although the airway is indeed blocked during the suspension, it will make the victim feel" out of breath "; in fact, the real cause of death by hanging is the neck blood vessels Therefore, the brain cannot obtain oxygen and blood from the lungs, which leads to cerebral ischemia. "Han Bin said.

  "What's the difference between this strangulation?" Li Hui said.

  "Hanging blood vessels are blocked, and the head cannot get enough blood supply, so people who commit suicide by hanging themselves usually become pale."

  On the side of the speaker, Han Bin pointed at the face of the deceased and said, "For the strangled person, the victim will have a lot of blood on the face and neck, and it will be dark red."

  "Really!" Zhao Ming said.

  "Good analysis." A man's voice sounded.

  The crowd turned around and found Zheng Kaixuan standing aside, watching with interest.

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