
Shot to death.

Hello my name is Charles Goodman I am 20 years old and I am dead, yes you saw that right I am dead to explain my situation we need to go back around 1 hour ago me and my girlfriend Olivia were having a argument because she accused me of cheating because i kept coming home at around 9 to 11pm, now this baffled me because I came home from work at those exact times before but she never said anything, she suddenly started calling me out about 2 weeks ago, but I never really cared cause I thought she was being insecure but now she keeps talking about it almost like she's trying to keep my attention to something else so i find it really strange anyways let's get to my last conversation with her.

Why do you keep talking about this? I already told you I'm just coming home from work.

I don't believe you you're hiding something from me.

What would I need to hide from you, your girlfriend so why do you keep accusing me of cheating and hiding something from you?

It's because I can't trust you anymore.

You know what I am done with you Olivia Im leaving i can't deal with you and your bullshit, i'm going for a breather.

~I can't believe this she must have gotten this from her mom, she's the exact same way hahhhhhh i gotta light a cigar~.

hey you

hm, I looked over to my right to see a man wearing a black mask, in his hand was a gun pointing straight towards me.

''hand over all of your belongings he said''.

listen man I don't want any trouble I said

''shut the fuck up and do what i said''

ok, ok don't get your panty's in a twist

* bang *

I looked down to see a hole in my chest , my eyes widened in horror as I stared at my own body as only one word went through my mind.


Chapters will be short but there will be a lot of chapters so dont worry

immortalnecromancecreators' thoughts
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