
1- A wounded world

The world was a fragile balance, kept in check by the four kingdoms that each held dominion over one of the four elements: fire, frost, volcano, and water. For centuries, they coexisted in a tentative peace, each respecting the other's power and territory. But then, whispers of an ancient threat began to stir, a menace that could destroy the entire world if left unchecked.

The kingdoms knew that they had to work together if they were to have any chance of defeating this enemy. Despite initial reservations, even the queen of the fire kingdom agreed to participate in the plan under the threat of chaos being brought upon her kingdom by the other three. And so, they joined forces, drawing upon their unique strengths to combat the danger.

For a time, it seemed that they might succeed. The kingdoms fought side by side, each contributing to the battle in their way. But then, an unforeseen event disrupted the newfound harmony, and everything changed.

The fire kingdom found itself betrayed by the other three kingdoms, even though it had fought alongside them in the battle. The outcome was far from what was expected. Instead of being hailed as a hero for its contributions, the fire kingdom was reduced to nothing, its power stripped away, and its people scattered and exiled.

The once-proud kingdom was left to smolder in the ashes of its own destruction, as the other three kingdoms basked in their newfound glory.

Shinso gasped as he took in the destruction that surrounded them. The once-vibrant city was now a charred wasteland, the air thick with smoke and the stench of burning flesh. Flames licked at the ruined buildings, devouring everything in their path.

In the distance, Shinso could hear the sound of screams and battle cries, as the remaining soldiers of the fire kingdom fought to protect what was left of their home. But it was a losing battle, as the combined forces of the other three kingdoms had overwhelmed them with their superior numbers and firepower.

Kaeya, his face contorted in pain, gritted his teeth as he clutched at his left eye. Blood trickled down his face from the fresh wound, a testament to the fierce battle that had just taken place.

Shinso's heart sank as he realized the true extent of the betrayal. This wasn't just a simple battle to eradicate a potential threat - this was a calculated, brutal attack on a once-proud kingdom.

"We have to keep moving," Shinso urged, his eyes darting around in search of an escape route. "We can't stay here."

"They destroyed our army," Kaeya gritted through his teeth again, his fingers tightening around his eye. "We had no chance against them. And only twelve years are left before that event comes to pass." He winced, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his eye.

Shinso looked at his ally in concern. "Kaeya, what's wrong with your eye?"

Kaeya hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's nothing. Just a souvenir from the battle." He knew he couldn't let his weakness show, not now. He had to be strong for those kids, his wards, who were counting on him for protection.

Two other soldiers survived such a cataclysm. One of them is a girl, her heart raced as she stumbled over the debris, her wounds throbbing with each step. She finally broke free from the rubble, using her demon powers to push the rocks aside. Her eyes darted around in panic as she searched for any sign of her queen.

"I hope that the queen is alright!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with worry. "Damn it! Playing dirty and destroying our army at a time like this? I thought we agreed to minimize the fighting in this world so we don't hurt it anymore," Then she decided to carry on her duty, trying to secure the queen's safety "Your majesty, where are you? Answer my call if you hear me!"

Meanwhile, the last surviving boy struggled to lift a massive boulder off his chest. He finally succeeded, freezing the pillar with his magic and then shattering it, and he gasped for air as he sat up.

"To think that the three other kingdoms got their reincarnations already!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mix of awe and envy. "I hope that one of our soldiers will become as great as those one day!" He looked around at the destruction, his eyes narrowing in determination. "We'll rebuild our kingdom and emerge stronger than ever before."

Despite the peaceful façade that remained after the attack, the destruction of the sacred army had left a deep wound in the hearts of the people. The very thought of a kingdom without its protectors sent shivers down their spines, and the fear of the same fate befalling their homes lingered like a dark cloud over their heads. The once secure and safe environment now felt uncertain and exposed, and the people couldn't help but wonder if their kingdom was next on the list of those who sought to destroy them.

After four long years, the kingdom has finally returned to its beloved state of peace. Here, we find the soldier Kaeya in the desolate Grim ruins, a small village located in the western part of the Fire kingdom. He is accompanied by three children, one of whom is a young girl. As Kaeya surveys the ruins, the youngest boy, Nobu, jumps up to him with excitement.

"Old man Kaeya, you promised to tell us the story of the old generations when I turn 11, right? Right?" Nobu's voice is filled with anticipation.

Kaeya takes the boy down and gives him a light tap on the forehead. "I thought I told you not to call me 'Old man.' I won't tell the story as a punishment."

"No, please, Mr. Kaeya!" Reina pleads, holding onto the man's hand as tightly as he can. "I and Satomi were waiting for this moment too!"

"Yeah, if you want to punish him, then don't let him hear the story while you're telling it to us," adds Satomi, giving Nobu a playful punch on the head.

"You guys are mean," Nobu complains, holding his head in pain and starting to shed some tears.

Kaeya gently places the weeping child onto his lap and begins to soothe him with a kind smile. "Don't worry, Nobu," he says. "I have a story that might make the three of you feel better. It's a tale of bravery, sacrifice, and redemption, one that has been passed down through the ages as the greatest legend of our world. Would you like to hear it?"

As the children nod eagerly, Kaeya begins to spin his tale, his voice soft and melodic.

Long, long ago, the world was a very different place. It was a time of magic and wonder, where anything was possible. Two brothers, Mazoku and Zariel, were born with powers that far exceeded those of any other beings. Mazoku could absorb any type of magic and become more powerful, while Zariel had a unique power that worked mainly on demons and demon hosts. He created a specific class of warriors called "demon hunters," who could only acquire this power through special training or by drinking Zariel's blood.

Under the protection of these two powerful brothers, their family and their people lived in a state of peace and harmony. But one day, evil got hold of Mazoku and he became separated from his family and his brother. He began to drain the magic and souls of innocent creatures to increase his power and eventually grew into a giant monster as large as the planet. Mazoku became the king of all evil, the God of Demons, and posed the greatest threat to their world.

Determined to protect their people and the planet, Zariel made the difficult decision to try and take his brother's life. With the help of the demon hunters, he created a powerful weapon that drained Mazoku's magical energy. Although Zariel felt sorrow and pain as he killed his brother, he knew that he had to do it to save their world.

But the sword Mazoku had implanted into the planet caused corruption and made the world unstable. The seals between their realm and the demons' realm were broken, and demons began to appear, causing chaos and destruction. In response, four different kingdoms emerged: the Fire Kingdom, the Frozen Kingdom, the Volcanic Kingdom, and the Water Kingdom. These kingdoms engaged in relentless wars to gain more power, causing even more destruction.

Eventually, they realized that their constant fighting was destroying the planet and decided to seek a solution. The sword Mazoku left behind offered a blessing that could purify the planet, but only on a specific night that came every 3000 years. The night transported whoever slept beside the sword to another dimension called the World's Fury, where three years passed in the span of one night. The four kingdoms agreed to fight in this dimension, where they would not harm the planet.

However, to return to the human realm, they have to fulfill a specific task within three years. Failure to do so would mean being trapped in the World's Fury realm until death. If they succeed, the sword would disappear and the World's Fury would be infused with the human realm, healing their wounded world.

The journey to fulfill this task is a daunting and challenging one, and only the most honorable and brave would take on this challenge. The soldiers who'll fight the hardest to heal their world will be known as the Legendary Soldiers and will gain fame, respect, and a life beyond their wildest dreams. It's a journey that requires immense sacrifice and dedication, but those who'll take it on will be truly deserving of the greatest respect.

After finishing the story, Kaeya looks at the three young faces full of excitement and amazement. He pats Nobu gently and says, "We don't have an army, youngsters. But it's up to the coming generation to take up the courage and join such a fight. It's up to you guys."

Satomi, with an innocent expression on her face, asks, "It's up to us?"

"Of course it is," adds Kaeya. "I'll do my best to train you to become fine sacred soldiers!"

Nobu, still in awe of the story, asks, "Old man Kaeya, how many years are left for this night thing to come by?" as he tries to take off Kaeya's eye patch.

"It's Mr. Kaeya, Nobu. And I think there are eight years left," Kaeya answers, preventing Nobu from taking his eye patch.

Nobu stands in front of them, his mind already filled with dreams of the future. "After eight years, I'll become 19 years old! I'll be as strong as that Mazoku thing if possible, and I'll lend a hand to heal our planet. I'll play the biggest role in getting rid of the conflict between the four kingdoms."

As he raises both of his hands to the sky, closing his eyes, Nobu shouts with all the pride and determination he can muster, "I'll bring peace to our world. That will be my goal until the bitter end!"

After the silence lingers for a while, Reina suddenly bursts out laughing, his laughter so contagious that even Satomi can't help but chuckle. However, the laughter dies down quickly, leaving Satomi looking concerned and Nobu with a quivering voice.

Kaeya then interjects, "But Nobu, don't you think it's odd that you haven't unlocked your powers even though you're already 11 years old?"

Satomi looks at Kaeya with a disapproving expression, but Kaeya continues, "Look at Reina, for example. He got his powers at 4 years old and unlocked his sacred weapon with perfect control at the same time. You'll be up against these kinds of prodigies. Can you keep up with them without magical energy?"

Nobu's voice trembles as he asks, "Are you trying to upset me?"

Satomi tries to console Nobu by putting her hands on his shoulder and saying, "Mr. Kaeya told you that because he doesn't want you to get hurt."

"I will become strong enough and prove you all wrong!" exclaims Nobu, before running away.

Reina looks at Kaeya with concern and shakes his head. "Don't you think you were a bit too harsh on him?"

Kaeya sighs. "I only said it because it's the truth. Without magical energy, Nobu doesn't stand a chance against overwhelming magic. He was born talentless, and that's just his fate."

The sun has risen high up in the sky, casting a warm glow on the bustling city. Six years have flown by in the blink of an eye, and the day has finally arrived for them to take the step that would change their lives forever. Two youngsters step out of the train, and the loud boy Ash immediately bellows, "Katsu! Do you know how to get to the exam location?"

Katsu rolls his eyes, "Stop shouting, Ash. Just follow me," He says, taking some steps toward the Grim Ruins, "We'll get there in time. And I'll give you back your Chronopennies when we're done."

Meanwhile, a boy and a girl sit in a cozy café, enjoying their drinks. "Aren't you going to admit that you have feelings for me?", Asks Reina, a mischievous smile on his face as gazes at Satomi.

Satomi raises an eyebrow, feigning annoyance. "I don't know, should I?"

Reina stands up, excitement bubbling over him. "So you do like me?!"

"Jeez, you're impossible," Satomi huffs.

As the day progresses, three other boys enter the grim ruins, one of them holding a map. He looks at it for a moment and then says, "If we want to get to the exam, we should head...", His line is interrupted by his friend's action, moving away from the group, "Magnus, where are you going?"

"I'll just wander around on my own," Magnus replies, distancing himself more. "I'm not a kid; I won't get lost."

Over in another corner of the ruins, a lone girl twirls with grace and poise. She's lost in her own world, moving to the beat of the music in her head, completely unaware of the chaos around her.

"Alright!" she exclaims, throwing her arms up in the air. "Time to show them what I'm made of. I'll pass this test with ease."

But her moment of triumph is short-lived as a wild plant beast emerges from the ground, its vine-like tendrils snaking toward her. The girl freezes, transfixed by the creature's power.

"Whoa," she gasps, her eyes wide with wonder. "This is amazing. I can feel its energy flowing through me."

But as the plant beast tightens its grip, she realizes the danger she's in. Her magical powers are being drained, leaving her weak and vulnerable.

"Hey, let go!" she protests, struggling to break free. "I have an exam to pass!"

The onlookers watch in awe as the girl battles the plant beast, her shadow magic creating unmatched whips that lash out at the beast. With a final burst of energy, she breaks free and dashes towards the exam location, her heart racing with excitement, only to face an even bigger vine beast blocking her path.

"I won't let anything stand in my way," she declares, her eyes blazing with determination as her hands darken with shadow magic. "I'll overcome any obstacle to achieve my goal."

The ruins soon become crowded with newbies, all eager to prove themselves and become sacred soldiers. A lady's voice booms over the loudspeaker, grabbing everyone's attention. "The exam will start in less than an hour. For those participating, please proceed to the exam location. Those who arrive more than ten minutes late will be disqualified."

Standing atop the highest point in the village, he savors the taste of the chocolate, relishing the rich flavors as they dance across his taste buds. His eyes flicker between shades of deep purple and dark blue, a reflection of the intense emotions swirling within him.

He hears the announcement for the exam and a sense of excitement courses through his veins. He knows that the road ahead will be full of challenges, but he feels a burning determination to face them head-on.

With a deep breath, Nobu raises his head, his eyes fixed on the horizon. His voice is firm and unwavering as he speaks aloud to himself, "Bring it on. I'm ready for whatever comes my way. Failure is not an option, and I won't let anything stand in the way of achieving my dream."

As he pockets the chocolate wrapper, Nobu's eyes settle on a distant mountaintop, their color shifting once more to a brilliant shade of violet. The sight fills him with renewed determination, and he knows that nothing can stop him from reaching his goals, "Let's ace it!"

Next chapter