
prologue - genesis of It

The universe is a crown and the galaxies adorn it as shining gems. The crown sits upon the head of a faceless entity, a Being, the Creator, the King, the Queen, the Ruler, It.

The genesis of Its rule lies in boredom.

The Creator got bored one day and decided to birth life. In strangest of forms, It poured a piece of Itself in every creation be it weak or powerful.

The Gems grew into sentient Beings of their own and It scattered them all over his crown, curiously eyeing their adventures. They were all powerful beings, strangers to one another and themselves.

Whilst in their pursuit of self discovery, they chanced upon greed, power, bloodlust and ambition— hence, destruction.

The Creator then birthed Time to limit and restrain the Gems. The Sun was birthed to alarm the Gems of ticking Time and instill a fear of total darkness, but he was too lonely by himself.

He made a selfish wish for companionship and was then cursed to chase the Moons for eternity.

The universe was slowly getting into a routine of familiarity and contempt. Until, they discovered the existence of The Creator, and Its supreme power, and began fighting to be 'It.' Though, It got bored of their shenanigans again and snatched the Gems' sentience and transformed them into Land.

The Creator then birthed Nature to sustain the Gems and just to mock them, It created weaker Beings to rule the Gems.

These new Beings were no longer immortal or self sustainable, they were dependent and thrust into a cycle of life. It called them the Ephemerals, homo sapiens, who held pride in their ignorant existence. The Creator enjoyed watching them. Until, they began calling themselves a "God."

So, It wrecked their civilizations and began anew.

This time, It placed the lowly beings alongside the mighty beings, the species alongside Nature, bound by Time and the Sun and the Moons. It created what we now call, "The World," and scattered the Gems in this World.

It blew whispers of knowledge about Its Crown and weaved a thread of Destiny for one soul to collect all the Gems and adorn Its Crown again.

Then, It took off Its Crown and sat back to see who would win and be destroyed again, between the Ephemerals and the Enchanteds.

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