
Chapter One: Betrayal

A water bottle was sent flying towards Marcus's direction, he was able to avoid it, but the water bottle's cap wasn't closed tightly causing water to splash all over him. 

He could feel the cold water seeping into his clothes and the script that he had been holding was now drenched, the ink running and the pages starting to crumple. 

He looked at the person who threw him the bottle in confusion. 

"S-Sir Frank—"

"Get out of here, bastard! How dare you ridicule my book with your acting? This is a mockery of the character! I poured my heart and soul into writing this script, and yet you've just butchered it with your pathetic performance!"

Frank, the writer, snapped at Marcus.

"But I just did what is in the script, Sir," Marcus protested. 

"Is there a role for a dog in the script? You only howled and barked in front of us! How ridiculous! You were supposed to act as if you were a soldier in war! A soldier! Not a fucking dog!" 

The casting director's patience had also worn thin, as he spat at Marcus.

"Wrong script?" Marcus asked himself. 

He looks at the script that has gotten wet and reads the first page. 

He furrowed even more when he saw the title of the movie, Brothers of Valor and it was clearly written on the first page. 

How could he be mistaken?

Marcus turned his head back on the Director. 

"But, Director, it was in the script that the character had to act like a dog," Marcus insisted.

"What did you just say, you fucking idiot?! Get out of here! We don't have time for amateurs who can't even get the right script!" the casting director yelled, his veins bursting out of anger. 

His face was so red he looked like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment. 

Marcus tried to open his mouth to say something but he couldn't say anything out of fear.

"I expected more from you, Marcus. You come from a family of actors, yet you can't even deliver a decent audition. I guess the bloodline of Thornwood has come to an end."

The Director, who had been silent this whole time, sighed and shook his head in disapproval.

"Get out of here! You're wasting our time," the casting director spat, his words cutting deep into Marcus.

Without a choice, Marcus left the room, his head low, he couldn't bear to look at the other actors. 

"Did you see that? What a joke!"

"Is he for real? He should quit acting and spare us the agony of watching him!"

"I've seen better acting in a kindergarten play!"

"Who let him in? He doesn't belong here!"

"His dead parents must have been the reason he even got an audition here!"

Marcus's hands tightened, his knuckles becoming white with rage. 

He wanted to yell out and confront them, but he choked down his pride and quickly turned to leave the area. 

The idea of becoming an even larger laughingstock was too much for him to take.

His pulse was racing as he ran, but he didn't notice the trap that had been prepared for him. 

A foot that was intentionally stretched across his path caused him to stumble and lose his balance. 

He tripped and his face hit the cold floor.


Marcus groaned. 

He touched his face and his eyes widened when he saw his hand coated with blood. 


Marcus turned to look at the owner of the foot but it seemed that the humiliation of his fall wasn't enough, the flashing of cameras assaulted his eyes, the mocking laughter of his fellow actor echoing in his ears.

"What an idiot! Hahahaha!"

"He deserved that!"

Angry and embarrassed, Marcus stood up and covered his eyes with his arm, and hurried to the restroom. 

And locking the door behind him, he leaned against the cool tiles. 

With a resigned sigh, he surveyed the disheveled script, ink smudged and crinkled from the impact.

Then there was his suit, now drenched and bloody. 

Marcus's heart sank, this suit was a cherished gift from his late mother. 

Marcus Thornwood is an inspiring actor. 

He auditioned and hoped to make a name in Hollywood but he got humiliated instead in front of everyone, in front of the two legendary figures in Hollywood, the famous director, Jake Powell and the renowned novelist, playwright, and screenwriter in Hollywood, Frank Thompson. 

Marcus wondered if he was just deluding himself, thinking he could make it in Hollywood. 

He had come here to audition after hearing that the legends of Hollywood decided to collaborate. 

So he tried his best and even had to get a loan for the trip. His girlfriend also insisted on coming with him, thus the cost had doubled, so he had no choice but to borrow some more. 

As a loyal boyfriend, he had to give Rachel what she wanted. 

The problem now was how will he pay the loan when he failed the audition? He put all his bets on this trip.

Suddenly, his phone rang and saw that Rachel was calling him. 

A smile immediately appeared on his lips. All he wanted now was to feel her warm embrace.

"Hello, Rachel?" 

"Hello, Marcus?" 

Rachel's angelic voice made Marcus's depressing thoughts disappear. 

"Where are you, Babe—"

"I'm at the rooftop. Come here quickly." 

Rachel's voice was cold. 

She has been like that in the past few days, the reasons unknown to him. But, it didn't matter for Marcus, all that mattered was that they loved each other. 

Marcus had arrived at the rooftop, and he opened the door with excitement. 

Unconsciously, the corner of Marcus's lips curved into a smile. His smile widened even more when he saw Rachel smiling at him with open arms.


Marcus exclaimed, he ran towards his girlfriend wanting to be hugged by her.

"Congratulations, cousin! I heard that you made a good barking back there! It's too bad I wasn't able to see it."

Marcus's smile quickly faded. 

He stopped running to look at the person who called him cousin, and there were only two people who would call him that with a voice dripping with sarcasm. 

He turned to see Julia and Eric, flanked by some intimidating-looking men.

The men were wearing a black suits and there were three of them in total. 

They look like a gangster with their bodies full of tattoos. Marcus felt his whole body tremble as he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"J-Julia... and Eric." 

Marcus gulped down his saliva. Seeing them made his trauma resurface. 

"Why are you here?" 

Marcus had lost his parents not long ago, and the people who he thought were a family turned against him. 

After losing his parents, his auntie and his cousins, Julia and Eric, arrived at his house and comforted him but just a few days later their attitude towards him changed. 

They made him clean, did the laundry and even hurt him physically. They treated him with such cruelty that he could hardly believe it. 

The mansion that his parents left behind for him and had been his refuge, was taken away from him. 

Even the inheritance that his parents left behind was taken away from him. 

Seeing them now, the burn on his skin from the hot water that Eric poured on him flared up again, a painful reminder of the cruelty he had endured at their hands. 

"How are you, cousin?" 

Eric asks with a grin on his face. 

It was as if he was having fun seeing Marcus trembling at the sight of him.

Marcus wanted to run but dismissed the idea when he remembered his girlfriend was with him.

Marcus ignored them and hurried towards Rachel and pulled her. 

He knows how dangerous and cruel they are.

"Let's go, Rachel! We have to run quickly!" he yelled, worried about what they might do to Rachel. 

However, Rachel just raised a brow at him. 

"And why would I?" she yelled.

Rachel slapped Marcus's hand that was holding her hand and pushed Marcus away from her as if he was a disgusting creature.

Marcus looked at his girlfriend, confused. He was about to ask her what was wrong but then suddenly, Rachel smiled sweetly, a smile that he never received from Rachel and it was not directed at him, but towards his cousin, Eric. 

Marcus shook his head. He must be hallucinating. 

Why would Rachel smile at Eric? They don't know each other!

"What are you doing, Rachel? We have to go." 

Marcus tried to take his girlfriend's hand but Rachel slapped his hand once again. 

She looked at him with disgust. 

"Ugh! Don't touch me, you pathetic loser!" 

Marcus looked at his girlfriend stunned. 


Eric's laughter followed, tinged with scorn. 

"Haha! You are still as pathetic as before, cousin."

Marcus ignored Eric and looked at his girlfriend, waiting for her explanation. 

"Are you acting like this because I didn't get the role?" 

Marcus attempted to touch Rachel again but Rachel backed away from him. 

"I-I'm sorry, Rachel. I didn't get the role. I-It seems that there was a problem with the script that you gave me."

Julia's smirk deepened, there was a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Oh, Marcus, you're completely clueless, aren't you? You still didn't realize?"

Marcus turned his head and looked at Julia with furrowed brows. 

"Realized what?"

Julia smirked and said, "Rachel is the reason why you were humiliated in front of everyone."

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