
Chapter 2 : Mutation and Spirit Master Class

Tang Ziran: Ancient Dragon I have never heard of this Martial Soul? Maybe a mutation of an earth dragon? What is his initial skill?

Tang Ling: It grants me the constitution of an Ancient Dragon covering my whole body with 9-coloured scales, giving me extraordinary strength and defence, fast regeneration and suppression of beast-like martial spirits. As for my keyblade, it gives me a boost of spirit power and strength when I equip it, and finally, my Blue Silver Grass, which has mutated because of my dragon bloodline power into a variant I've called Nine Colors Blue Silver Grass, makes it more resilient, powerful and versatile than other Blue Silver Grass.

Everyone looks at me in amazement

Ling Yue: My baby is a genius

Tang Ling: You're going a little too fast mom.

Tang Ziran: Well, enough talking about Ling, and let's focus on Wulin, what did you get my boy.

Everyone turns to Wulin who blushes with shyness and then conjures up his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, my 9-colours Blue Silver Grass immediately reacts, like to tell me that Wulin spirit has some sort of link with mine.

Tang Ling(thought): Spirit Resonance?

Tang Wulin: I have awakened a normal Blue Silver Grass and my innate soul power is rank 5 like brother Ling

Tang Ling (thought): Heh, Rank 5?! and not 3?

My parents look at Wulin with affection seeing that he is discouraged because his martial spirit is dime as trash spirit

Lang Yue: Don't be disappointed my baby boy I'm proud of you and your brother.

Tang Ziran: Wulin, listen to me, for all of us know you did your best, do you know how rare it is to have Soul Power? the ratio is one to ten thousand.

Our father says trying to cheer him up

Tang Wulin: Dad, stop trying to cheer me up, it's actually a ratio of one to one thousand

Tang Ziran: Ah? Oh... Humff

Before my father can say anything else, covering his mouth with some of my Blue Silver Grass

Tang Ling: Let me take care of this dad, you're only making things worse. Wulin shows me your Blue Silver Grass one more time.

Tang Wulin: Why?

Tang Ling: I want to be sure of something. If you are my twin brothers, then there is a great chance that your Blue Silver Grass also has a mutation.

Tang Wulin: You think?

Tang Ling: When you take out your spirit before, I feel my 9-colours blue silver grass react to your as if telling me your spirit is special

A smile appears on Tang Wulin's face before he makes his spirit appear in his hands and then on closer inspection I notice that they all have a golden skeleton and more than a third of the grass is gold.

Tang Ling (thought): That's what I thought. The golden dragon king's bloodline has already started the mutation of his Blue Silver Grass quicker than predicted.

Tang Ling: Like I thought your Martial Spirit is mutating slowly but it mutating, maybe you have a bloodline like mine asleep in you.

Lang Yue: You're sure, Ling'er?

Tang Ziran: Hmmm (You're sure ?)

Our father tries to say while trying to remove the grass leaves on his mouth but without success

Tang Ling: Yep and I can prove it since Wulin and I are of the same rank I should be able to destroy his grass easily especially with the passive my dragon gives me

I stretch Wulin's grass normally but I feel resistance then I start to use my soul power in all my body. It's only after 3 minutes they break.

Lang Yue: You see Tang Tang, there is hope.

Tang Wulin: Yes I can be a Spirit Master thank you very much, Brother Ling

Wulin said while giving me a hug

Tang Ling: It's alright and remember this, there doesn't exist trash Martial Spirit, only trash Spirit Master, so you must cultivate diligently.

Wulin node at me

Tang Linh: Good, now how are we going to name this mutation… I found a good name now we are going to name your Martial Spirit Golden Blue Silver Grass since it has golden patterns

Lang Yue: Well, after so much suspense, let's eat before everyone gets cold.

Hearing our mother's words my stomach and Wulin's starts to rumble

Tang Wulin/ Tang Ling: Lunch

After taking the leaves out of dad's mouth we all sit down, Wulin and I start eating as if we hadn't eaten anything for years

After eating I help my mother with the housework although it doesn't earn me as many EXP points as it used to.

[ You helped your mother with housework +120 EXP ]

After that my brother and I went straight to bed because the day was very tiring and tomorrow we will join the Spirit Master class.

During my sleep I dreamt that I was in a field of 9-colours Blue Silver Grass then suddenly a young Ancient Dragon appeared in front of me when his forehead touched mine I felt a connection form between us then all of a sudden I found myself ejected from my dream when I hear a scream.


I see Wulin sweating like he just had a nightmare

Tang Ling: Hmmm, calm down Wulin you must have had a bad dream

Tang Wulin: So... So it's... So it was just a dream.

Tang Ling: What did you dream about?

Wulin tells me that he too was in a field of Blue Silver Grass and a golden object fell from the sky and tried to eat him

Tang Ling: I see, I almost had the same dream as you but compared to you they didn't try to eat me. But I don't think you need to worry about that now.

Tang Wulin: You think so?

Tang Ling: I'm sure, let's get ready for school

Tang Wulin: Okay

Wulin and I took our shower rubbing each other's backs and I noticed that our skin become smooth and released a fresh smell. When I came out of the bathroom I passed our mother who had just brought us our clothes for school when all of a sudden she picked me up and started rubbing her cheek against mine.

Tang Ling: What's wrong with you all of a sudden.

Lang Yue: You smell so good, come and let mum hug you! such smooth skin! such bouncy skin, mum is very envious

After letting my mother have her moment I quickly got dressed and headed to the dining room only to hear Wulin's voice being assaulted by her as well.

After Wulin joined us we each gobbled up over 6 bowls of food

Ling Yue: Tang Tang and Ling'Er's appetite is really good. You are still growing, eat more, eat more

We said our mother with a smile but our father didn't seem to agree

Tang Zing: Growing a lot is not bad but eating so much really. They have already eaten 6 times the amount they usually eat...

Tang Wulin: Don't worry I will become a Spirit Master, as a Spirit Master I can earn a lot of money, then buy for mum and dad lots of good food.

Tang Ling: I've already saved a lot of money by doing some odd jobs in the neighbourhood so don't worry about spending money on our food, I think we'll even have enough to feed an extra mouth like us for 1 or 2 years.

Tang Zing / Lang Yue: Those stupid children... So thoughtful...

The two parents said to each other as they watched their two sons act responsibly in front of them. After this touching moment, dad takes us to the front of the academy, but he is crying before Wulin and asks him if he doesn't want to go back.

Tang Ling: Really dad, you are too emotional

Tang Ziran: But Tang Tang...

Tang Wulin: Okay, okay... Dad, I'm going! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine! And Brother Ling is with me!

Then we are picked up by a teacher who guides us to our classroom.

Tang Ling: Wulin, I'm going to tell you some rules that you have to follow from now on.

Tang Wulin: Rules?

Tang Ling: Think of it as a guideline, because the moment we have awakened our Martial Spirits many things will change. As you are supposed to know, the profession of Spirit Master is very hard and brutal. This world is less welcoming than people let on especially for kids like us who are not part of a big family or organization.

Tang Wulin: Okay.

Tang Ling: The first rule: Never let anyone walk all over you, whether it's a classmate or a teacher, especially those who have bad intentions towards you

Tang Wulin: Understood

Tang Ling: Second if people ask you what your Martial Spirit is, try to not tell them about it if it's a professor you tell them it's a Martial Spirit Mutation named Golden Blue Silver Grass which makes it more durable and versatile.

Wulin nod in understanding

On the way, Wulin and I came face to face with another kid who, without wishing to offend him, is ugly like a foot.

Kid: Hey... Are you also from the Spirit Master class? What are your martial spirits?

Tang Wulin: Why should we tell you to mind your own business

Wulin answers with a certain dominance in his voice and then, without saying anything, continues his way. Just watching this scene I couldn't help but nod in appreciation of how he handled the situation.

I look at the kid who is about to get angry at Wulin but I put my hand on his shoulder with a little force, then I feel my pupils become those of a dragon and my eyes glow slightly.

Kid: Ouch... what...

Tang Ling: I don't know who you are, but if you try to mess with my brother, you'll get hurt so get out of my sight.

Kid: Sorry, big brother, I was wrong.

The kid runs away at once

Tang Ling: Big talker, no courage.

I join Wulin and take a seat next to him after a while our teacher arrives

Teacher: Hello everyone! I am the headteacher of this class, Lin Xi Meng. If there is no problem, I will take care of the whole primary class until you graduate! Everyone, please introduce yourselves! Including your name, martial spirit and spiritual power.

The first ones on the list introduce themselves one after the other and then it's my turn

Lin Xi Meng: Tang Ling, your turn.

I get up from my chair

Tang Ling: Name of Tang Ling, Innate Spirit Power Rank 5, Martial Spirit Earth Dragon, I hope we get along well,

Classmate 1: Heh, an Earth Dragon and rank 5 he must be the most powerful in our class.

Classmate 2: He's so lucky

Classmate 3: He looks cute too.

Lin Xi Meng : Next, Tang Wulin, your turn.

Tang Wulin: Name of Tang Wulin, Innate Spiritual Power Rank 5, Mutated Martial Spirit Golden Blue Silver Grass, nice to meet you.

Classmate 4: Mutated Martial Spirit...

Classmate 2: ...Golden Blue Silver Grass?

Classmate 1: This is the first time I've heard of it

Classmate 3: And it also has an innate spiritual power of rank 5 which is that it must be stronger than a normal Blue Silver Grass

Lin Xi Meng: This is the first time I hear about a Blue Silver Grass Mutation, what is its effect?

Tang Wulin: It makes my grass stronger than iron making them as versatile as a Blue Silver Grass with a ring already.

Lin Xie Meng: I see, I wish you success.

Then the rest of the students finish introducing themselves, because of our innate soul power of rank 5 Wulin and I were appointed leader and vice leader of the class

Teacher Lin: We will start our first lesson now! I will first talk about the different classifications of Martial Spirits. Later in the afternoon, I will guide you on how to train and raise your soul powers.

Teacher Lin: First of all, Martial Spirits or Soul Essences are classified into two types: the Weapon type and the Animal type. The soul powers that your body assumes during transformation are called the Beast Soul. The ones that use your life energy to appear are the weapon souls. Through training, you can raise your soul power, and once it reaches the 10th degree, you can become a Soul Master.

Students: Oh

Teacher Lin: Soul Masters can be classified into two types, Weapon Soul Masters and Animal Soul Masters. Using combat to train their soul power, these soul masters are called combat masters. Those who use spiritual weapons to train are called weapon masters. And soul powers and soul masters have many smaller classifications...

After the first class of the morning, we went to eat in the cafeteria, as members of the Spirit master class lunch is free for us

I give Wulin one of my nutritional pills that I made thanks to alchemy to satiate his enormous appetite due to the awakening of the golden dragon king's bloodline in him and also to avoid us being ridiculed due to our great appetite.

Then came the afternoon class devoted to learning meditation to increase our power of the soul.

I began to run my cultivation Manual called Ancient Chaos Dragon Spirit Method, it is separated into 18 levels, the first twelve levels allow one to cultivate to the peak of the Mortal Realm corresponding to the twelve levels a spirit master must pass to walk the path to divinity and the last six levels allow one to cultivate to the peak of the Divine Realm.

It also contains a technique showing how to condense one's own spirit rings from a dragon clan bloodline and martial spirit. As well as its own Soul Core Condensation Techniques which allow you to condense your own soul core without any problems and a Spiritual Cultivation technique that I can only use when I breakthrough to the Spirit Connection Realm.

This manual is universal and can be used with almost any technique in existence.

For an hour I absorb the necessary amount of power from Heaven and Earth and then I feel something break inside me meaning that I have gone to rank 6.

When I open my eyes I notice that Wulin is in front of me.

Tang Ling: what's wrong Wulin?

Tang Wulin: I felt a large amount of soul power gathering towards you, how you do that.

Tang Ling: That's because I use a cultivation manual

Tang Wulin: Hey, where did you get that from, Professor Lin said only big families and organizations do that?

Tang Ling: An old man gave it to me along with a lot of other books after helping him tidy up his attic last year.

Tang Wulin: You think you can teach me this cultivation manual

Tang Ling: Euh... nop!!!

Tang Wulin: Cheapskate.

Wulin starts to sulk

Tang Ling: I'm just kidding, catch

I take out a manual from my storage spirit device and throw it to Wulin who catches it

Tang Wulin: Ancient Chaos Dragon Spirit Method (three first levels)

Tang Ling: You have to promise me Wulin that you won't tell anyone what's in this manual under any circumstances.

Next chapter