
From university lecturer to chief academician

In a challenging and opportune era, there is a young doctorate named Wang Hao who unexpectedly finds himself transported to a new world. However, his fate is not smooth sailing, but full of twists and challenges. Wang Hao initially aimed for scientific research upon arriving in this world, but unexpectedly became embroiled in a public opinion storm. He was accused of being a "paper mill" and criticized by academic bigwigs as engaging in "ineffective scientific research." However, just as the public opinion storm rages on, Wang Hao quickly refutes all accusations. Each of the ten papers he produced showcases solid research, with far-reaching impact that shakes the entire internet. Reporters flock to interview him, hoping to uncover the true face of this young doctorate. However, Wang Hao responds with a nonchalant attitude: "I didn't specialize in scientific research; those papers were just insights I gained while teaching students." This story is full of dramatic tension and plot twists. Wang Hao's emergence not only shocks people but also triggers deep reflection on scientific research and academia. His perseverance, wisdom, and calm attitude make him the center of attention. This is a legendary tale of courage, wisdom, and justice, as well as a thought-provoking revelation.

XiangRu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: I'm Not Professional in This Aspect

The class was coming to an end. Wang Hao finished explaining the last topic, but he seemed reluctant to stop.

During the lecture, his mind became exceptionally active, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and a continuous flow of new ideas. He wished the class could go on indefinitely.

However, every class has its end. Wang Hao glanced at the time and, with some regret, announced, "That's it for today's class."

"Now, it's time for homework."

Wang Hao wrote the assignment on the blackboard with chalk and then asked, "Who from Class One and Class Two will collect the homework?"

Two students raised their hands, one of whom happened to be Bi Chenggong.

Wang Hao nodded lightly. "Bi Chenggong, along with Wang Jinxue, please submit your homework to my office by Thursday."

Having given his instructions, Wang Hao concluded the class.

Many students breathed a sigh of relief, eager to leave as soon as possible.

However, to his satisfaction, a few students approached him with questions.

After addressing the last student, Wang Hao quickly opened the system to check his gains:

[Teaching Points: 9.] (Reached the daily limit.)

[Task One]

[Inspiration Points: 3.]

[Task Two]

[Inspiration Points: 101.]

"One class cost two teaching points, but the gains were worth it..."

"Inspiration points for Task Two are as high as 101."

"With 100 points, I can use it once. Looks like I need to hurry back to summarize."

The gains weren't just in system data. Just after one class, Wang Hao found his understanding of Fourier Transform had deepened. Concepts previously unclear and connections with other knowledge now emerged in his mind. This method seemed more effective and faster than spending time studying or reading books.

Regardless of whether they were good or bad students, as long as they listened attentively, they would surely gain some personal insights. Some misunderstandings were directly corrected by the system, while the correct ones were reinforced in their minds.

The significance of students' feedback lay not only in understanding the knowledge but also in their ideas and creativity. Ideas and creativity could bring inspiration and perhaps become the direction for research and development.

As the saying goes, "Three ignorant people can top one Zhuge Liang." Now there were hundreds of students, and their collective thoughts on a certain topic were remarkable.

During the course, Wang Hao had made up his mind: "In the future, I'll demand stricter requirements!"

"I'll strive to make every student, even those with poor foundations or those who don't understand well, listen attentively!"

"This is for their own good."

"It's a win-win!"

The class ended.

Wang Hao packed up and hurried back to his office, brimming with ideas that needed to be recorded one by one.

During lunchtime, the office was empty.

He first recorded a series of ideas and then opened the system to check:

[Task Two]

[Research Project Name: Application Expansion of Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm (Difficulty: c).]

[Inspiration Points: 101.]

(Tip: Use 100 inspiration points to assist in obtaining interrelated inspiration and knowledge related to research and development.)


Wang Hao took a deep breath and immediately issued the command to use it. Suddenly, the ideas related to Fourier Transform in his mind formed a clear framework.

He had found his direction.

"Discrete Fourier Transform can also be applied in the field of data modeling."

"Fourier Transform can perform overall calculations and analysis of large numbers, forming a new modeling and analysis method."

Wang Hao carefully organized the information in his mind and then used a teaching point.

[Using a teaching point to enter focus mode, lasting for one hour.]

Instantly, his brain seemed to 'awaken,' becoming exceptionally flexible in thinking. It was easy to concentrate on the direction he had thought of.

That's it!

He immediately immersed himself in the analysis, expanding, thinking, and recording bit by bit.

Time was forgotten.

An hour later, as the focus mode effect ended, he regained his senses and saw several people in the office.

Some were resting on the table, some were playing with computers, and some seemed to be working.

Zhu Ping and he made eye contact. She stood up, straightened her skirt, and smiled, "Wang Hao, I saw you were so focused just now, what were you writing?"

"Just reflecting on the class, had some insights."

"Reflections from teaching?" Zhu Ping said with a touch of sarcasm, "I teach computer science, and I'm almost driven crazy by the students. Just making a simple calculator program in C language, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and there's a bunch of people who don't get it. I've explained it over and over again..."

She complained for a while.

Wang Hao listened.

Then he lowered his head to carefully examine the content and, considering there were no classes in the afternoon, decided to continue his research.

The constant flow of people in and out of the door had a significant impact.

He decided to use another 'teaching point.'

[Using a teaching point to enter focus mode, lasting for one hour.]


He analyzed the application and expansion of Fourier Transform and devoted himself to researching how the Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm could assist in data modeling.

The latter was particularly meaningful.

The Fast Fourier Transform is one of the most important algorithms in computing, mainly used in digital signal processing, solving partial differential equations, and quickly computing large integer products.

Wang Hao found a new application method. By using Fourier Transform as a computational aid, he could filter and model massive data sets comprehensively.

Starting from global data modeling, this method could become a big data analysis tool and could also be applied in other complex data analysis scenarios.

Based on the properties of Fourier Transform, he thought of two methods to assist in complex data modeling.

Now it was time to record, summarize, and delve deeper into these two methods.


An hour passed.

Wang Hao still hadn't finished his work. He pressed his forehead with his hand, brewed a cup of coffee, and continued working.

[Using a teaching point to enter focus mode, lasting for one hour.]

[Using a teaching point to enter focus mode, duration...]

"Discrete Fourier Transform."

"Sine, cosine, input transformation."

"Big data modeling framework."

"Data transformation..."

A bunch of professional content filled his mind, slowly organizing the structure, then transforming and analyzing the connections.

Wang Hao completely forgot about the passage of time until his shoulder was lightly tapped by someone.

"It's not over yet."

Zhu Ping stood behind him, curious.

Wang Hao quickly snapped out of it, looking around, and asked, "What time is it, Zhu Jie?"

"It's almost six!"

"It's already six?" Wang Hao moved his arms, stretched lazily, then looked at the stack of papers on the table, unable to hide his smile.

Dozens of pages, all are achievements! Although there were only a dozen pages, they contained the essence of his research. He had completed the construction of Fourier Transform, assisting in the development of complex data modeling algorithms. Two methods, two achievements. Expanding Fourier Transform into a new algorithm might not be a groundbreaking achievement, but because it was a novel algorithm, it had many applications and was worthy of publication in top journals, representing cutting-edge achievements in computer mathematics.

Zhu Ping looked at Wang Hao's expression and the stack of papers on the table, couldn't help but ask in amazement, "Have you been researching all this time? I saw you in this state during lunch."

"Well... It seems so."

"You're really pushing yourself too hard!" Zhu Ping stared in amazement. She could understand being focused on research, but working continuously for an entire afternoon and completing a stack of complex mathematical content, she couldn't imagine.

Anyway, she couldn't do it.

"Just jot down ideas as they come," Wang Hao explained simply, then began to tidy up the things on the table, ready to continue his research.

Because he was only filling in for vacant classes, from Monday to Thursday, he only had one class each day, and on Friday, there were two consecutive problem-solving classes in the afternoon and evening. It was his first official day of work, and he felt it wouldn't be right to leave at noon, so he stayed in the office all the time.

After packing up, Wang Hao was about to leave. Zhu Ping happened to be leaving too and casually asked, "Are you going to have dinner?"


Wang Hao had just refused when his stomach growled embarrassingly.

Zhu Ping couldn't help but laugh and pointed outside with her finger, "Let's go, let's go. You've just arrived at school, maybe you're not familiar with it. I'll take you to a good place."


The "good place" Zhu Ping mentioned was the second floor of the small cafeteria on the west side of the university. Because of its relatively remote location, very few students came here for meals, and most of the people who came were school staff. Many leaders would also treat guests here.

The two of them went upstairs and found a small table to sit down.

Zhu Ping wanted to order two dishes to treat him, but was directly refused by Wang Hao, "Zhu Jie, do you think I'm still in the mood to wait for the food when I'm so hungry?"

Then, he simply ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

Wang Hao ate quickly, and during the meal, Zhu Ping was the one doing all the talking, mostly gossip about the school, mostly related to "personal life" content.


Wang Hao silently complained to himself, nodding along as if he was listening attentively, but the rapidly emptying bowls proved that his mind was focused on finishing the food.

At this moment, a voice came from beside them, "Sorry to interrupt, are you Dr. Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao turned his head and saw the "seemingly strong woman" he had seen during the academic affairs and teaching standing beside him earnestly.

"You are..."

"Su Yingxue, Manager of Creative Micro Technology." Su Yingxue introduced herself and then extended her hand formally.

Wang Hao also politely stood up, shook her hand, looked around, and pulled a chair over.

Su Yingxue sat opposite him.

She nodded towards Zhu Ping, then said, "Dr. Wang Hao..."

"Just call me by my name." Wang Hao quickly corrected, feeling it sounded awkward.

"Wang... Teacher Wang."

Su Yingxue hesitated for a moment, simply calling him "teacher," and asked very seriously, "You've worked in the Metal Materials Laboratory in Donggang, right?"

Wang Hao furrowed his brows slightly.

Although it only existed in his memory, the Metal Materials Laboratory was not a pleasant memory.

Seeing Wang Hao's expression change, Su Yingxue quickly clarified, "I'm not talking about that matter, and I believe that it has nothing to do with you, definitely due to other reasons."

Her expression was very serious, her eyes unwavering. "I came to find you because you are an excellent mathematics doctor and also have research in material technology."

Wang Hao nodded.

An excellent mathematics doctor. He didn't deny that.

"Our company collaborates with the Nanomicro Laboratory at Xihai University, and they are preparing for a new study to observe the behavior of particles of different sizes in high magnetic fields."

She paused before continuing, "We hope to find a method to separate and conduct microsphere conduction in this research."

Wang Hao scratched his head as he thought carefully. He hesitated and said, "Achieving it is definitely possible. But as for the upper limit, that requires..."

Midway through his sentence, a new idea suddenly came to his mind, and he continued, "In theory, it is possible to achieve the separation of electrically charged microspheres at the micrometer or even smaller levels through precision design. However, in a conventional laboratory environment, it is difficult to separate microspheres above one micrometer, making it challenging to meet market manufacturing standards."

Su Yingxue listened with her mouth slightly open, her face full of surprise. She furrowed her brows and asked, "Teacher Wang, have you also participated in the projects of the Nanomicro Laboratory?"

"What projects?" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized that what he had just said was not in his memory at all. It was the same as with the girl next