8 Let Me Go

That mistake is in me ...

He led me to the dining room. There I saw an elegant and beautiful woman like an artist sitting waiting for the two of us, almost my eyes widened, for a moment I thought she was a Belina Cannon artist because her face was very beautiful and very similar.

"Morning Ma'am ..."

He greeted her mother with a kiss on the cheek and He also sat right next to his mother.

"Anjani is here, sitting next to me ... Ma'am ... this is my friend Anjani, she slept here last night, last night I wanted to tell mom, but mom was already sleeping ....."

With a flat and innocent feeling, he spoke to his mother to introduce me. I wonder what his mother thinks of me now.

Her eyes look sharp at me. My body began to feel shaky, awkward and afraid to start words, I was confused about what I should do ... I could only bow my head, I did not dare to see their faces.

"Miss Anjani ... do you have a problem in your house, so you can spend the night in this house ..."

The words sounded very soft but right pierced my heart ... I felt my breathing stop and this pulse died.

I could not say anything, these eyes could only see the hand that was on my lap.

"Ma ... don't start trouble, I'm the one who is guilty here, I forced Anjani to spend the night and sleep in my room! Please ma'am ... don't let me leave this dining table!"

He said loudly to his mother.

I also became increasingly uncomfortable and sinful, because of this dispute the main problem was me.

"Oooh ...! You are getting better now ...! Can you already refute yourself at this time ...! You must remember, I am your mother ... who raised you and cared for you all this time! Save it in Your head!"

His mother's tantrums getting louder at him, really made me want to run and leave this house.

"Calm down ... I never forget that .. And I will always remember everything you did to me ... It seems like mother has forgotten ... It's time I have to tell you .. You have no right to rule my life! I want is my wish ... And the most important thing for me is ... This house ...!


I increasingly do not understand what is happening here ... At first I thought it was all because of me, but there is a hidden grudge between this mother and child. I was more confused, and didn't know what to do, their voices responded to each other with each other's anger. This heart beats very fast and reflexively I will stand up from my seat ...

"Auntie .. sorry ... I'm sorry it's all my fault."

With a stuttering tone, I ventured to apologize to them.

"Auntie ... I will tidy up my things and leave here soon. Thank you auntie"

I immediately went to the room to clean all my belongings. but his hand quickly grabbed my hand, thus stopping me.

"Anjani, wait! Don't go, this is my house ...! I made the decision here. You don't have to go ... But it is he who deserves to leave here ...!"

His hand unhesitatingly pointed at his mother, and innocent anger drove her away.

"Oh my God ... what's up!"

I felt myself plunged into smelly mud. I'm like a cat coming out of a lion's den and into a crocodile's cage.

Really all these events make me sick and hate it.

"Enough ...! Let me leave here, please don't stop me ... I want to leave here, thank you for your help."

I moved his hand which held my hand tightly, while I thanked him. then I ran to his room. I never thought it would happen like this.

At first I thought everything would feel wonderful with it. but in reality everything made me sick and hatred was increasingly integrated in my soul.

"Anjani ... please don't leave, don't leave me, look at me Anjani ... please .. look at me .. look at my eyes! "

He tried to stop me from my hands tidying my suitcase, and he hugged my body, he begged me so I could see him so I could trust him. Really this tongue feels speechless to talk to him, who knows what feeling rages in my heart if I'm next to him.

I ... I feel like I want to be with him all the time.

I honestly don't want to part with it ... but ... I can't be like this. I do not want myself to fall into the stupidity of her for the behavior of adolescents my age.

"Anjani .. give me time, I'll marry you!"

It's like lightning grabbing me, after mama's words caught my heart. and He said that before me. I feel like entering a family that has gone crazy.

What's wrong with them? Why do they want to make me a scapegoat in this matter?

" You are crazy !" I looked at his face with a feeling of annoyance and anger.

"What do you want to marry me for ... I'm thankful that you helped me, but sorry I don't want to be in your crazy story!"

I pushed his body that was hugging me, and I applied my emotional tone to him.

"Anjani ... I've been following you for the past 3 years, didn't you ever know that? From the start of school I already liked you!"

Instantly these eyes seemed to want to look out at his face, I immediately heard those words ...

That sentence was what I was looking for and I waited all this time ... because of my curiosity to him, now it has been revealed ..

"Please tell me, why do you like me ... why?

You are the student council president, there are many girls chasing you ... so why should I! "

This mouth starts talking reflexively to him. Because I want to know his honesty.

"Anjani, you are different from them"

He said and approached me, standing in front of me holding my cheek left and right, he tried to speak and wanted me to focus on seeing his face.

"Anjani please look at me and listen to me, it's been a long time for me to tell you. From the very beginning I met you, I began searching for data about you ... I tried to track you many times, but not at all you saw me ..

for 3 years Anjani ... I try and keep trying ... as long as I know you don't have a boyfriend that long I keep trying until yesterday I was only able to attract attention from you .. that's why I also ask here and there, how to get your heart ...! "

He said with serious eyes. Now my heart asks, do I have to believe ... for me , He is just a smart actor.

"Hhhmmmm ..."

I murmured because I didn't trust him.

"I want to know ... where do you know my name, my telephone number, my home address, and why you were there last night for me ...? Answer ... answer!"

These tears really want to trickle, but I try to hold them back with my pride and pride.I hope he hates me, but in my heart he is happy with what he said to me ...

God, why is my life like this.

"Anjani !"

When he said Oman, this breath seemed to peak up to the crown. I want to kick Oman and I hit it with all my might because it turned out that Oman was playing a conspiracy behind me with him.

"Anjani, I know that address because I followed you from behind when you came home from school ... you never knew that .. and the problem last night, God only knows, I don't know what you are talking about ...

because that night I actually thought of you, I wanted to call you ... but my feelings were not good ... so I drank coffee in the cafe, and suddenly I saw you carrying a suitcase .... all of this is my answer, I tell and be honest with you, I have never played, Anjani ... my feelings have chosen you, since I first saw you and my life's purpose now thinking about my future with you."

Suddenly this heart was made chaotic by his confession, my mind became confused and panicked, I did not understand all this, whether this was a compliment to me or a mockery for me.

I saw his face that was still staring hopefully, as if he would ask me to trust him.

Hhhhhmmmmm .... I took my breath, I threw my sweet smile at her. I convinced myself once more.

Then, I took my suitcase out of the room, I left it there ... I left all my memories there ...

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