
Main Characters as of volume 1

Main Cast (As of volume 1)

Name: Alexander Winter (Protagonist)

Personality: Calculative, Forgetful

Age: 19

Hair: Bluish Black

Eyes: Ocean Blue

Skin Tone: Medium

Height: 5'8"

Magic: Unknown

Name: Joana Marie

Personality: Childish, Caring

Age: 18

Hair: Gold

Eyes: Hazel

Skin Tone: Fair

Height: 5'3"

Magic: Light/Holy Magic

Name: Kristin Felines

Personality: Feisty, Kind

Age: 18

Hair: Red

Eyes: Deep Yellow

Skin Tone: Extremely Fair

Height: 5'5"

Magic: Elemental Magic (Fire, Earth, Wind, Water)

Name: Charlotte Godvern

Personality: Confident, Prideful

Age: 19

Hair: Copper

Eyes: Black

Skin Tone: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Magic: Transformation Magic (Animal Traits)

Name: Elijah Melton

Personality: Ambivert Otaku, Clumsy

Age: 18

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Brown

Skin Tone: Medium

Height: 5'8"

Magic: Alchemic Magic (Plant, Metal, Lightning)

Name: Leslie Frorette

Personality: Nurturing, Shy

Age: 19

Hair: Sleek Black

Eyes: Green

Skin Tone: Fair

Height: 5'2"

Magic: Druidic Magic (Nature Magic)

... ...


I noticed I barely gave my characters any description, if any, at all. And since I'm efing lazy to go back and edit it, and it would also cause some of you to go back to the beginning just to be up to date on how they looked like, I just created an auxiliary chapter as it also helps me keep track of the characters I create.

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