1 Meet The Author and Characters

Hi my name is XxMidnightStarxX and I am doing this intro so that everyone who reads this can know the main characters and have a bit of a background story. First I will tell you a little about myself. If you looked at my profile I am a female and I live in the Bronx of The Big Apple (New York). I am going to save the rest for a Q&A. Now to introduce the main characters.

1) Ning Xilodia (Ning Xi)

2) Lu Linanion

3) Ri Xilodia

4) Xiang Mang

5) And the rest of their families

For the other characters I didn't have time to write their names, as in I was too lazy too but never mind that. Anyways I will be uploading about 1-2 chapters per week. I will put author's comments in some to see if you guys are following the story and to talk to you guys. Anyways I will talk to you guys later.

Bye Stars!
