
" Strange Resemble"

" Your strange way attract me in ways I strangely cant understand"

- R.M Drake

Elisa POV

His lips were swollen over and bloody spit dripped through his sharp jaws. His left eye was swollen and it was absolute that he can't be seeing a thing out of that for a while. His face bearded and mated with congealed blood and his clothes were an utter mess. He looked grotesque and in loads of pain. Then he tried to say something, his cracked lips failed at the first syllable, but he didn't need to as I already hooked my arms around his waist dragging him towards my home.

As I dragged him, I couldn't think of any reasonable thought. If I was a bit normal I would have hesitated a bit inviting or probably dragging a bloody stranger inside but something in me stopped from every rational thought. I placed him on the comfy sofa as I threw my bags across the floor and sprinted towards the kitchen to get the first aid kid and some wet towels.

My kitchen was sleek and professionally designed with granite counters, stainless steel appliances and well carpentered shelf. It was fitted with in built refrigerator and ventilators. It was well scrubbed and well equipped. It was neatly arrange so it didn't take me much time to grab all those necessary things. With one hand holding the box and some damp towel on the other hand, I went near him. He was injured would be an understatement because he was brutally wounded. Most of his wound was on his chest and face; he was wounded as if he escaped from a prison or from mafia gangs.

My father was a self sustained person so even if he was deadly ill he wouldn't allow us to touch him. He would take care of everything by himself and because of that I didn't have much physical intimation with man until that first kiss with Jack. I could say that I was as pure as snow. I didn't know where to start so I decided unanimously to remove his shirt first. I didn't want him to be infected so I grabbed a pair of gloves and put it on my hand then I undid his first button of his collar shirt and continued till last until a hand stopped me.

Although his eyes were swollen I could read those fear and insecurity written all over. I stared at him directly and assured him that I just wanted to help him. He let go of my hand and I continued with undressing his torso. I felt nervous and anxiety crept over me but taking care of him was my initial priority. I cleaned his face first and continued to clean his wounds. It was very hard to look at him, his chest was whipped numerous times and he had two deep cuts near his stomach. I really felt pity for him. After neatly cleanly and applying some antiseptic I headed off to my room to get some spare shirt from him.

I never felt happy with my body and I would always prefer wearing baggy clothes to hide everything beneath me so it was relief to know that my shirt was perfect for him. I handed him the shirt and asked him to rest for a while I get him something to eat. I headed off to the kitchen; I was a great foodie so my refrigerator was never empty. I decided to cook some ramen with fried sausages, as I was busy frying the sausage, suddenly the door bell rang. Thousand of fear crept through me, chilling each and every cell in my body, I thought that the mafia has come for him and I was placed in thick soup.

I took a kitchen knife in my left hand and gathered all of my courage. I slowly walked towards the door and looked thorough the eye hole. The shadow was lean and tall and there was some familiarity with it. I knew that I had seen those shadow until it clicked me. I opened the door and Jack was standing right there with that mega watt smile.

I dropped the kitchen knife and rushed to hug him. Relief washed me and I felt secure. I looked up to see him staring at me and I replied him with a gaze filled with love and appreciation. He released me and I knew he could see my dishevel clothes but he didn't inquire me and I was very thankful for that. I thought of inviting him until I remembered that there is s stranger lying on my comfy sofa. If he knows that there is a stranger in my house then i couldn't imagine the situation because i know he will really freak out. I quickly blurt out that my house was under renovation and it was much messier. I had to ditch him again and I really felt bad for it, I told him I was tried and would talk to him tomorrow and ask him to leave. I could read that disappointment in his eyes and it urged me to stop and tell him about the man inside. But I didn't want anything to happen to him so I gently closed the door and sprinted straight again to the kitchen.

I placed the ramen and a glass of water on a tray and brought near that man. He was fast asleep and I couldn't bear to disturb him. I gazed on face and I could say he was a heart throb even though his face had loads of injuries. His face was perfectly structured with those eyes, nose and lips complementing it beautifully. Those chiseled jaw with stumble of beard, his eyes a sparkling brown so much like Jack and his soft, feather-like black hair brushed away from his brow. He was charming and smart. His lips were a bit pale due to loss of bloods but it still was cute and charming in its own unique way. He really looked a lot like Jack and if I didn't know Jack from beginning I could have mistaken him as his brother. But as per what I know about Jack, he has only his Uncle after his parents death.

He seemed to sense my presence as he slowly opened his eyes and looked straight at me. I felt bit uncomfortable but I mange to push the tray near him. He just kept looking at me and I just kept smiling awkwardly at him. He slowly stood up and walked towards me and I really panicked. I hurriedly shouted that I don't mean any harm to him and I just wanted to help him. His voice was sweet and soft yet had that masculine tint and it was really amazing how much it matched that of Jack. He laughed at my scared composure and turned around to lean back on the sofa.

He began to devour everything on that plate and smiled deviously at me. I analyzed again to see if I am not mistaken but he really did resemble Jack. I was confused as how could an unrelated person look so much similar. He told me that he couldn't tell his name and it was OK for me to just know his face. I managed to gather my boldness and asked him whether he has any family; he stilled and looked at me. He just gave me a nod and turned to leave. I did feel offended, I couldn't care for any rewards yet he just left without thanking after eating a free service. I couldn't do anything as I saw him walking briskly passed the lane.

He has a family and that nod was enough to fill up my curiosity. I had to find something about that person as to know how he was related to Jack. That person really piques my interest and I really had to dig deeper about him. I didn't have any information to begin with but I decided to ask Jack about his background as to see whether there was someone he didn't remember.

Thank you all the readers and hoping that your are enjoying it.

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