

2 Days Later, Central City

Naruto was speeding around Central City to clear his head, a few days ago Whitney and Jesse had taken care of two metahumans that Cisco, and Harry labeled Mirror Master and Top there were some growing pains, and mistakes of course but the two did a great job after Jesse and he talked about what happened

Naruto was in no way ready to have a relationship with someone on a completely different. Earth, its why he hasn't pursued his attraction with Kara, it didn't make sense to him since he was still trying to figure out what was going to happen with his relationship with Felicity since they haven't been spending a lot of time with each other.

Jesse understood what Naruto was saying and respected it, but she didn't like it which Naruto understood, after their talk Jesse with a new suit that was based off of how first suit left with Harry who had spent his last day here working with Caitlin and Cisco to find him a replacement in the form of a doppelganger from Earth 19 who was very eccentric, Naruto felt he was missing something but couldn't put his finger on it.

Dr. Alchemy and The Rival hadn't been heard from in a long while and it was making Naruto nervous, as he passed the water front

As he sped through by the water front he paused when he saw a red-haired woman in green armor fighting some kind of monsters

Speeding forward Naruto punched one a full strength decapitating it, before he spun and kneed another in the gut and set a hammer fist down into it's head sending it face first into the dirt, before he raised an arm blocking a punch from the monster and then struck with 29 punches to its torso incapacitating it for study

"Flash." the woman said as Naruto turned to her and his eyes widened

"Kay?" Naruto asked looking at the last girlfriend he had before he went into his coma

Kay blinked as The Flash's mask glowed and receded showing the face of her ex-boyfriend Nathan Allen, "Nathan." she gasped looking at her ex-boyfriend of 3 years for the first time in 3 years

Later, Star Labs

Cisco and the others watched as Kay walked around the cortex looking at all the technology, as Naruto put the three monsters in stasis tubes for analysis, "So how long you been back?' Iris asked looking at the woman who had up and disappeared on day with no explanation

"3 days." Kay said

"Hi I'm Cisco." Cisco said walking forward with his hand out to shake and Kay slowly shook his hand, "I just have to say I'm really digging the armor."

"Uh thank you." Kay said with a raised eyebrow before she looked to Naruto who walked in with box of some kind

"What are those things, and what is this?" Naruto asked

"I do-"

"You know what they are." Naruto interrupted with a frown, "I sensed your fear and anger when you were fighting them. Tell us so that we can help."

Kay frowned looking at everyone before she focused on Naruto, "They are called parademons, and they come from my homeworld."

"Your from another Earth?" Iris asked

"No, I'm from Apokolips. The name I was born with was Knockout." Kay said

"I'm sorry." HR Wells said holding up a drumstick he carried, "D-did you just say Apokolips?"


"Oh boy." HR said

"You know about this place?" Cisco asked

"Oh yeah. Everyone on my earth knows about that place. Apokolips is an ecumenopolis with burning firepits, extant in between dimensions, occupying a 'frequency' somewhere outside the physical universe." HR said

"Its only accessible through a Boom Tube." Kay said pointing to the box Naruto held, "I was forced into a group known as the Female Furies and with it serving under a man named Darkseid. I had enough and escaped to this Earth. I've been moving from place to place to make sure if any scouts were sent after me that I wouldn't be found."

"How long do you usually stay in a place?" Caitlin asked

"6 months at the most." Kay said glancing to Naruto whose eyes widened slightly, "Central City was the longest place I've stayed since I've been here."

"The monsters?" Naruto asked

"Parademons, foot soldiers for Darkseid. They were placing the boom tubes in town and on my way through I followed to stop them."

"But they were looking for you." Iris said

"No, Parademons are sent ahead to worlds Darkseid is about to attack." Kay said seriously

"How long until that happens?" Linda asked

"I don't know." Kay said truthfully

"Well until that happens, Cisco." Naruto spoke causing Cisco and everyone to look at him, "Your the tech genius, see what you can find out about this Boom Tube."

Cisco nodded walking up to grab the boom tube, "I'm on it."

"I'll help Francisco." HR said getting a nod from Naruto before he left along with Cisco

"I'll help Caitlin look over the parademon." Linda said helping Caitlin up to the medical wing of the building

"And I'll look into sightings." Iris said walking off, leaving Kay and Naruto together

"You've done well for yourself." Kay spoke up causing Naruto to scoff, "I know your pissed at me for leaving the way I did, but you have to understand."

"I understand how scared you are of this guy." Naruto said cauong Kay to look at him in surprise, "I can sense it while you were talking. Was this what you were hiding from me when we were together?"

Kay nodded, "I know out of anyone you would've believed me, but I couldn't tell you about me in case you did something stupid and got hurt or worse." she said

"So you just up and left without saying anything." Naruto replied

"I'm not good at goodbyes, you were the first person I've ever allowed myself to fall in love with," Kay said cupping Naruto's cheek, "you wouldn't have let me go, if you knew. I was protecting you."

Naruto frowned and nodded, "And now I will protect you." he said causing Kay to smile at the irony

2 Days Later

From the doorway Naruto watched Caitlin, Linda, and Iris sleep with a small smile as Kay stood behind him, "I still can't believe your with all 3 of them." she said as Naruto closed the door

"Yeah it's something that takes a mi-mmph!" Naruto began but when he turned to Kay she quickly slammed her lips into his own pinning him to the wall

Naruto slowly wrapped his arms around her as he returned the kiss, before he grabbed her ass cheeks and speed her into the wall while lifting her up allowing her to wrapped her legs around him, before in a flash of lightning Naruto with Knockout still in his grasp sped to a room and tossed Kay to the bed before she sat up and pulled him down onto her the two kissed lustfully as they ripped each others clothes off

3 Hours Later, Uzumaki Labs

Cisco was still hard at work, when Naruto walked in, "Cisco you need some rest man."

"I took a nap 2 hours ago, I'm good." Cisco said looking at his friend, "This thing is insane. I can't find our anything about it, not even the type of metal it is."

"So we know nothing but what we were told." Naruto sighed

"Yeah, and that it's broadcasting some kind of signal, and I've tracked similar signals emitting from St. Roch, Detroit, Denver, Coast City, Gotham and Metropolis."

"Then it's talking to others." Naruto frowned before be looked to the parademon that had fallen apart during its autopsy, "Have you tried to vibe it?'

"No, I was getting ready to when you walked in." Cisco said

"Well don't let me stop you." Naruto replied getting a nod from Cisco who began to vibe the mother box, bit it began to glow, "Shit."

Naruto sped forward and snatched the boom tube from Cisco who snapped out of the vibe and saw the glowong boom tube, "Its about to open, and unleash the parademons. You need to get it out of here." Cisco said getting a nod from Naruto who sped off

Naruto sped through the city and into the badlands before he tossed the boom tube that exploded before a portal opened and an army of parademons rushed out, "Shit. Time for a classic." Naruto said before in a large cloud of smoke shadow clones appeared and rushed the army making short work of the parademons that came through,

Naruto stomped on the last one alive just as a breech opened up and Cisco arrived, "The invasion has started." he said

"You find out anything useful?' Naruto asked

"Oh yeah." Cisco said walking to the portal before he tapped something and the portal closed and turned back into a box, "I found out enough. I may be able to reverse engineer this with some of the other tech you brought from other worlds."

"Alright. If that thing opened here, then they opened all around the world where they were planted. Head back to the lab, I'll head out to help wherever these things are." Naruto said getting a nod from Cisco before he sped off whole Cisco using a breech returned to Uzumaki Labs


Naruto was in Metropolis and saw 2 men with green outfits making constructs fighting the parademons before two landed behind them and made to attack so he sped in,

John Stewart, and Hal Jordan heard grunting and turned to see The Flash drop two parademons, "Thought you could use some help." Flash shrug

"Flash! My boy!" Hal yelled excited as he suddenly did some elaborate dap as Flash stood there looking at him, "Im Hal Jordan Green Latern big fan."

"Uh thanks." Naruto said

"This my buddy John he's also a Green Latern, we're like space cops. Oh and that's Batman."

Naruto looked behind the two green lanterns to see Batman rolling up a zip gun, "Cool." he said

"Get ready, here they come." Batman suddenly announced and everyone looked up to see a hord of Parademons headed for them before they heard two distinct shouts and Naruto's eyes widened when Kendra in full Hawkgirl attire arrived with her mace that she began to use to bash the parademons

With her was Diana, a woman he met in Paris who apparently was an Amazon warrior princess, the two began to make short work of the parademons before a giant green dragon appeared taking out the parademons before it turned into a green man with a cape, followed by Superman

"Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, good to see you." Naruto said causing the two to smile at him

"Flash, been a while." Kendra smiled walking up to Naruto

"Yes, Flash have you also come to partake in this glorious battle?" Diana asked using Naruto's hero name in front of the strangers

"Yeah, couldn't let you hog all the fun." Naruto smirked as he hugged the two women

"Aw man." Hal said seeing that Flash already knew the two hot women

"I am J'onn Jonnz the Last son of Mars." J'onn introduced himself causing Naruto and the others to look at him before Naruto ahool his hand

"Nice to meet you J'onn." Naruto said before he turned to Superman, "Superman, quite the debut you had to the world, wish I could've seen it first hand."

Superman raised am eyebrow before everyone looked up when the parademons got up and flew away, "Yeah you better run!" Hal shouted

"No, they're assembling. Waiting for whoever is behind this to launch the attack." Batman said as Naruto raised an eyebrow pretty sure he knew that voice

"Alright, now what?" Superman asked

"I don't know." Batman said

"I do." Cisco announced coming out of the breech

"Vibe. What do you got?' Naruto asked walking up to meet his friend followed by the others as Cisco saw them and was mentally fanboying

"They're terraforming the Earth. Darkseid is coming." Cisco frowned

"Darkseid?" Superman asked

"That explains why the ocean is on fire." Hawkgirl said causing everyone to look over and the parademons flying in circles around a ring of fire on the oceans surface before large alien structures began to emerge and parademons carrying innocent people flew toward the structures

"What're they doing with them?" Superman asked

"They are turning them into their foot soldiers." Cisco said with a frown as Lady Flash sped onto the scene

"This is happening across the world." Linda said with a frown, "Impulse is protecting Central City while we are here."

Naruto nodded before they all looked up to the structure out in the ocean as a grey skinned alien appeared, "I'm guessing that's the bad guy." Hal said

"Lucky guess.' Batman said

"He doesn't look that tough." Superman spoke

"Appearances can be deceiving." Naruto said before he looked to Vibe and nodded, which was returned before Vibe went to finish his work with the boom tube

3 fighter jets arrived and fired missiles at the man but it had no affect and as they passed him by Darkseid eyes glowed and red beams shot out but curved and destroyed the jets, luckily Linda was able to make white chain constructs to grab the pilots before they died

"I am entropy, I am death. I am Darkseid." Darkseid said as he hovered before the heroes

Hal with a smirk walked forward, "Step back and peep the light show." Hal manifested a large cost with spikes on the knuckles around his hand and flew over to Darkseid and as soon as he punched Darkseid and shattered his construct he was immediately punched into a building and sent into the ground and parademons stood over him and pummeled him before John surged forward and helped him signaling the other oarademons to attack

Superman used his heat vision, while Martian Manhunter used his super strength and intangibility, while Naruto, and Linda sped around taking out the parademons, as Wonder Woman with her sword cut them down, and Batman with his martial arts and gadgets planted small bombs that blew some up

Hal climbed to his feet, "That all you got? Not all I got." he said flying at Darkseid and and manifesting a train that quickly shattered when it hit Darkseid who looked at him eyes glowing

Superman seeing Darkseid's eyes glow sped at him and punched him in the face, causing Darkseid to stumble before he grabbed Superman's cape and tossed him into the street before a kick sent him flying back

"Im not through with you!" Hal yelled swinging a mace construct at Darksied to no affect before Darkseod grabbed his arm and broke it causing Hal to yell in pain before he tossed him down as Diana came and punched Darkseid who returned the favor but Naruto caught her

"My turn." Naruto smirked looking at Darkseid

Naruto cracked his neck, and shot forward Darkseid blinked and his head snapped up as Narito scored an uppercut, before Darkseid tried to grab him but Naruto snapped into existence behind him and elbowed Darkseid in the back sending him stumbling into Hawkgirl's mace and Lady Flash's light punch sent him skidding back

"Enough!" Darkseid said before he raised his hands that glowed red and he slammed them on the ground causing a widespread explosion

Everyone was sent flying back beside Naruto and Superman who looked at Darkseid in shock before an Omega beam struck Superman sending him flying away screaming in pain

Naruto narrowed his eyes at Darkseid, "Okay scale face, lets go." he said before he shot forward and Darkseid swung at him but Naruto jumped on Darkseid's arm and kicked him in the face before he flipped and grabbed Darkseid's head and tossed him into a building

Darkseid unbothered got back up and fired 3 blasts of his omega beam at Naruto who ducked but saw the beams curve and sprinted forward and around a corner watching as the beams followed him, "Hm." he said before he focused on running

The others stood up to see Superman being carried away, and looked to Darkseid just as Naruto appeared running up behind Darkseid with the omega beams on his tail, before Naruto jumped while turned to the beams and kicked the back of Darkseid's knees and wrapped an arm around his neck and flipped him over causing the omega beams to hit Darkseid sending him flying back

"They took Superman." Hawkgirl said

"That ain't good. We need a plan, you guys figure one out, I'll keep his attention on me." Naruto said before he sped off

Naruto turned a corner and suddenly gave a shout as Darkseid immediately grabbed him, "I have you now speedster." he said bring Naruto up to his face and was punched in the nose for it causing him to throw Naruto into the concrete and began to pummel him into the asphalt but Naruto suddenly spat a gust of wind from his mouth powerful enough to send Darkseid away from him

Naruto's suit was glowing yellow from the kinetic force he absorbed from Darkseid's pounding and he shot forward and appeared under Darkseid and released the force in the uppercut he delivered sending Darkseid into the air, before Naruto sped up a building his fist alight with chakra that alternated between wind, fire and lightning, as he leapt from building to building punching Darkseid at fast speeds before he saw Batman with a parademon carrying him fly to save Superman

Naruto then turned to Darkseid who got up blood leaking from his mouth, as he gave an enraged glare at Naruto whose eyes widened when Darkseid was over him in a moments notice, when the man tried to hit him with a red glowing arm, Naruto jumped and kneed him in the chin causing him to go up right as his fist lost it's glow, when suddenly Lady Flash appeared in a white streak and kicked Darkseid in the gut sending him flying back with a burn mark on his gut, and a large hammer construct from John sent Darkseid flying toward Hal who made a large robot that punched Darkseid in the back sending him flying up to Kendra, and Diana both sword and mace wielding women struck him in the eye causing the man to scream before Naruto appeared and grabbed the two and kicked off Darkseid just as a large dragon made of lightning shot from the clouds and struck the man sending him into the ocean

Everyone watched as Darkseid covered in blood shot up from the ocean gritting his teeth at them, "I am Darkseid! I will not be felled by lesser beings!" Darkseid yelled

Naruto looked over his shoulder as Superman, J'onn and Batman returned, as Darkseid with a growl was about to charge, when Cisco coming out of a breach along with the people taken activated the boom tube and portals opened all around that began to suck in all the parademons along with Darkseid

"I will not go back!" Darkseid yelled as he fought against the attraction

Superman sped forward and punched Darkseid in the chin but was hit with a headbutt, as Darkseid backhanded Naruto and J'onn away into a building, and grabbed Diana's lasso and swung her into Kendra and Hal, while John was grabbed and tossed at a car

Naruto rolled up to his feet and sped forward sliding under Darkseid's wild punches and in between his legs before he punched him in the center of his spine causing spittle to fly out of Darkseid's mouth as Naruto began to unleash a fast barrage of punches before he was forced to duck as Darksied turned with a backhand and Superman sped for him as Naruto punched Darkseid in the jaw causing him to turn into Superman's uppercut and right hook with Diana arriving with a kick to the gut and Kendra hitting Darkseid in the nose with her mace

Linda and the Green Laterns sent out beams of energy that hit and burned Darkseid sending him back to the portal behind him, but he held strong as Superman added in his heat vision, and Wonder Woman tossed her sword at Darkseid sending it deep into his neck, while Cisco used his vibration blast

"This guy.' Naruto thought before he sped forward pass Darkseid and continued to run causing numerous shock waves to occur as he ran around the world and came back upon the battle and jumped at Dakrseid and punched him in the face causing a shockwave to burst out as Darkseid flew into the portal that closed as windows shattered from the force of Naruto's infinite mass punch

Everyone looked around at the alien structures that began to collapse while people arrived and began to clap and cheer, while taking pictures

Later, Washington DC

President Obama was talking to the masses as everyone stood on the stage behind him, "Today marks a momentous day in human history. In our darkest hour, these superheroes donned their colorful costumes.

"This is my uniform." Hal whispered

"This could always happen again. We need to be prepared." Superman said

"I may have something for that." Batman replied

"Is it by chance, by fate, or are there bigger forces at work? Is our modern technological age evolving? I don't know, but the way of all people working for a free and peaceful planet. As we have seen these heroes do. These super-friends use their super-powers to protect us. That said, I am very pleased to introduce to you...Gee, I didn't even ask. Do you guys have a name?" Obama asked looking at everyone

"Yes, we do." Naruto said causing everyone to look at him

"We do?" Hal asked

"That's right. You can call us the Justice League." Naruto smirked.


AN: Whitney is Impulse, and her outfit is Danica Williams, while Jesse's is a female Flash suit.

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