
Chapter 1: Wealth Conversion System

Handon Province, Jingzhou City, Handon University.

"Qian, wake up! You're going to be late for class! It's the vice dean's lecture, and he'll take attendance!"

Pei Qian woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and wondered who was calling him.

Didn't I rent a one-bedroom apartment? Who's in my room?

When he opened his eyes, a long face filled his entire field of vision.

"Ma Yang?"

Pei Qian was stunned, almost thinking he was dreaming.

"Hurry up! I've already woken you up. If you don't make it for attendance, don't blame me!" Ma Yang's long face quickly disappeared from Pei Qian's view as he rushed out of the dormitory.

Wait, dormitory?

Pei Qian instantly became sober and sat up on his bed.

University dormitory, six people per room!

He was still in the lower bunk near the door, remembering how the door didn't close tightly during winter, letting in a draft through a small crack. He had complained about it a lot back then.

The two remaining roommates were packing up and about to leave.

"Come on, Qian, hurry up! If you run, you can still make it. If not, we can't shout your name during attendance, and the vice dean might catch you."

The other roommates also hurriedly left.

Pei Qian couldn't help but pinch himself.

Ouch... my cheek hurts!

Is this real? Am I back in college?

The vice dean's class... with attendance... that must mean it's freshman year...


Doesn't that mean I've gone back ten years?

After a moment of anxiety, Pei Qian quickly accepted this reality.

After graduating from college in 2013, he had worked in various industries and companies, dealt with terrible bosses, and experienced the intrigue of the workplace.

In short, he was a corporate slave.

If he could go back ten years and start over, it would be a dream come true for many people!

Pei Qian's drowsiness disappeared, and he sat up on his bed.

What should he do next?

Should he report his situation to the space-time management bureau?

Would he be killed on the spot to keep him quiet?

Or should he... attend class after time traveling?

That's absurd!

His memories from ten years ago were fuzzy, but he recalled skipping many classes, including the vice dean's. However, he never failed the vice dean's class.

Although the vice dean claimed to take attendance, he never actually did.

Instead, a seemingly friendly young male teacher never took attendance but suddenly did so during the final exam, which counted towards their grades.

"I didn't want to take attendance, I just wanted to get to know everyone."

That's what he said.

Even now, Pei Qian felt deeply deceived, as he was too young and trusting of the friendly teacher back then.

At that moment, a transparent screen suddenly appeared in front of Pei Qian, displaying rows of text.

[Wealth Conversion System binding to host...]

[Binding successful.]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Please read the system usage instructions.]

"What's going on?!"

Pei Qian was startled but soon became ecstatic.

Sure enough, there must be a system after time-traveling. This is a golden finger!

Calm down, calm down; this is just a regular plot twist. Nothing to be surprised about.

Pei Qian quickly regained his composure and began to observe the text on the screen.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Profit/Loss Conversion Ratio: Pending]

[System Funds: 50,000]

[Personal Assets: 443]

This is a standard template.

Below the standard template, there is a dialog box-like area displaying dynamic information, which should be the "usage instructions."

[Wealth Conversion Rules:]

[Every once in a while, the system will provide the host with a certain amount of system funds, which can only be used for regular business activities of the company and not for wasteful purposes.]

[After a period, the system will settle the accounts, and the profit or loss relative to the system funds will be converted into your freely disposable personal assets at a certain ratio.]

[Next Step: View Detailed Rules]

"Oh? This system is a gold mine!"

"You provide me with funds, and you also give me a share of the profits? Such a generous system!"

Pei Qian instantly understood the system's functions.

The "system funds" and "personal assets" here, although both are "money," represent two entirely different concepts.

The personal assets of 443 displayed here mean that Pei Qian has a total of 443 yuan in cash, which he can spend freely.

The 50,000 is the system's funds. According to the system, this money can only be used for business activities, such as starting a company.

After some time, whether the business makes a profit or loss, a corresponding portion will be converted into personal assets at a certain ratio, and then Pei Qian will be able to spend it freely!

"Exciting! Let's take a look at the detailed rules."

Pei Qian continues to click on the light screen to view the rules.

[Host must engage in normal, reasonable, legal, and technically significant business activities.]

[The following behaviors are considered violations. Please note.]

[Profit category:]

[1. Large-scale purchase of real estate and property speculation.]

[2. Buying digital currencies, participating in Ponzi schemes, illegal fundraising, and other unlawful activities.]

[3. Speculation, reselling of materials, and disrupting market order.]

[... (Click to expand the remaining 97 prohibited behaviors)]

[Loss category:]

[1. Engaging in charity or transferring company assets to others.]

[2. Procuring, hiring employees, renting office spaces, and purchasing office supplies at prices far above market value.]

[3. Neglecting work, extremely low efficiency, and failing to create any value over a long period.]

[... (Click to expand the remaining 97 prohibited behaviors)]

[Additional clause: The host may not disclose or hint at the existence of the system itself or this challenge to anyone in any way.]

[The system reserves the final interpretation of what constitutes a violation.]

[Next step: Randomly generate profit and loss conversion ratios]

"The rules are quite rigorous."

Pei Qian reviews the 200 prohibited behaviors, and several plans that came to mind are quickly dismissed.

Real estate speculation, buying digital currencies, etc., are all prohibited by the system.

Normal investment and financial management are allowed, but with a general annual return rate, it is likely difficult to meet Pei Qian's needs.

The 200 detailed rules not only limit Pei Qian's "profit" activities but also restrict his "loss" activities.

In short, all crooked paths are forbidden.

Pei Qian continues to click on the light screen, moving on to the next step.

[Randomly generating profit and loss conversion ratios...]

[Profit conversion ratio: 100:1, Loss conversion ratio: 1:1]

"Huh, wait, this ratio..."

Pei Qian takes a closer look and finds that there seems to be a bug.

The loss conversion ratio is quite high, isn't it?

If he loses all the system's funds, he can convert them into personal assets at the same rate!

Losing money is like making a fortune!

"Randomly generating such a good conversion ratio? I'm so lucky!"

"It's a pity that the profit conversion ratio is a bit low, but it doesn't matter, losing money is much easier than making money!"

Pei Qian feels like his luck has exploded!

[Last step: Please name your company (click here to enter)]

Pei Qian thinks for a moment and inputs the name "Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd." using his thoughts.

The name implies "rapid progress."

He hopes that Tengda will grow rapidly and prosper.

["Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd." registration completed.]

After completing the last step, the text information on the light screen disappears, returning to the initial state of the panel.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Profit conversion ratio 100:1, Loss conversion ratio 1:1]

[Next settlement time: 14 days later]

[Note: One week before the settlement, if there are any unreleased products, the settlement date will be postponed, and the postponement time will be determined by the system.]

[System Funds: 50,000]

[Personal Assets: 443]

Pei Qian checks the meaning of this note.

One week before the settlement, Pei Qian cannot have any unreleased products.

This is reasonable.

Without this rule, Pei Qian could invest all the company's assets into production right before the settlement, reducing the system funds to zero, effectively exploiting a loophole.

With this rule in place, Pei Qian must put all products on the market and generate revenue one week before the settlement, regardless of profit or loss. This step cannot be skipped.

"Lost one way to exploit a loophole, but it doesn't matter."

"So, the next step is to turn the system's 50,000 funds into 0, and then turn my personal assets of 443 into 50,443."

"Isn't it just losing money within the rules? I don't think it's difficult." Pei Qian is full of confidence.

Start a normal company, create value, and develop products as usual.

Then, as the company's boss, Pei Qian just needs to slightly deviate from the right path and head down the wrong road.

Isn't that enough?

Successful start-ups are few and far between, while failed start-ups are a dime a dozen. It's clear which one has the lower difficulty!

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