
Chapter 4: A new dawn, a new adventure begins soon.

The two launched through the din of town squares, crashing into people while they shouted apologies. The air had mixtures of strong beverages, it made people's mouths water and the saliva seemingly carried down the smell down to the back of the throat. Laughter filled the streets of many people. The sun shone over the corridors of buildings made warped shadows in the narrow concrete streets, the light coming through as well.

Nesy's eyes caught sight of orange buildings close to each other, doors and windows crammed a little tighter then usually. This reminisced him of the times where he was in Stockholm, Sweden. Could this be Sweden? No, foolishness! This seems to be completely different. It is with magic and the inhabitants wore colourful clothes, some more "commoner " than others. His chest tightened, it felt like he was going to suffocate as he began to slow down.

"Woah..." Nesy and Henrick stopped in front of a very large stone gate, carriages positioned like parking lots of some sorts. Horses were in stalls, having their own attention to the food. People accompanied them and washed them, to prepare them for a long potential journey.

"That was crazy..." Nesy huffed out, his lungs contracted less now as his intake of air began to even out. The thoughts pulsated through his mind, rushing through all memories and processes of life itself. It was doing its thing!

Henrick responded. "You sure as hell are a heck of a runner Nesy." He did the same, relieving himself from all the craziness they had gone through. However, crashing into people almost got them killed! However, that was nothing too shabby now was it?

"So...Where are we going? Killing some slimes or something?" Nesy asked Henrick. "Well, Nesy. We're going to kill some slimes yes." Henrick replied, his playful chuckle continued.

Then they continued to look for someone who could accompany them in their journey...Until.

Nesy heard the ground shake, louder and louder; adrenaline shoot through his spine and shivers grew like pins and needles. Nesy's eyes turned to see a man in armour, who seemed to be a little taller but muscular in strength. Then the man began to gently pull him aside to meet eyes with Henrick. "Good kid you have there." Said the man in a deep voice.

Henrick chuckled. "Hey Nesy, this is my friend." He introduced the man as Naiser, he was a warrior and in the Royal Academy where most military officials are trained with the highest level. Naiser turned his head around to Nesy. "So, you're that kid who got attacked huh? Everyone pretty much knows what happened, including you." Naiser did not get into detail about his ideology...Does that mean everyone knows? Nesy didn't know, unfortunately, nor was he aware of it.

"Yeah, we know what happened to the poor guy. Attacked and whatnot." Henrick agreed with Naiser, giving him a slight nudge on the shoulder. "Nesy, there's a change of plans unfortunently." Naiser had to announce to Nesy that they had to hunt for a particular demon who escaped out of the dungeon just recently.

Nesy's lips hung down, looking at the man with a ton of disappointment. "I thought we were going to hunt for some slimes!" Said Nesy, he jokingly stomped the ground.. "...Meh, that's life anyway-" Suddenly, Nesy got a flashback of the attack. ....Demon? Dungeon?


"AGH!!! LET ME GO!" A familiar scream echoed through his mind, a female figure that was taken away to god knows what.

Nesy's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat, a chill pierced through the marrows of his bones which slithered through his spine. It felt like his brain inflated to the walls of his skull, his vision blurred for a second. "...Are you...K-k-kidding me? Do you think the woman escaped?" He whispered. Henrick and Naiser's faces displayed a frown. "It seems so." Henrick responded to Nesy, he understood the boy was very concerned.

Suddenly, they spotted movement in the trees. "What's going on?" Nesy whispered, while his eyes focused on the weird figure in the tree. Naiser stood in a protective position, while Henrick drew his sword. "Show yourself!" Henrick yelled, while his eyes widened to see who it was.

The female from before jumped from the tree, landing on the ground with a thud. "I'll kill you!" The demoness's eyes were on Nesy, she raised her hands which prompted a ball of fire that launched towards Nesy. "DIEEEEE!" The fireball crashed into Nesy, uprooting a large portion out of the ground. Then there was dead silence.

"HUAAWWWWWWH!" Nesy rushed out of the crater, with a shield made out of electricity and charging towards her. The woman's demonic eyes widened. "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE?!" She yelled, firing multiple balls of fire that hit the shield. A blaze so powerful that it lit up everything around in orangish tones.

When the smoke subsided, Nesy was still heard. "WELL... I DON'T KNOW!" He yelled while Henrick and Naiser backed away from the woman. "...How...This power..." The demoness muttered while her foe regained his control. "...ITS...OOFING TIME!" Nesy's eyes became wider as he smiled. He roared, launching straight towards the woman. "Prepare your demise!" The woman yelled, launching fireballs at Nesy which resulted in the same thing.

"SHIT!" Naiser and Henrick took cover behind a stone wall while the boy continued his rampage. Nesy crashed into the woman with the ball of electricity that acted as a shield. She got sent back flying towards the tree, getting hit on the back. Vital fluid splattered into all directions, mostly from her mouth. "GHUGH!" She spat out blood, her eyes slowly meet him. "Y-Y-..." The woman's mouth was completely covered in a red, gelatin-like substance which seemingly was blood. "Bastard." The demoness's voice escaped, her breathing intensified.

Nesy had to put up a display on this! So, he decided to stand up straight. "So...So do you doubt me now?!" He said, inching closer to the demoness. "...Doubt-" The woman stuttered while letting out an ear-piercing shriek. "I DEFY YOUUU!" She conjured a ball of fire but Henrick came leaping from behind the wall and stabbed the sword in her left arm. "GAAAAH!" The fireball dispersed. "Don't hurt my friend, you fucking moron!" Naiser jumped from behind as well. "...You are arrested uhh...." Henrick tried to know her name first. "Your name?" The man asked.

"...My name is..." The demoness could not stop thinking about regaining her pride. "...Syilviana Reavendon." The woman said, grunting in pain from all the pain. "....Heh..." Nesy said to Syilviana, while her eyes darted back to Nesy. "Y-You...Cmre..." The woman beckoned Nesy, while he refused to go further. "No Syil. Absolutely not." Nesy explained that she had done enough.

"Gaah! There are more people out there you know...WHO will not take a liking to your kind...Hehe-" The woman laughed maniacally, while guards rushed in to lift her up and take her away from the stalls; the demoness giving Nesy one last glance. "..See you in hell." A smirk formed on her face and then she was gone from sight.

"...I won't be in hell, but you will probably!" Nesy said, with a peal of half laughter. "Fucking Nazis." Nesy uttered, while Henrick and Naiser wondered what the heck Nesy was trying to say. "...What's a...Nazi?" Naiser approached Nesy. "Kind of bullcrap stuff is that?" He thought.

"Why are you saying stuff like that? I assume it's a part of your...Political thing?" Asked Naiser, while Henrick and he actually talked about the deal with Nesy and what happened to him. "...A nazi...Short of national socialism which is a different idea from nationalist socialism." Nesy explained that national socialism is an ideology in his world that believes in racial superiority. To cleanse ethnicities and so on.

"The thing with nazis in my world, is that they want to create a super-state with one "race" only. Lebensraum."

Then he explained what that was. "Hitler ruined the term national socialism but he used that name to appeal to the workers so now what we have to do is to separate those terms with nationalist socialism instead, he was basically a leader of the time. The german reich, they called it." Nesy concluded. "They also are referred to want a repressive state, a totalitarian/dictatorial one."

Then Nesy launched into historical examples like WW2 for a short duration of time, to not waste time.

Naiser was completely confused, along with Henrick. Of course, world wars were an understandable thing but this? HOW?! That's completely mindblowing to them. "I don't understand what you're trying to say...But I guess it's a racial cleansing ideology that wants an extremely...Totalitarian like you said? Like, dictatorial state." Naiser wanted to confirm what Nesy said.

"Yeah...Stuff like that." Nesy said. "National Socialism could also have some differences depending on that.... So the reason why I called Syilviana a nazi. Is because she's related to them." Nesy explained.

Naiser nodded. "I will keep that in mind."

Henrick interrupted. "You can explain to us your politics later, what you've learnt from your world. However, we have no time to waste. We wanted to take care of some matters, so there will be no slime killing today...Unfortunately." He apologised.

"However, I'm sure you could do it yourself. Start a life with your powers." Naiser tipped his helmet, waving the boy goodbye. "Before you go kid." Naiser gave him 10 gold pieces. "Take care." Turning away from him, he followed Henrick and they went back to where the hell we're going.

"...At least they were generous..." Nesy thought, turning towards the gates to begin his adventure.
