
From a Nobody to Somebody: Having a Redo in Life

D_king · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What a Life

"What a life".

Those were the only words that escaped the lips of a young man. In the busy streets of The Big City, a pale skinny young man in tattered clothes could be seen sitting on a bench with eyes bearing envy, anguish and sorrow.

The young man was of 17yrs of age, black hair, black eyes, of average height and apparently no features whatsoever that can grab the attention of anybody.

Passersby who were wearing elegant clothes regarded the boy wearing short, tattered and dirty clothes with disgust.

But the boy clearly has no attention as he sat there recalling all his life events. Remembering the sad times and also the good times, what little of it.

'What a shitty life' those were the thoughts that kept on ringing in the boy's mind.

With a sigh, he awkwardly stood up from the bench grimacing as pain ran all through his body. He then proceeded to go back home ( home referring to the slums ) to spend his final time on earth.

'Of all ways to die, I never thought it would be cancer'. As those thoughts rang in his head, the boy smiled in a manner that was null of emotions making the rich passersby fearful of him.