

She awoke to a scare, hoping that whatever had happened inside her dream had not come true. Too bad, it was a little close to that. She hugged herself and crossed her legs, shivering to the coldness. She was scared, none the least to say. She remembered, her name was Mary Beth Gertrude Tremaine. In this lifetime, she was not a princess. She was the villainess alongside with her stepsisters whom they played as her lackeys. The heroine whom she wasn't ended up being was a princess of another country. A lovely princess consort that had beat her to it to the game, upon knowing the story's plotline. She was helpless but never hopeless. She would always and always find a way out of matters.

"Oh, dear." Mary Beth Gertrude Tremaine said while sweat dripped down her forehead and cheeks as she sat up after waking from her rest.

"Well, more like shit, what am I supposed to do now?" She muttered under her breath, biting down on her lower lip.

Mary had only regained her memories a hundred full per cent once the game was pretty much over for her where she could either be executed, exiled or some sort of other harsh punishment.

She had been transported into this world of the unknown with her modern life's memories but had not known that she had ever lived lives before the modern one she had lived and thought to have lived only.

Who had known, that she had been living inside a game and a fairytale back then in her past lives?

The first had a happily ever after.

The second was a terrible end.

What about the third?

The first was the common fairytale story told in modern days. Rags to riches turned story, a very cute and simple one.

The second was an otome game's story but with a twist that she as the heroine had died in the end for the plot sake.

The third... was worse off. It was a mixture of all both first and second lives but with a further twiddle. She sighed.

She laid back down on her bed and rested for the night once more.


"Greetings to the sun and crowned star of France." Mary Beth Gertrude Tremaine curtsied alongside her stepsisters and stepmother once they got into the throne room.

"Mm." The Emperor of France hummed.

The crowned prince was about to say something when he was held back by the lady standing by his right side beside him.

"I* assume that you know of what matters we all have called you upon, Countesses?"

"Yes." They, the stepsisters, mother and Mary echoed out in unison.

"Very well, this will be very simple. I* hereby announce the exilement of Princess Co- no, Lady Mary Beth Gertrude Tremaine."

Mary could not hide her excitement yet fear to this. The end was finally here, it was decided that she would be exiled and banished from the kingdom's lands instead of being granted death.

"For the meantime, Ladies Tremaine, Anastasia and Drizella are given out a house arrest to not step out of the mansion doors for an entire six months. Failure to comply will result in death, items needs such as the essentials will be brought over from the palace." The crowned prince continued.

In such bullshitery gratitude, all four of them had kneeled down and thanked the royal family for what they had bestowed upon them even if it was something not that good.

"Sigh, go. You are all dismissed." The emperor said lightly and turned to exit back to the room connected to the throne room.

The crowned prince gave her a cold look and grabbed the princess's hand before following after his royal father.

Without waiting for her stepsisters and mother, Mary turned to leave the throne room quickly as she could while lifting the hems of her own dress.

"Ah, home sweet home. You can come out now." Mary giggled slightly and turned around once she reached an empty hallway.

"How had you known I would be here, hm?"

"I just do."

"Ah, what a pity. You've been banished."

Mary made a 'tsk' sound slightly at his words and pulled him to a common room nearby that was probably not used. And true to her guess, it was not used so that was a lucky one for her.

"Shut it. You aren't any better yourself, famously known- Blanchet." She hissed at the other and smirked slightly condescendingly at him. He rose at her words and chuckled softly before moving forward to ka-be-don her.

"Oh? Looks like we got a fiesty kitty here." He spoke while towering over her. She looked up at him poutingly and blinked away the tears that were forming in her eyes from feeling wronged at his words and actions. She tried to escape his grasp, failing rather miserably.

"Okay, stop. This is the palace not our base." Mary huffed and blew at her bangs.

The smirk playing by his lips deepened and broke out to a wolfish grin. With fear, she took a step back only to end up falling in his arms and she ended up being carried bridal style.


She hid her face in his chest, not noticing the gentle look on his face when she had done that.

"Duke Dimanche?" The Crown Prince of France stopped walking and nearly let go of his dearly beloved princess when he had encountered this eccentric human being. The princess he had held by his hands looked up surprised and blushed slightly looking at the handsome man standing before her before taking note of the woman in his arms.

"Crown Prince." Dimanche Azéma spoke curtly before the royalties. He looked down affectionately but frowned when he felt tears soaking his shirt. He sighed lightly and looked up once more before choosing to excuse himself.

He walked away whilst carrying her and indifferently turned away from the scene of the flirtatious Crowned Prince of France and the Princess of the said neighbouring kingdom of France. Well, was she even counted as a Princess since she was a tribal chief's daughter waiting to succeed the line? Who knows.