
School Life

Life started with positive energy. A person with full of energy and positivity but somewhat introvert.Like to have close friends in touch. Having a group of four friends including her self.She was good at nature and having a helpful nature. But the issue was her english and low confidence which is boosted by her three besties....

They are always there with here in each condition even when she is not well.....

They are like the pillars of her life....

A day comes when she is in class 10. There is a simple exam of all the subject she got very less marks in her favorite subject maths...

She is in the depression of not getting enough marks and plus the health which she need to handle... she tried to hurt herself but her friends stopped her and realised her what she can do and what she meant to them....

Their love and care Let her passed 12..... and complete her school with full love and care...

She becomes a girl with confidence and great english.... but trusting people easily as she never seen selfish people always surrounded by caring people.....