
Chapter 1

Sept 29, 2011

I bust the windows out ya car

And no it didn't mend my broken heart

I'll probably always have these ugly scars

But right now I don't care about that part

I bust the windows out ya car

After I saw you lying next to her

I didn't wanna but I took my turn

I'm glad I did it cause you had to learn

I must admit it helped a little bit

To think of how you'd feel when you saw it

I didn't know that I had that much strength

But I'm glad you see what happens when


The music started playing in the background as I drove on the main road. I sang along with the song with pain evidence in my voice. I was only playing that song cause i felt the pain of the artiste that sang the song. She felt broken and her heart was shattered by the guy she thought loves her so much but my case is entirely different from hers. I broke up with my ex cause I realise he was using me as a rebound to get over his ex girlfriend. Okay let me be honest here, I never loved this guy, I just felt I will be safe with him cause he was my classmate in high school and I thought i knew him very well. I was very wrong and stupid cause all  he ever did was to use me to feel better but I'm truly done with everything. So I called him on this day which was on a Sunday evening and broke up with him.  So that leads us to why I was  stuck in the car with a loud music blasting through my eardrums  in the middle of no where.

Hello! It's your best favourite bitch

Calling, pick up the damn phone!

I said pick it up or I will bash your ugly

Face with my fist!

That was my ringing tone when my best friend,calls me. She recorded her voice saying this scary words to me. She is very crazy actually we both are.


"Guess who I saw at the gross store"

"Who? I really can't think right now. Perhaps you can help save my ass by saving me some stress"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I get it now, you're still stressed over your break up with that douche bag. I thought you said you don't love him?"

"Yeah I don't but..."

"Shush! It fine just text me when you're good to talk"

Okay she was right about the whole stressing thing. I mean, why am in the middle of no where, listening to a sad song? Or maybe I felt something for him or maybe I felt betrayed. The thought of it makes me sick and makes me wanna go home, snuggle in my bed with mouth full of ice cream and then watch movies on Netflix.


When I got home, my mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner.I greeted her and went straight into the fridge in the kitchen to take a bowl of ice cream and a spoon. My room was really scattered since I haven't had time for myself for the past few days. I picked up some of my belongings from the Floor and stack them properly. I stripped out of my clothes cause the whole idea was to get naked while watching netflix. My laptop was on my bed as I planned on watching fifty shades of grey.

My phone rang.

Hello! It's your best favourite bitch

Calling, pick up the damn phone!

I said pick it up or I will bash your ugly

Face with my fist!

"Hey! Bitch"

"Please don't tell me you're watching fifty shades of Grey for the hundredth time"

"No I'm not!" I lied

"That's a big fat lie"

"Okay fine, so tell me about what happened today"

"I went to the gross store and you won't believe who I saw"



"Omg! That was my crush back then in junior high"

"Yeah and he is more hot now. I don't think he recognized me cause I was right in  front of him and still couldn't notice me"

"That's sad. How tall is he now?"

"Very tall" she said with a toothy smile.

"I wished I saw him instead of you "

"Lucky me! So tell me what's in that little head of yours?"

"I'm really confused Piper I just wanna be happy."

"Do you love him?"

"I don't. I don't know why I feel like I lost something"

"Now I know what your problem is, you're like this because you felt used. But you need to let things go and move on"

"Thanks baby"

"Goodnight bitch!" And then the call ended.

"Ashley! Dinner is ready" my mum called out for me. I went into the kitchen and sat on the dinning table to get my food served. My dad was still reading the news paper and patiently waiting for mum to serve him. I love eating alone rather than watch two old people chatting about some irrelevant stuff that doesn't concern me. Three of my sisters are married while my immediate sis and senior brother is in college. I'm left alone with both my parents.

After dinner, I went back to my room to listen to music and maybe afterwards sleep off. I went on my social media on my phone. My instagram page was hardly opened many notifications kept popping up. I opened my messages and clearly saw "Gray messaged" I opened it. It reads,

Grey: Hello! Ashley it's Gray. Do you still remember me?"😊

Holy macaroni! Tell me this is a dream. This can't be real omg! I was literally jumping on my bed and screaming.

"Ashley are you okay?" my mum came knocking at my door.

"I'm okay mum" I assured her.

first I sent a screenshot of the chat to my best friend. Immediately she saw it, she texted back. She was as surprised as me. I replied him after some minutes later after searching on how to text your crush. Yeah, that's really funny only because I don't wanna push him away.

Ashley: Hey! Yeah I still remember you☺️. How have you been?"

Gray: I've been doing just fine, how about you?

Ashley: Been doing great also

Gray: We should hang out sometimes

Ashley: yeah Sure

My mind was all over the places, I didn't know what else to do or say anymore.I turned off my phone and relax my back, waiting for sleep to take over my tired body.

Next chapter