Hi, my name is Angela.
I was scrolling on Facebook and saw a post saying " Wanna join our group chat?" I was bored that time so I decided to join it! I also wanna meet new people that time.
We keep talking and talking, bullying each other as a joke until this boy caught my attention, let's just call him Kian.
- fast forward -
It's morning and I already woke up around 9 AM and decided to use my cellphone. I check my notifications on facebook and someone added me. *shock* Holy sh*t, it's Kian! I accepted it.
-few minutes have passed-
I was busy chatting with the other people on gc and a chat head pops up, I opened it and it was Kian - (Hi!) so I chatted back and we talked over 2 hours. We talked about the members on the group chat and ourselves.
-1 month passed-
I have a feelings for him this time but I don't want to end our friendship, also he is in a relationship. I tried to move on but he's still the one at my heart. They broke up after 4 days, I don't know how to react. I didn't confess because I know he is still broken and I want him to be healed first, I keep cheering him but he still want her. I cried every night because of what he said. The pain is so heavy, I can't handle it so I opened up on my friend, Karen.
coming soon