
Scott Heslington

Scott POV

I watched Noah Jones go away while waving his hand and I was standing frozen unable to process what he had just said.

' What the hell! How does he know my real name? Am I caught? Is he from the dark family or from the hunters union? What should I do now? Should I kill him? No no no...he seems way calm after facing me. He should know about the lineage of Heslington right? After all, I'm one of the descendants of that bird.'

I had the urge to go and stop him but part of me felt that If I do that, I will miss out on the reason he told me my name right now.

{Back to Noah POV}

He is probably thinking about whether he should silence me or not. Honestly, the choice I took now is a gamble. According to the novel and my memories, Scott is a cold-hearted person but he saved all of the school in the arc. He was truly a warmhearted person but he will be manipulated into suicide by a person who he has known in the past.

These aren't the only reason I picked Scott to be my ally. He was my favorite character in the arc even surpassing Thomas. His ability will be of great use to me and the members I am going to search after the arc finishes in real-time and deep down, I want him to live.

I made my way to my homeroom avoiding the curious glares. My classes continued while I ate lunch in the corner for being late. After 4 hours, the classes were finished and I checked my watch.

"3.52 pm. Must be perfect if I start going now." I muttered while packing my backs and picked up my skateboard from the back corner of my class.

I started riding my skateboard to the stairs and after a while, I started to walk to the stairs leading to the 4th floor. I made it to the 4th floor and as expected, it was eerily quiet even though the sun was still up in the sky. I started walking to the boy's bathroom close to me and entered it.

What greeted me was an empty restroom. 'I thought Scott must be waiting for me here but I think I was wrong'

I prepared to turn around and leave until I heard a noise.

Bathroom flushing sounds~~~

I heard a voice saying " Ah... I should not eat delivery food anymore. Must learn to cook by myself."

I saw Scott leaving one of the bathroom booths. He saw me standing and froze. There was an awkward silence until the flush sound ended.

"Um...Can we talk now" I said.

"First, answer my questions," said Scott changing his face from relieved to serious.

"I can answer only 3," I said while leaning on the walls.

"1st question, Did you intentionally start the fight between you and the duo to attract my attention?"

"Yes. I have known the fact that you are vice head of the disciplinary committee of the campus but people only know the head mostly so I thought the idiots won't notice and identify you and stop the attack."

I noticed the expression on Scott's face and it changed into a surprised one for a second but he quickly changed it into the previous one.

"Second question, What do you know about me, and who are you?"

"I cannot tell much but believe me, I mean no harm to you. I will tell you the important details when the time comes. For your first one, I know the fact that you survived the attack of the dark families. When your parents were fleeing, they accidentally threw you in the lake. You thought your parents and brother were dead and you were discovered by the Ruclins Forest patrol because the fight happened there. You were taken in by an orphanage and were raised until the age of 16. You went on to live alone and you were taking minor part-time jobs to ensure your daily normal life."

"For the second one, My name is Noah Jones. I am just a high school student trying to survive the upcoming danger." I said with a smile.

Scott was silent for a second until he widely opened his mouth. He was processing the information I said now it seems.

"3rd..question, why did you approach me?"

"If I tell you there is a danger approaching that will take your life, will you believe me?"

Scott remained silent again but for a longer time. He placed his fingers on his chin and started to think.

"It will depend on how the danger sounds," said Scott.

"Meet me at my house today. You will have to stay the night as there are many things we want to talk about. I'm at Henderson street, the 4th house on the right."

"Hey wait, tell me one more thing," said Scott.


"Are my parents alive? You said I thought that my parents have died"

"Yes. They are alive." I said and left the restroom.

I was pretty sure this will lead him to be curious and eager enough to seek my help. First, I decided him to tell the minor details because Scott is the type of character that will help innocents even if he is on the death door.

Next, the reason I invited him to my home is to make him meet my dad. Scott already has his wings but he does not know how to fly and fight. My father will be the best bet for Scott to teach him about the fundamentals. He was just 11 when he was separated from his family as the official training for him was supposed to happen when he reaches 13.

The Heslington family does not know the fact that Scott is alive. So the sudden appearance of his ability will stir trouble in the distant future. Especially, it will attract unwanted attention from his cousins. So I will try my best to hide Scott and myself from trouble.

Scott did a good job hiding his identity as there are 5 bird humans in Ruclin's high itself. Jeniffer, Jonas, Theodore, and finally The principal Mr. Sahin. I'm clueless about who is the 5th one because he/she died in an accident at the beginning of the virus arc as mentioned in the novel. If I would have known, I would try my best to save that individual.

You might be wondering how the hell did I and Thomas didn't get hurt by fighting them as blocking their punch itself would have caused us extreme pain. That was because of Jennifer.

To describe Jeniffer, she comes from one of the higher beings' families. Her hair being green means that she is a parrot. Parrots are one of the most intelligent species of birds. One can even imitate human voices which are known to many people. I figured that Jonas and Theodore are variants being trained by Jeniffer's family as they stick around Jeniffer almost all the time on the campus.

Jeniffer wouldn't allow their identities to be exposed, not even a small clue. She will not allow any abnormalities in her plan to stay hidden until a certain period. She would have informed the two idiots before they engage in the fight to not use their powers.

As for why bird humans are in Ruclin's high, it is to catch the dark family informant who is wandering around the school. The higher beings and the council aren't idiots to ignore the moves of the dark family these past few years. They gained a tip that something big is about to happen in Ruclin's high 6 months ago.

To avoid suspicion, they sent their best-trained teens who are Jeniffer, Theodore, and Jonas to find the identity of the informant who is either disguised as a student or teacher who is blended in the campus.

But guess what? I know the identity of the informant. It was pretty shocking for me too when I was reading the novel but I should wait patiently until the day when I become strong enough to catch him.

I walked down the stairs and made my way to the tennis court where Thomas was drinking his juice peacefully while watching Jennifer play tennis.

" Dude, stop daydreaming. You may be in another league in beauty but she is a goddess." I said while slapping him on his back.

" Yeah bud, I know but ever since I saw her when she transferred, I developed a crush," said Thomas while blushing.

' Dude...don't worry. I know about your future, that chick right there is your future---'

A ball came towards me and hit me in my head by snapping me out of my thoughts. I saw who is the culprit by turning around.

" Speak of the devil, Thomas. Your crush doesn't seem to like me so much" I said laughing.

" Noah! Are you okay?" asked Thomas while keeping his hand on my head to check for injuries.

"I'm okay. I will do detention duty now. I will leave you alone with your crush now but come back in 15 minutes."

"Be careful Noah. Call me if something happens" said Thomas.

I nodded and walked away while throwing the ball which hit me back to the court. I saw Jennifer staring at me. However, I ignored and went out of the area.

"I know why you are approaching Thomas, Jeniffer," I muttered.

Jennifer had no leads for 4 months after transferring to Ruclin's high but she finally discovered something unintentionally. When she was walking in the corridor one morning, she stumbled upon an aura of a person she wasn't familiar with. She followed where the aura was until she ended up in front of the auditorium.

She went in and saw 100 people discussing something while sitting and one person was standing on the stage talking. Yes, it was Thomas's popular Fanclub. Jennifer. Unfortunately for her, all the members were leaving when she was about to locate the person. She lost the person's aura and wasn't able to identify the person. She checked the CCTV of the auditorium but it was broken 4 months ago.

Since with no choice, she went on to interact with Thomas. She figured that if she made Thomas her friend, she would be able to arrange a performance of Thomas and invite all the fan club members and catch the person.

But Thomas was not even considering seeing her in the face when she went to talk to him. This made her puzzled as to why he was ignoring her. But she did not see the truth as Thomas was embarrassed by seeing her face and talking to her, so he ignored her every time. Seriously that dense bastard!.

Now, you should have figured out the rest by yourself's. She made an attempt by making Theofore and Jonas interact with him but Thomas is not a big fan of them as they were known for their tyranny on the campus.

'She is facing too much trouble but she will find a breakthrough in the coming months ', I thought and made my way to the bathrooms on the 2nd floor.

I saw Scott standing outside the bathroom but I decided not to talk as Jonas and Theodore were also present. I paid no attention to them and concentrated on cleaning.

After 30 min, Thomas joined us in the cleaning. I just gave him a thumbs up and started to mind my own work.

After 2 hours of hard work, we finally cleaned every floor. I went to the locker room to pick up my belongings and started to go towards the gate. I saw Scott walking behind me and I gave a sign to come over here.

He came over beside me and started to talk.

" What do you want" asked Scott.

" I am just curious but does it require the supervision of a member of the disciplinary committee to watch the punishment?"

Scott did not answer and turned his head away. When we reached the gates, I saw Thomas waiting for me.

"Give me your number," said Scott.

I did not talk much and exchanged numbers. After the exchange, he went ahead leaving me behind.

Thomas asked me why was Scott coming with me and I just said that he was warning me not to fight again.

Thomas asked why I gave him my number and I said " I gave him my number because if another fight occurs, he told me to call him"

Thomas was satisfied with my answer. I got on my motorcycle and made my way to my home. Again, on my way home I saw police cars standing in another house not far from my house.

' This is serious. Is there a serial killer in the neighborhood?' I thought.

I went to my home and parked my bike. I went to the front door and opened it and said

" I'm back home Dad!" I shouted.

" Welcome back. Why did you come late?" asked my father.

"I had special classes dad" I lied.

"Oh...okay son. you must be exhausted. Take some rest." said my father with a smile.

" And dad... I forgot to tell you but my new friend is coming over tonight. Please don't attack him. Remember don't attack."

" I know son. Do you think I will attack your friend? Now go up and get some rest." said my father with a chuckle.

I came to my room upstairs and dropped it on my bed. I threw my bag on the side and started to stare at the ceiling.

' Today was an exhausting day. Fight with two idiots and clean the bathroom. Man, the punishment was harsh.' I thought while dozing off into sleep.

I slept peacefully until I woke up to a loud sound. I opened my eyes and got off my bed to check what happened.


I rushed downstairs to check what happened and I saw my father with a pair of black wings which was magnificent. I turned my head to see my dad's hand holding Scott's neck up against the wall who had also wings out open.

' Man, this got real messy!'

Next chapter