
Change of plans

After I made my way to my room, I sat on my chair happily. First, I'm quite comfortable knowing that a person is here to save me in the hardest time of my life. Secondly, my father seems to not pry into how I got this knowledge. He might try to contact his comrades to ask for information about my mother's informant's moments but he will not find anything due to my unusual knowledge.

This world consists of supernatural beings. Not your typical werewolves or vampires. The real ones have wings and can fly at an impeccable speed. They might be mentioned in the myths and ancient scriptures but they are all real.

When the earth cooled down as a living place for human beings and animals, the gods decided to send their own trained servants as the protectors of the Earth in disguise as humans. That's how the first set of humans arrived on Earth.

As centuries passed, so does powers. Each family was holding the power of their respective ancestor and was honing it to their finest capabilities. Factions and houses were created to maintain balance and peace in the lower realm where humans lived. Higher beings are those who hold the powers of birds and those who have power equal to a bishop.

That's when the unknown variable known as Variants came. They were able to attain the respective power of the person who bit them. Naturally as expected, the higher beings began to fear them as they were drowned in arrogance thinking they are the chosen ones.

The first Variant ever known was named Foverós which means terrifying in Greek. He defeated every single family head and captain of houses and factions to express his domination. But he was stopped by the mysterious bird which appeared for the first time in humanity but the bird offered the Variant to make peace with him. The Variant touched by its humanity accepted the offer and apologized for his rash actions. He was punished by imprisoning him for 1 millennium and all the heads and captain made a death pact with him the condition being not to attack higher beings without a valid reason. The condition for him to accept it was to make more Variants in the human world to protect peace and order.

That's how the Variants expanded more in the lower realm. For generations, the variants protected the humans and finally had the chance to join the higher beings. Foverós prison time ended and he created the Wing council which consisted of 10 leaders according to strength. Peace was maintained until 50 Millenium ago, 6 council members decided to betray the council and went on to create their own sent of families. That's how the dark families were created. Their only goal is to eliminate all the beings who have power similar to them and take over the world.

Like seriously, they might sound like a cliche group but if they decided to wage a war on the council, it may collapse as generations started to ignore the darkness of the world, the darkness started to reach them.

Higher beings have powers that are directly inherited from their respective parents. For example, this town Ruclins have 3 higher beings family living here and my father is aware of it. He is suppressing his aura to keep himself out of unnecessary trouble.

Higher being's lineage mostly contains Vulture, Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, and some other types. There is only one family in the entire world that maintains its dominance despite being an omnivore. It's the pigeon race. They maintain diplomatic relationships between the family by representing each one of them personally.

There is some hidden families name which is known only to the family heads of the respective species. One of the hidden families was Heslington which has the power of a myth bird.

You might be wondering which bird Thomas has transformed into? Seriously, the author decided to give him an OP power which nearly made him immortal.

Anyways, the priority for me is to save Scott Heslington. The Heslington family originally resided in England but decided to come to Ruclins for an important meeting with the Higher beings family.

They were ambushed by the Dark family generals which they weren't ready for. Fortunately, they escaped but with the cost of losing his son. Yes, the lost son's name is Scott Heslington. He is a senior in Ruclin's high but decided to keep a low-key life. They were ambushed about 7 years ago so his age must be 18 now which makes me his junior. I haven't seen him in person but he plays an important role in the beginning arc until he ultimately dies at the end of Chapter 96 due to the villain's scheme.

He and Thomas had only interaction in the whole novel and that is to bump into each other in the hallway of the school. Scott helped Thomas unintentionally by helping Thomas's female comrade who is also known as the No.1 candidate for the female lead in the Virus Arc which is the first arc of the novel.

The arc will be one of my hardest hurdles to cross as it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. A mystery virus spreads over Ruclins high where people turn into bird monsters and go berserk mode by a bite or a scratch. Honestly, I would like to avoid the arc but 2 reasons kept me from doing this.

1. This arc involves the death of Scott Heslington who will play an important role in my whole life.

2. There is a monster that will appear in the process of the virus which will control all the berserk bird monsters in the final moments of the arc which Thomas will defeat with the help of his newly made allies. The monster's wings will support me greatly in the upcoming arcs and in battles.

I thought of stopping this Virus but this will cause too much change in the story. Thomas will meet his future girlfriend and companions in this arc which is important for the story to move on.

His combat powers and experience will increase mostly in this arc and he will experience the darkness which resides in this world to make him mature.

Finally, the most important reason is to avoid the attention of the Dark families. They are the ones who will be responsible for this incident. If they take notice of me, even my dad cannot save me from them as my dad is only powerful enough to take on one council member which itself is a great feat.

I must remain low-key until my time comes. The Virus will spread in the school next December which is 13 months away. I must learn to protect myself and must earn the trust of Scott by that time.

---------------- [Back to the present]

"So Thomas, what classes do you have today?" I asked him.

"I have economics, Geography, and finally Biology for the first 4 hours," said Thomas.

I made my way into the school campus with Thomas and eventually to the first floor. Our Campus is 10000 acres big which makes it one of the largest campuses in the country. It also makes it hard to walk long distances. I took out my skateboard from my bag and started to ride and so did Thomas. We made our way to the stairs leading to the second floor and started to walk from there.

" Well, see you at lunch Noah," said Thomas.

"See you... and don't forget to come alone. You always have a bunch of girls following you!"

Thomas got embarrassed and walked away faster to avoid the stares of the people as I just shouted out loud.

Thomas might be average in studies, sports but his looks were on another level. Some people even send me threat letters saying 'stay away from our god' where god indicates Thomas.

'Well, the guys who are sending me the letters must be future predictors as in a few years, Thomas will literally be toe to toe against the gods.'

I chuckled to myself and made my way to my homeroom. My plan is to meet Scott today in the evening by sending Thomas to buy some drinks.

Eventually, lunch break came and I made my way to our usual place where he and I would eat. I spotted Thomas but he was having some company. Yes, his class was having the most popular kids on the entire campus.

Do you know the one thing I hate about Thomas? The fact that he is dumb enough not to know that there are people that are trying to be friends with him. He was having a conversation with Jonas, the school president, Theodore the captain of the sports team for our campus, and finally Jeniffer Allington the school's goddess who is always cold to other students other than Thomas, Jonas, and Theodore.

I made my way to Thomas to call him for lunch. Thomas noticed me and shot me a glare that requested me to help him out of the situation. I kind of enjoyed his face but went over there to help him out.

But I saw a teen who was handsome with red hair. He was making his way across the basketball field. Yes, he is the man who I have been thinking about for the past hours. Scott Heslington.

As I was seeing him cross the field, a plan came to my mind. 'Ah, this might get real violent'

" Come on Thomas, can't you eat lunch with us?" said Jonas.

" Yeah, it's not like we are thieves. We really just want to be friends with you," said Theodore.

"Sorry guys but I have to go with Noah this time," said Thomas.

"HEY THOMAS! LET'S GO!" I shouted to get his attention and of course everybody on the basketball court.

Thomas broke apart from them and started to walk towards me. I heard sudden whispers from the neighboring students just as I expected.

"The beauty god Thomas brown ignored the efforts of the famous trio and went with a loser to eat lunch?"

"Theodore and Jonas deserve this. They never let anyone strike up a conversation with them. They think they are some gods or what?"

" What! Thomas Brown face slapped the popular trio now!" a student shouted.

I can see Jonas and Theo clenching their fists tightly to avoid getting angry. Of course, this reaction was expected. Noah Jones, a student who always wait obediently until they finished their conversation with Thomas suddenly got the guts to call him loudly in a middle of a conversation. This was unexpected for them.

' Still immature' I thought to myself.

As for Jennifer, she was just cold as always. She was staring daggers at me for shouting loudly. I chucked in front of them which made the breaking point. They started to walk towards me with serious expressions.

'Here we go, hope this works'

Thomas made his way to me and I said " Don't ask me why but I need you to stay silent all the time."

" Wha--" Thomas was interrupted by a voice.

"Noah Jones, I need to talk to you," said Jonas.

" Sorry president, I am hungry right now, can we talk later?"

"Don't test my patience, Noah. I am better than you in studies, sports, and everything. I'm cooler than you!" said Theodore while clenching his fists tightly while some students heard his dialogues

Thomas took notice of this and made himself ready for any unexpected situations. I took a look at the crowd and realized the plan has been set in motion.

" If you are cooler than me, does that mean I am hotter than you Captain?" I said with a chuckle.

His patience was gone and Theodore swung a punch at me and Jonas started to position himself for a kick.

"You bastard!"

I easily blocked the punch while Thomas blocked the kick designated for me with his leg. At the same time, we both swung our fists at Jonas and Theodore.

When we were close to their respective faces, I noticed Jeniffer not doing anything. It was something I expected as Jennifer doesn't really use her powers for childish fights. But someone blocked our punches with their hands.

I saw Scott blocking our punches. After 3 seconds, he stood there like a stone and said " Noah Jones, Thomas Brown, Theodore Glore, and Jonas Fetler. I'm taking you to the disciplinary committee for fighting on campus.

All of us didn't refuse nor did speak anything. We were following Scott closely and we made our way inside the disciplinary committee room. I saw a woman sitting on a chair behind a desk while signing some papers.

" Officer Scott reporting mam," said Scott while making a salute.

"What's the matter, Scott? I told you to go and eat lunch right?" asked the woman.

Scott pointed his fingers at us and told her that we were fighting on the campus and were breaking the rules. Jonas and Theodore refused it but I didn't listen to their rambling. I was focusing my eyes on Scott where he was standing straight like an officer in movies.

I didn't even take my eyes off him for a second. I kept looking at him and his face.

'He is definitely the Scoot Heslington I am searching for I thought.

"Noah Jones! Theodore Glore! Jonas Fetler and Thomas Brown! Your punishment is to clean every restroom on the 2nd and 3rd floor and don't even dream of going into the girl's restroom!" The woman's shout made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes, mam!" we said in chorus.

' Seems like Jonas and Theodore are afraid of this mam. If not, they would have used their titles to get out of this situation.'

"Thomas, you okay man?" I asked.

Yeah. I'm sorry! You are getting into trouble because of me" said Thomas in a depressing tone.

"Come on mam! we have been friends for 7 years and you think I hold a grudge against you for little things like this. You go ahead and eat your lunch, I will catch up with you later"

"Okay," said Thomas and walked out of the room and so did I.

I was walking in the corridor until a hand grabbed the top of my shoulders.

" Noah Jones," said a voice. I turned around to see the source and it was Scott.

"Why were you shooting glances at me when the chief person was talking," asked, Scott.

"Mr.Scott Heslington. Come and meet me at the boy's bathroom on the 4th-floor end and you shall receive my answers."

I saw a shocked look on Scott's face and his hand left my shoulder. I walked away waving and Scott stood there like a statue.