
A damn clue

57 days later*********

The sound of swords clashing can be heard echoing through a certain area of the woods on the Ruclin's west at late midnight. If someone goes to search the source, they can see a red-haired youth who was very handsome shirtless and a white-haired youth who was a fair average face with the same attire as him.

"Stop!" said a man who had white hair and blue eyes who looked like the older version of the white-haired youth.

Noah POV

I stopped fighting and so did Scott. I fell back on the ground breathing heavily to regain my energy.

It has been almost 2 months since we started our training. While Scott received special training from my dad in the night after our evening class, I, every night go to my campus to be chased by the hellish ravens.

I have trained swordsmanship under my father for 50 days at midnights. Scott joined us as he wasn't making any improvements in wings training. We were just at the basic level but dad told that our learning progress is equal to the peers when they started.

If you think I gained wings then it's hopeless. My dad and Scott tried several times by giving me potions and beating me to a pulp to make me awaken but it only lead to my body fainting.

Honestly, I hoped at least that I can at least have my own wings but my hopes were shattered when my dad said I'm just not made for this.

My dad started to train me like how hunters did their disciples. There are hunters who search for bird humans across the world. They do not have families and factions like the ones bird humans have. They call bird humans Avains. Anyways, my dad told that he started his first mission as the captain of the vulture team to infiltrate into the hunter's union.

I was surprised but I understood how he must know about how they train them. My dad offered to train me the way the hunter trains and I said yes. There's no reason to say no. I am literally trash as I don't have any talent being born to a legend known in the higher realm.

If you have to wonder where is this higher realm, it is in Britain. Britain has high mana in the atmosphere which makes even a pawn go equal to a knight level stage 5. There is a city known as Walcus which is situated hidden in Britain. It is about the size of London which is hidden by illusionary barriers from normal humans.

The reason they mention it as a higher realm is to not reveal information to hunter's union. Honestly, this is the lamest idea I have ever heard. The hunter's union already knows their location but to make their newly assigned trainees scared, they use this metaphor to exaggerate it.

"Here," said Scott as he threw me a water bottle.

"Thanks, Scott," I said as I caught it.

Scott and I have gotten close enough to hang out and go to arcades. First, when I asked him to hang out, he was a little edgy but I got to know that he has never had a friend.

After a few times, we got comfortable with each other and started to act like friends. We often trained alone when Dad had some work which I had no idea of and I even brought him to my training which scared the hell out of Scott as he ran without me. Nice friendship there.

As for Thomas, he started hanging out with Jenifer and her lackey duo. As for how I apologized to them for fighting which Thomas strongly refused but I convinced him. I told him to talk to them and be friends with them as I told him I will be extremely busy with family work for a few months. They accepted my apology with welcoming hands as they need Thomas for their plan.

"So, how's your flying training going?" I asked.

"He is improving. You know that he was injured in the battle 7 years ago right?" my dad replied instead of Scott.

"Yeah, I hope he recovers," I said as I grabbed Scott's hand to get up.

Scott was injured when the battle between the generals and his parents happened 7 years ago. The fall from the air when his parent's dropped him accidentally made his wings seriously injured to the point where he can't even summon it.

After the age of 15 years only, he summoned his wings unintentionally in his sleep. He got happy but another problem arose as he can't even fly. The reason he was not found by Jennifer and the dark families was his aura was not functioning finely.

My dad gave him treatment by giving him potions which he told are effective in healing. He told us that he would be able to fly in 4 months' time. The one thing that puzzled me was how these potions are in the hands of my father. He literally has like 1000 potions in the basement of our house hidden. I understand he stocked some for safety in the near future but weapons and hunter guns?! I knew from that moment that our training will not be easy.

Another variable appeared as a problem to me as Thomas did not tell me that he had wings on his back. This was unexpected for me as I thought he would tell me but it happened the opposite. I confirmed that he was awakened by telling my dad to check on him when he came to the parent's teacher meeting.

My dad was worried as I was surrounded by many Avains. I told him to calm down as I said I already knew he would turn into one. My dad spotted Reaper too which made him wary of him as he was our homeroom teacher. I told him he is one of the informants and reminded him to back down but he talked like a rude old man to him in the meeting which made me chuckle at the night sometimes

"He started moving his wings and will be able to fly in no time." said my dad while loading a shotgun.

Scott smiled in excitement as I too was happy that he will be able to fly. I gave him a fist bump and picked up a sniper rifle.

" Don't forget to take the strengthening potion as with your body, you will be blown back when you fire that monster." said my dad.

"Okay," I said as we were anyways in an official hunting area. The woods had some wolves and predators who came to attack us which was stopped by my dad. My body got improved by the potions my dad gave me especially. It improved my growth very much as I started having packed in my stomach. My strength was above a normal adult but still required more training to shoot a hunter's rifle specially made to kill Avains. My dad trained me on how to use every weapon made by hunter's union which made my knowledge equal to an elite.

I took the potion which was in a small container. It was light blue in color which I gulped in one go. I lied down on the ground not far from the place we were training and fired a shot far from here into a tree. It hit precisely which made me grin. I was practising firearms for 32 days which is too low for a 15 year old to master it but not for me. There are potions which can push you to your limits and body strethening is one of them which lasts for a few hours.

"Nice shot Noah!" shouted Scott in the distance while setting up a camp fire for eating.

"Thanks dude" I muttered.

After a few rounds of firing, I returned to the camp which they have setted and my dad was making barbeque arrangements. I too joined them and lifted the stuffs that contained meat and vegetables.


My dad was cooking barbeque while me and Scott were talking about the firearms recoil. Suddenly, Scott asked me a question that was difficult to asnwer.

" Noah, what if they release the virus early? You did say there were varaible that may change the future right?"

'Hell, he's right but I do have a plan to encounter that but it just needs some time to initiate it'

"Don't worry Scott. Even though I'm not sure of the future, I will make sure that we have a plan to encounter it" I said to make him feel at more ease.

"Mm..." said Scott and got up and joined Dad to take out more meat. I thinked that I indeed must make some preparations. I should finish my father's training first so that I shall learn more things. Heck, how should I defeat that Raven's?

I too got up while thinking and went to sit on the plastic chair. The barbeque was finally done and we three started eating it.

"DELICIOUS!" said Scott while taking a bite.

I too muttered it as it was heavenly to eat barbeque after training hard. We were eating while taking about Tv shows and celebreties.

"Dad, how can I complete my training? I even tried using swords but I just can't defeat that herd. I think you gave me an impossible mission! Atleast give me a clue!" I shouted as my dad laughed.

After thinking for a brief amount of time, he gave me a reply.

"Well, I can give you a clue" said my dad.

"Really?" I asked.


I saw Scott frowning which I did not expect. I tapped on his shoulder to check what was wrong.

"Scott, you okay man?"

"Yeah! It's nothing" said Scott.

"PFTTT!" my dad laughed.

" Well, Scott you never cracked your clue I gave for your training. Grow some brains, my dear student."

'Was it that hard?' I thought as Scott turned his head to the other side.

" Well here is your clue Noah" said my dad.

I stared at his face for half a minute before he finally opened his damn mouth to give me a clue. Scott too stared at his face to hear what is the clue as the ravens scared him too.

"Light maybe be faster than sound but both has it's equal importance" said my dad.

I was dumfolded and so did Scott. We waited for him to tell more but he got up, picked some sause from the bag and started eating without talking.

"That's it!?" I shouted.

Scott sighed as he already knew the clue was going to be like this. I looked at my dad staring angrily.

"Remember, you have only more 30 days to complete this mission" said my dad before walking off in the distance after leaving his empty plate and so did Scott.

" I wish you luck dude. I truly do" said Scott giving me a pity face before walking off into the woods.

"You damn geezer!"


While Noah was shouting in the distance, Patrick walked towards the east side of the woods. Suddenly, a crow appeared in front of him and it took a human form.

" It's been a while eh brat?" said the figure which now had black hair with blue eyes which seemed like a women.

"It has, Sensei{Teacher}. I hope you are going easy on my son?" asked Patrick.

"Your son...He is doing good. He attacked us with 137 ways to see if we budge but it availed him nothing. He once took us into the boiler room for god's sake" said the figure laughing.

Patrick chuckled too as he knows that it was a Noah styles to do this. After laughing, the women's face turned serious.

" Are you going to go back to the higher realm Patrick?" asked the figure.

" Well, if they plan on bothering me or my son it wouldn't take long for both of us to cause some trouble there" said Patrick with a creppy smile.

"You--You have always been like this, kind and warm but turns into a villian when we talk about the Avains."

"It's my perosnality. You can't blame me" said Patrick waving his hand off.

"Anyways, that boy named Scott is also improving while fighting the fake dummies. The real reason I came here is to inform you is that what your son said is right. The dark families are planning an attack on Ruclin's highschool coming this late year. I think your son does have the ability to see the future" said the women.

"Yeah but he is still young" said Patrick with a worried expression.

" Come on! You defeated a knight level Avains when you were 14. You can't blame him for getting his father's genes" said the women chuckling.

" Well, you are right. But please be aware because once that bastards know I'm alive, the head of the dark families will not hesitate to send an army after me" said Patrick.

" As that army will do you any harm" said the women with a grin. " You never have shown your true power Patrick so that puts you in an advantage you saty calm" said the women.

"Thanks for the compliment. Now, there is a child waiting for me so let's meet later" said Patrick waving his hands while walking on the path he originally cam from.

" Sure" said the women and reverted back to its original crow form and flied thrpough the sky.

' Things are going to be messy when the outbreak hapens' thought Patrick as walked off in the distance from the place he was standing.

Hi guys, this was an info dump chapter...I know but these are essential to understand so forgive me.

Handsome_Guycreators' thoughts
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