
The eve of the event

Day by day I noticed that Martin shared a strange resemblance to my nature. Like me he also felt a strange attraction to the dark but the main difference between us was that he claimed that he could feel the presence of supernatural entities if there exists any around him. Most of the students didn't bother  him but I as a horror lover had trust on him and wanted to see his power eagerly.

As days went by a strange incident started to occur in our hostel .Almost every morning Martin was found sleeping before the Door beyond which there was the vast hall and chains of classroom of the top floor of the hostel which was shut due to reasons never spoken to us. When I asked Martin about this on the third day of the occurrence he revealed me that the top floor attracted him very much.According to him that place had some strange connection with him. He felt that the place was waiting for him and he was sure that in some aspects or the other he was linked with that place for a long time.

It was that Thursday evening at 6 o' clock when we finally decided to steal the keys of the door of top floor and would surely put down all the curtains from the mysteries.

According to our plan we woke up at 11 o'clock at night. We tiptoed to the principal's office to search for the keys.We all knew that the keys were kept in the office but the main barrier was that we didn't knew the exact key for the door of the mysteries and the accurate location was also unknown. To our good luck we found the office door open and also the keys were kept on the table . It appeared to us that our destiny wanted us to reach the place no matter how much odds were there.

To be continued.....

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