
Chapter 178

Please Mason, Nooooo!

Freya Rose

“What's the hunter's Council and why would they want to kill me?”

He was very panicked and I knew this was an extremely serious situation, but I didn't have a clue what he was on about.

“Come with me to the office. Evan and I will explain everything,” he held out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and followed him while he gently pulled me into my dad's office. Once in the office he sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside him. I sat down and waited for someone to explain. Evan walked over to me and handed me a whisky. I took it from him and said in a light-hearted way,

“Really Evan? It's like ten in the morning.”

I let out a little chuckle, but then silenced myself when I saw his worried expression.

“You're gonna need it, Angel. Trust me,” he replied in a low and gruff voice.