
A new school year

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Evening of the same day, somewhere in London.

"Mistress Skeeter, in commemoration of the agreement we made, I am sending you materials for the first article in the Weekly Prophet, celebrating the start of the school year at Hogwarts. You will find enough of interest in the vials of memories and my notes to create a truly brilliant article.

Your most loyal reader, Harold Potter."

Rita Skeeter flicked the rattling bag of galleons into the desk and impatiently delved into the study of several pieces of paper, finely scribbled in angular handwriting. After reading the notes of Potter, who had managed to interest the scandalous journalist, the woman tossed the contents of the vial into the official Memory Pit, which she had brought home with her on an acquaintance. Getting out of there nearly an hour later, she had completely lost some of the scepticism clearly visible on her face after reading the sheets.

- It's going to be a bloody sensation," with these words, placing a huge coffee pot on the table, exuding the sweet aromas of a freshly brewed beverage, the woman went deep into work on a new article.

31 August 1995. Weasley House.

- This is a vile lie! - Ron Weasley, who was taking a large sip of tea at this moment, choked on the unexpected voice of Hermione, who had been a guest of the Weasleys all summer.

- Hermione, baby, what's wrong? - Molly Weasley, who hadn't read the morning paper yet, looked at the girl with displeasure.

- Look at what they're saying about Dumbledore and Hogwarts in that article!

Cornelius Fudge, along with Lucius Malfoy, who had gathered over a cup of morning tea to discuss action against Dumbledore, who clearly had no plans to retract his statement about the Dark Lord's revival, were happily reading the paper.

- I don't know who provided Skeeter with the information, but this stranger has done us quite a favour. - Fudge sipped his tea.

'Tomorrow marks the start of the new school year, which is eagerly awaited by many students and their parents. Hogwarts, the citadel of knowledge and one of the safest places in England, is ready to open its gates to new and old students. But is this magical castle currently so safe?

Four years ago, when Harry Potter, known to all our readers, entered Hogwarts, the school, taking advantage of some loophole in the magical defences, was infiltrated by a dark spirit-possessed teacher of defence against the dark arts. Having been under the very nose of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore for almost the entire year, the unfortunate possessed Quirrell had been teaching the students. A wizard possessed by a dark spirit - in a school full of children. That same year, a mountain troll entered the school in an unknown manner, which was defeated, according to unconfirmed rumours, by three underclassmen, one of whom was Harry Potter, who saved his classmate from dying under the troll's baton. At the end of the year, Professor Quirrell died tragically - rumoured to have been trying to steal the mysterious Philosopher's Stone. Only one thing is known for sure - Headmaster Dumbledore failed to detect the possessed man in time, and found only his body. Who took care of the children's safety, fighting and defeating the possessed man, ahead of the greatest light wizard - it is unknown.

The following year, as we have already written about, dear readers, there was a new dark spirit possessed person who opened Salazar Slytherin's secret room in the safe school. Once again, someone, rumoured to be Harry Potter this time, has descended into the Chamber of Secrets, single-handedly fought and killed a basilisk and defeated the evil spirit that had captured the young daughter of a respected Ministry worker.

Two years ago, the school was surrounded by dementors when unjustly accused murderer Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to protect his endangered godson, Harry Potter at a Hogwarts that had become unsafe. And the Head of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore has gone to such unprecedented lengths to increase the security of the school. Demons, the spawn of most wizards' nightmares, the ones who feed on souls - are guarding a school full of children. As we've written in past issues, the real culprit, an animagus rat, managed to spend several years at Hogwarts, and was only uncovered thanks to the efforts of Sirius Bleak and his godson's friends.

And finally, last year. The Tournament of the Three Wizards, one of the major events of magical life, a competition between the three magical schools in which only the strongest seventh years take part. Fleur Delacourt from Beauxbaton, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, who tragically died during the last test. But, as our editorial team managed to find out, a former Death Eaters who sneaked into Hogwarts under the guise of one of the teachers managed to throw Harry Potter's name into the Goblet of Fire, and the fourth-year students were forced to compete with the seventh-years to win the tournament. Where the greatest light wizard who failed to take care to properly guard the qualifying artefact was looking is unknown. All that is known is that it was the Death Eaters' fault that Cedric Diggory died at the end of the year and fell into the trap prepared for the winner of the tournament.

What next year holds for the safest school in England, time will tell."

Lucius Malfoy, having finished reading the article, nodded in agreement.

- Rita Skeeter didn't tell a lie this time. The caldographs in the article looked authentic. Apparently, the customer is very offended by Dumbledore and, just like us - does not share his beliefs in the so-called revival of the Dark Lord.

- The main thing is that Dumbledore does not try to influence the parents through the students. Children trust their "good grandfather," and if he says that the Dark Lord has been reborn, it may confuse their unformed minds. - Malfoy added after a moment's silence.

- 'Yes, Lucius, you are quite right. We need to bring what is happening at Hogwarts under the control of the Ministry of Magic.

- Do you have a trustworthy person who can be sent to Hogwarts with the authority of the Ministry and the Board of Trustees, Cornelius?

- There is... my deputy, Dolores Umbridge.

Same time. Delacourt Manor.

- Mr Delacourt, why did you persuade me not to write about a resurgent Dark Lord?

- If such an article appeared in the Prophet, the Ministry would quickly crush the paper, and the editor-in-chief would never go against a major shareholder. Our side's position, despite Lord Bleak's best efforts, is rather precarious; the aristocratic families headed by the Malfoys are too strong and have too much influence on the Minister of Magic.

- What will ordinary wizards believe then?

- Even if "The Prophet" prints something like this, without an official statement of the Minister, the English community will consider such information unreliable....

- So all we have left is the option of Luna Lovegood's father's newspaper to give true information to the common people?

- Exactly... Xenophilius Lovegood is the owner of The Priggard and the weakness of the Ministry's press laws will not allow a private newspaper to be shut down quickly. Then again, the reputation of The Pridira and its pretend-crazy editor in public will keep the Ministry from putting too much pressure on them not to appear as a laughing stock.

- In this I trust your experience as a politician, Mr Delacourt.

- How did the last exams go?

- Quite... long enough," I shrugged my shoulders. - Claude Lefebvre and Gregory Legrand spent a long time examining my level of knowledge. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to do a lot of work to meet Beauxbaton's requirements... Especially in Potions... Legrand has simply destroyed any notion I had of my own potions brewing skills.

- Well, Mr Potter, now you have a very good incentive. - Jean-Claude grinned. - Since you will still need to study with your teachers, especially Ciaran, Lord Black has sent you a small gift.

On the table lay a dainty gold pendant on a chain, depicting an hourglass with shimmering sand inside.

- A time wheel?! Where did Sirius get that?

- Lord Black said he found it in one of the family vaults in Gringotts. And this is from me for the start of your school year.

A bag full of various bottles dropped down next to the flywheel.

- These are potion kits to help you withstand the double workload. You won't be getting much sleep this year....

- But at least some of the Beauxbaton subjects will overlap with what I learnt from the teachers over the summer: dance, etiquette and law.

- Yes, this will reduce your workload somewhat, but still - try not to skip potions, Ciaran will still be tightening up the training requirements.

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