
CHAPTER 73: Meeting The Disciplinarian (2)






Currently, I was strung up by my hands and was being caned. The others were also the in the same situation that I was in.

We were led down some stairs that came out in a room with no windows and cement walls. Some blood stains could be seen if you looked closely at the floor.

The man flicked a switch and one lightbulb came on in the center of the room. It lit up the room, although barely.

The old man lifted us up like we weighed nothing and hung us against the wall in chains. Of course, I tried to resist but that man had an iron grip. It made me even wonder if he was an elderly person. When I kicked him, my foot felt like it hit solid metal and ached a little.

Once he hung us up, he opened a cabinet and took out a cane. It was in the middle of thick and thin, just the right size. It was red in colour.

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