
Vampires and A Date

After a while I went to the back to school party to meet up with up the rest of the group. Soon when I arrived I saw a massive bonfire with a large group of hormonal teenagers surrounding it. Most of them were drinking booze or making out with each other. I walked to Caroline , Bonnie and Matt as the trio were standing together.

"Hey guys how has the party been so far ?" I asked them as they just stood with the beer that they should not being having. Caroline and Matt seemed to be a bit morose while Bonnie looked a bit shaken.

"There is nothing much going Stefan and Elena left together a while ago" Bonnie replied to me with a knowing smirk soon Matt and Caroline left us alone to look for them.

"So Bonnie the rumour is that you have a dash of the supernatural going for you?" I diverted our conversation to this topic mainly because I wanted to see if she has embraced her heritage.

"Don't you start to Harry it was tough enough with my grandma sprouting that witchy mayhem" The girl sighed with a sigh " Its just not possible magic and fairies are just fairy tale I may have had some weird feeling but it just that" She finished talking.

So she was rejecting her supernatural heritage her grams has to do something if she wants Bonnie to practicing. But other than that she was slowly coming into her powers with extrasensory abilities coming in first. It was common ability that all witches have they can essentially perceive the future or threats in the form of colours or numbers.

"Don't worry about it just hear your grams out at least even if you don't believe her just humour her" I said to her "Plus I bet she would lay off after you give in" I continued to tell her. She seemed like she contemplated the idea scrunching her face in a thinking expression

"Hey Harry can I talk to you privately?" Bonnie called out to me. I nodded and we walked through the forest . We eventually found a secure private where people can't hear us.

"What did you want to talk about? I asked not sure why she wanted to speak to me I know for a fact she did not know that I was a witch since I had a spell that hides my magic from being sensed by other magical beings. So this caught my attention we are close acquaintance due to Elena but we did not have much conversation unless its about other people so rightfully this caught my attention.

----------------------Bonnie POV--------------------------------------------------------

Ok this is gonna a be it this is where I confess ok a deep breath you can do this Bonnie.

"So Harry would you like to hang out sometime by ourselves?" I asked him as he just looked at me blankly and before he started to speak and his facial expression

"You mean like a date , are asking me out on a date?" The fact that he asked that with shock is kind of disconcerting ,

"Yeah if you don't want to that's understandable" I told me but he quickly stopped me and answered my previous question.

"No no no I was just surprised by the question but if you want lets give it a try" He said to me. I looked at him an saw that his olive skin was flushed and it stood out even more when in contrast of his obsidian black hair. It was actually kinda cute. He always has this loner cool guy aura since he was young this was the first time I ever seen him so flushed.

"Ok let's make plans for this weekend" I said with glee

----------------------MC POV------------------------------------------------------------

This was not what I expecting but even though I don't want to have one stands in the town. It didn't mean that I didn't want to have relationship with anybody. Well this might be what I need to take my mind of the current situations with the Potters.

Me and Bonnie headed back to the party as we entered the large crowd of people circling around the bonfire. Me and Bonnie discussed on what to do on our date so we decided on a movie and going to the Mystic Grill for a meal.

As we continued to talk a shout echoed through out the party. It was Jeremy he was holding Vicki in his hands from what I can see she was bleeding from the neck. Vicki was quickly placed on the bench and soon the ambulance arrived but before that I saw that her wound was caused by two deep pincers. Recently there has been news that a animal attack has been occurring recently in Mystic Falls.

There was only one predator that attack prey with such precision in world which was the vampire. They have tendency to tear apart their prey in certain parts of the country to make it seem like a animal attack. Usually in area were bears and cougars are native to the place. But this vampire must have let Vicki go by accident.

So far I had only known one vampire that was in town and that was Stefan Salvatore. Yep the new guy was a vampire the moment I shook his hand I knew that he was vampire. But when I used my phoenix abilities to see his aura it was bright good intentions but seemed heavily cracked with grief and guilt. So the attacker was definitely not him which means that there was another vampire. What the hell first the Potters and now vampires. For now I needed to go to Vicki to make sure she forgets but can until she wakes up. Soon me Bonnie and Caroline were at the Grill. Caroline was upset that Stefan went for Elena and started comparing herself to Elena. We had to make sure she was alright besides with her current feelings and how drunk she was it was not safe for her.

After Bonnie left with Caroline I got on my bike went home. As I opened the door I saw that Shesha was snoozing on the floor without a care in world. I slowly crept by him and went down to the basement door.

As I approach the basement door I slowly waved my hand and 5 blue holographic appeared numbers showed themselves. The numbers were just 1,2,3,4,5 I simply pressed the number 2 .The door started to glow and then stopped then I opened the door to see a greenhouse housing all sorts of magical and mundane plants and herbs.

I went to the Vervain field too see how the field was growing because it seemed to be essential in the coming days. Vervain is a potent herb and a vampire's most well-known weakness. If a vampire makes physical contact with vervain in any form, it will burn them. If a vampire ingests vervain, the vampire's throat and digestive tract will be burned and they will become feverish and extremely weak. If a human ingests or holds vervain somewhere in or on the body. The human is protected from vampire compulsion.

Although I am witch and that protects me from compulsion I am mainly gathering this for attacking or weakening vampires. I did not have many contacts in the Vampire community due to their fickle natures but this was a well known fact among those who live in the supernatural. Since depending on the age of the vampire my magic may become less effective. ( My TVD vampires gain magic resistance the older they are this applies to werewolves as they will have minor resistance in human but have a massive increase in their wolf form)

Next chapter I will be going through Harry magic and meeting the Potter. But this will take some time due to course work

HyperPhoenixcreators' thoughts
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