
Unexpected Cruelty

Isabelle was in, in her tumb. Thats what this place was a lite tumb locking out all those that were bad that wanted to enter. She put her hand on the willow tree and let out tears.

"Hello dear friend are you taking care of everyone for me?"

The tree swayed in response. Isabelle saw the heart her and the real Isabelle made and it made her smile. True love never truly leaves you. Isabelle wasn't gone she was there inside her she was keeping Isabelle alive, while the real her laid buried inside Isabelle. Sitting down at a hand made wooden cross she cleaned it up. A girl with a whole life ahead of her just gone. Taken by a man who didn't care about anyone but himself. A girl who was lost with no real family till she met Tessa. That is when the girls life started she was to young to be taken like that.

"Well Elaine I would like you to know that I met some guys and I don't know how to feel about them. Part of me loves them deeply and the other half is scared, scared that they will one day be like Wade. I'm sorry your life ended so suddenly. I promise one day I'll show you the world you believed in. It's just gonna take a while."

Isabelle got up after talking to the girl she used to be and looked up. Oh how she wished Elaine was strong enough to survive. The wind blew and flowers fell down landing on the grave and in Isabelle's hair. She was ready to leave but which way would she go would she go? With Zack to the Alphas, or would she sneak out back and run? She didn't want to make the choice so she asked the willow gardians what she should do. She trusted them which ever way they swayed. They opened and she walked out into the warm air.


Zack waited and waited, but Isabelle didn't come back. Shit she was running, about to take off towards the willow trees when the door to the world under them opened and Isabelle stepped out and smiled at him. He knew he could trust her.

"How did it go?"

"It went alright I'm ready to head back you?"

"As ready as I will ever be." Isabelle and Zack laughed he sounded more nervous than she was.

They got back to the house and walked inside. The men had been in the living room, and it looked as if they had just gotten done fighting. Cole looked up and saw Isabelle her hair was wavy and flowers filled her hair. Why did she always have to look so damn gorgeous?

"Isabelle I'm sorry. I really am I shouldn't have yelled at you." Cole hated how scared she looked at him. He never wanted to see it again.

"I forgive you Cole. I'm going to go change giving you all a chance to talk." Isabelle walked right past Chase who couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Dylan looked confused at Zack. "Well Zack looks like you have something to tell us?"

"She doesn't want you guys to go tomarrow." Zack knew there was no point weeding around the bush so he just said it.

Cole looked mad, Dylan was furious and Chase was chill. Chase out of all of them was chill.

"YOU TOLD HER!!!!!" Dylan couldn't keep his anger down, but it wasn't Zack that answered

"Of course he told her. He wants her full trust and respect. No matter which one of us told him not to tell her he still would have." Dylan looked to Chase then at Cole this was unexceptable.

"Chase is right it was wrong not to tell her. Thank you Zack for talking to us first so we didn't yell at Isabelle for our mistake."

"Your welcome do you want me to go get her?"

"No we are Alphas we can handle it thank you that will be all." Cole said calming down Zack always knew how to handle Isabelle.

Zack still stood there he trusted the Alphas enough to tell them what Isabelle told him. He trusted that they would listen, but she didn't.

"Is there something else Zack." Chase had become more calm sense he was with Isabelle and knew there was something more, but he also knew Zack could be trusted.

"No Sir if you don't mind I'll leave now."

both Chase and Cole nodded letting Zack walk out the door and leave.

"You know he was hiding something yet you let him leave." Dylan couldn't stop being confused at the whole day.

"Your the one who trusted him last time I was following your lead." Chase knocked into Dylan arm who pushed Chase off.

"This isn't a game Chase and I was wrong okay."

Before the two could fight anymore Cole cut in.

"Are we gonna handle our omega or what?"

"She isn't an omega." Chase laughed as the three of them walked to her room.

"Knock knock." Cole said as he walked through the already open door.

"What do you want?" Isabelle snapped she had left the door open because she knew they would come and talk to her, but that didn't make her any less upset with the situation.

"Oooo all snippy now." Chase chimed in jumping on the bed. Cole was on the chair, Chase was on the bed, and Dylan stood in the door way just looking at the frame.

"Well you guys keep hiding things from me how am I supposed to feel? Happy because I don't have to worry about okayyyyy sure."

"Cole was trying to keep you safe he didn't mean to upset you. It doesn't me we don't trust-"

"Yes it does Chase thats exactly what it means you can't trust me. If you do then you guys let your guard down and you guys are weak. You can't do that, I get it." Chase tried to stroke Isabelle's face to calm her, but she just pushed his hand away.

"That's not-"

"Dont try and lie to her Cole and say that's not true. She is smarter than we give her credit for. Isabelle your right we don't trust you and chances are we never will. You are a flight risk and none of us know what you can handle and what you can't. We don't want you apart of any of this expectially who kidnapped you because you have a personal connection to it. It will make you even more sloppy than you already are. There is no point trying to talk to you because you don't listen. Your right about it all." Dylan was never like this he wasn't mean and cruel, but Cole was right she wasn't his, and so he could be the bad guy if he needed to. He couldn't look at her though and Isabelle caught that.

"Okay Dylan then look me in the eyes and say you will never trust me. That you don't care about me."

Dylan wanted to throw up. He loved her and he wanted to trust her, but he couldn't lose her. She couldnt die. So if he lost her, but she was alive he would do it. He looked her in the eyes. "Isabelle I care about you I do but I will never trust you."

Isabelle started to tear up and she wiped them away. As Chase looked furious not at Dylan, but at Cole. Cole realized a second maybe even a third mistake he made today.

Isabelle could barely breathe it was one thing to think they would never trust her, but to hear it she could barely talk but stuttered out words.

"Oh-h okay. Thankkk you for telling me."

"Isabelle." Chase tried to fix this but Isabelle just turned away.

"Chase don't you guys are going to do whatever you guys are gonna do without my say so please just leave me alone. Please just leave."

The guys left one by one, and one of them shut the door and Isabelle started to cry. None of them knew what to say and tomarrow they had a big day. They would learn who kidnapped Isabelle and have to kill him. They could make it up to her then. Cole would fix all this then. Wach of them went to their rooms and Chase took the spare room. Even he didn't know what to say to her.

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