
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

"I hate you and i wish you were never my sister. you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life". Ayra screamed furious. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her ,people said things they didn't mean when they were angry she consoled herself. "You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes ." "Whatever" ayra muttered walking away. "That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one ,mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you .The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life". Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her trump trick and said "Christ you are so sick to think that". " Maybe I am ".

Macky_starr · Urban
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90 Chs


Ayra woke up the next morning with a start , did yesterday's event really happen? Or was it just a figment of her "colourful" imagination like Ella said. She stared at her veranda, and didn't have to doubt that it happened, every thing came rushing back to her memory. Pulling the hands he had touched to her face, it faintly smelled of his Cologne gosh he had really broken into her room!!

Who could have thought that a boy like Jack would like someone like her??

'How sure are you that he likes you? It all could be a ruse' her mind argued. Tsk that was another angle but she didn't want to think about that, the last thing she wanted was to be late to school. Rousing herself from bed she got ready for school.


"Hey ayra!! Ayraaaa!! "

It hadn't been long ayra got to school and was surprised that someone , was screaming her name like a mantra turning her head to seek the person out turns out it was just Ella, she immediately relaxed her annoyed features as she saw her hurry over to her.

"Ella good morning, why were you screaming my name like that "?she complained.

Hey she greeted in return glad she seemed to be in a better mood than the previous day.

"You were quite far, so I had to shout" she explained.

Putting her hands around Ella 's shoulders, she made a face at her," you could have given me a ring . You are with your phone right? "

Ella nodded "Right speaking of phones what happened that you suddenly had to sever the line and you didn't even call back".

"Oh it's nothing " I saw a rat in my wardrobe she said smiling suddenly, so I had to take care of it. "

"Oh I hate rats".

"Yeah I know "she replied in glee.

"Ayra seems like you woke up from the right side of the bed today, I'm really glad i missed my best friend" she said giving her a quick hug.

Ayra was about to say something, but the words got stuck in her mouth because just then the subject of her thoughts appeared out of nowhere.

'Omg what am I gonna do now? After everything that transpired yesterday night, she wasn't ready to face him yet. Truthfully she didn't even know how to act or what to say now she knew about his feelings for her.'

"Ayra are you okay? You seemed lost a minute ago".

She giggled softly " You know me, always spacing out" she said muttered thinking of a way to escape before Jack walked close to her, but it seemed luck wasn't by her side because somehow her eyes met with his and now he was walking to her direction smiling like a fool.

"Hey how are you muffin ?" he asked smiling fondly at her almost reaching out to touch her smooth checks, but her widening eyes stopped him in his tracks

"Uhm- hi Jack " she replied looking everywhere else but his eyes, 'why did he call me that? And in front of Ella too great just great'.

"Hope you slept well after-" his voice trailed off.

'Damn him, why the heck was he asking about her night, yes she thought about him to the early hours of morning, happy now? '

"Yeah I slept well " c'mon Ella let's go she said literally dragging her "sorry jack I gotta to run "she said sparring him the littlest of glances.

"Whoa whoa what's going on ayra?" Ella couldn't hold her curiosity any more , she asked her immediately they got to the class.

"Nothing" she replied with a note of finality.

"Nothing " but jack just called her muffin Ella thought in her head, hmm something was not adding up one bit. She opened her mouth to say something but ayra beat her to it " look it's kachi "she said as a means of distraction.

"She's coming over, okay with you? "- Ella

"Yeah it's cool, perfectly alright ".

"Hi kachi" ayra greeted in her most jovial tone, even Ella raised her eyebrow at her.

"Ella good morning, hi ayra" she said not commenting on the fact she got her name right though she noticed.

As an African in a foreign land she behaved more friendly to people that tried and got the pronunciation of her name right, it was her green flag.

An awkward silence regined amongst them and ayra was glad when the teacher they had for the morning lesson , entered the class and begun the lesson immediately at least it had saved them from having to talk about the weather because her mind had already begun to think of topics to bring up in order to dispel the awkwardness, thank Christ their teacher saved the day.

Unfortunately a certain someone didn't allow her to concentrate , during the lesson her phone binged curious she unlocked her phone and was surprised to see jack texting her. 'How did he even get her number?? '

"Hey we are ok right "- jack

"Yeah I thought we finalized that already yesterday night "- ayra.

She kept her phone back in her back pack and tried to listen, but when she had it bing again her concentration was thrown out of the window.

"Hmm, so why we're you behaving all queer? You couldn't even greet me properly " jack typed surprised that he was still sullen over her cold shoulder this morning.

"It's not that, Ella was there and she is very inquisitive and why did you call me "muffin"?

"It's my new nickname for you, do you like it?"

"No!! -"Ayra typed and glanced back towards his seating position and he smirked at her.

"Well you look and smell like a muffin, therefore you are my muffin "- jack

Ayra sniffed herself on seeing his message, really was it true ? She questioned herself and jack smiled heartily on seeing her actions Christ, she was so cute.

"Please don't call me that in front of my friend or anyone at all from class" she typed with a serious emoji.

"Sorry muffin, but I can't promise you that .it's my personal nickname for you". - jack.

"Please jack "she replied with a sad emoji.

"Okay okay on one condition".

"Thank you, she replied ignoring the "condition" part, I have to stop chatting now byee".

His heart squeezed into two on seeing her message, he wanted to talk with her more.

"Hey I said something about a condition clause, don't stop texting else..... "

"Jack I have to listen to the lesson" - ayra .

"You are smart, you will do well with or without the lesson and we both know that, now what's more important is my condition".

"What do you want?" She replied though she felt guilty for chatting in class, she didn't want to stop texting him yet their conversation was kinda of fun to her in a weird way.

"Meet me in the Hall downstairs after school".

Her heart thumbed loudly on seeing his message. "I can't" she replied even though she wanted to .

"Okay it's your choice muffin" he replied with a smirking emoji and went offline.

Gawwwwd, he would be the death of her the only thing she could grab from the lesson at the end was, an escotion was coming up and the details would be communicated to them.

Amidst excited chirping from her classmates, ayra thought of the line if action she would take at the end of the day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!❤❤

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