
A Long-awaited Moment.

Elena stretched out on the bed lazily, as if she had just woken up from a long and deep sleep. The girl rubbed her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"Hmm? Where am I?" She looked around, but the room was unfamiliar to her. The light aroma of the wildflowers bouquet standing on the table next to the bed caught her attention. She sat on the bed, took the flowers and stroked their delicate petals with her palm. Their faint smell gave a feeling of peace and joy.

Elena got out of bed and went to the open window. A warm breeze touched her skin and began to play with the strands of her hair, lifting one after the other. The carefree twitting of birds outside the window lured her to go outside as soon as possible.

The girl left the room and went downstairs. The interior on the first floor resembled a traditional country house. Wooden furniture, light walls, and wide windows. The quiet and monotonous click of the second hand on the big clock above the fireplace. Just the perfect atmosphere for relaxing or reading a book. But there was no one else in the house.

Elena went outside and saw a small river at the bottom of the hill on which the house was located. The sun's rays were playing on the surface of its water with bright lights, which is why the girl involuntarily had to squint her eyes. She looked away and froze.

A young man was sitting on the green grass a few meters away and looking into the blue sky. White clouds were floating slowly over his head while he was deep in his thoughts. Black strands of his hair were swaying in the wind, creating enticing glare, every time the sun hits them.

Elena covered her mouth with her hands, afraid to utter a sound. Her heart pounded like crazy. She did not even dare to inhale, so as not to accidentally disturb his solitude. The girl was standing and looking at his back as if she was spellbound. The body itself beckoned her forward, and Elena walked cautiously towards David.

The young man, as if sensing her presence, turned around and looked at the girl. She stood just a few steps away from him and smiled, lit by the morning sun like an angel who just descended from heaven.

"G-good morning," Elena said quietly, embarrassed by his gaze.

David got up and extended his hand to touch the palm of the girl. As if he wanted to make sure she was real, and not a mirage. As soon as he felt the warmth of her fingers in his palm, the young man's eyes flashed with joy. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed Elena by the hand and pulled her towards him.

The girl, not expecting such an action, immediately flopped into his tight embrace. David pressed Elena to himself as if he wanted to be completely convinced of the reality of her presence. He squeezed her so hard that she could not even take a breath.

"Ahaha, David, you will crush me now," the girl laughed and felt that he had loosened his grip, but continued to pull her to him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you all these years," he said after a short pause. Elena's heart sank at his words. She buried her face in his chest and hugged him tight in response.

"Forgive me. Please forgive me for not remembering anything. And forgive me for our last conversation; I am also very ashamed."

"Silly, why do you apologize?" David stroked her hair, raised her head and looked the girl in the eyes, "I must apologize and warn you that now you have no escape from me. So be prepared for the consequences, Mrs. Anderson." A sly smile slid across the young man's face, and his last words caused an instant blush on Elena's cheeks.

"Actually, I am still Miss Lee," she replied, embarrassed, although her comment no longer made any sense and was rather an attempt to tease David. But she did not take into account the fact that his experience of flirting was on a limitless number of levels higher.

The young man grinned, and playful sparks danced in his eyes, "Well, it's a matter of time, my dear. Since you now know everything about me, then I have no sense in restraining myself, right?"

"Since when have you become such a cunning fox?!" Elena looked at the man next to her. At first glance, everything in him seemed familiar, but on the other hand, there was not a trace left from that Daniel, whom she had first learned long ago. Eh, apparently, her beloved nineteen-year-old boy is left in the past forever. But both then, and now she could not take her eyes off him. As if his whole nature instantly enchanted her once and for all.

"Hmm, let's say, this was reflected in the years of training in order to charm one particular girl at first glance. Do you think I did well with my task?" the young man asked slyly.

"More than that," Elena smiled back and froze, falling into the depths of his dark eyes. She remembered her feelings at their first meeting. His gaze was like the massive black hole of her personal universe, to which, like light, she strove towards, to dissolve to the end and without a trace.

David leaned over the girl. She closed her eyes and slightly opened her mouth, feeling his hot breath next to her lips. Elena's heart instantly accelerated her rhythm. And at this moment,

"Pfff," the air flowed through her face instead of the expected kiss.

"Ha??" the girl opened her eyes in perplexity. The feeling of annoyance was clearly visible on her face. It was so unexpected for Elena that she was confused and did not know what to say. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to utter a sound. What was it all about now?

"Ahahaha," David laughed out loud, satisfied with her reaction. He raised his hand, and Elena felt a slight flick on her forehead.

"Hey, what is this for?"

"My little revenge," David grinned and caressed her forehead with his finger, "Now you can imagine how I felt all this time."

"But I didn't do it on purp-," Elena protested and was immediately interrupted.

David's lips covered her mouth, and he began to kiss the girl with fervor. It took Elena a few seconds to figure out what happened and adjust to the movements of his lips. A passionate and greedy kiss gradually became slower and more tender, as if every second of it was priceless.

Elena remembered the sensations she had experienced long ago that winter night under the falling snow, and the tear itself rolled down. David felt something wet touch the tips of his fingers lying on the girl's cheek. He opened his eyes and saw a small tear gleaming in the sun.

Tearing away from the girl's lips, he touched this water drop and then began to gently kiss her eyes, cheeks, forehead, until he came back to her lips. At this point, he was ready to kiss every inch of her body, to finally be convinced of the reality of what was happening. He has been waiting for this moment for too long.

This kiss continued until they were out of breath. It seemed that even the birds stopped twitting so as not to disturb their privacy.

The man looked at the breathless girl contentedly, pulled her to him and got up from the ground with Elena in his arms.

"David! I can go by myself," she reflexively clutched at his neck.

"Shh, you better hold on tight," the young man replied and kissed her on the forehead, "You slept more than a day. You will have time to walk. Now you need to have a good breakfast in order to gain strength."

Elena nodded her head and burrowed her face in his shoulder. David brought the girl into the house and put her on the sofa. Then he quickly made breakfast, at the same time telling about Corey and the whole situation, after that he sat down with a plate next to the girl.

"Common, say 'ahh'," he took a spoonful of porridge and brought it to the girl's mouth.

"Are you serious?" Elena looked at the young man in surprise, "Haha, David, I feel like the heroine of some soap opera. Maybe it's enough to embarrass me?"

The man raised an eyebrow playfully, "My love, believe me, I have not even begun to embarrass you yet," he leaned over her ear and whispered, "Do you want me to dedicate you to our plans for the evening?"

Elena's cheeks flared, "So, give me a plate here. I will eat myself." The girl took the plate from David's hands and eagerly began eating the porridge he cooked. Much to her surprise, porridge was delicious, given that she was clearly not a fan of such dishes.

"By the way, why did you tell me then that your name is not David? What did you mean?" Elena asked, remembering their last conversation.

"Ahhh, that is...," David lifted the cup of tea to his lips and took a few sips, "When I was three, my parents switched my name my brother's name. My elder brother was originally called David, but since it was a long time ago, and we've become accustomed to it, there's no point in changing our names back. Besides, it will be too much fuss, given our publicity."

"Hmmm, I see," the girl replied and looked at the empty plate. David noticed the direction of her gaze, took the plate from her hands and leaned closer to Elena, "What is it? Would you prefer to call me differently?"

"Uh? No, everything is fine" Elena looked away from her embarrassment.

David grinned, moved closer and pushed the girl onto the couch. "What else do you like about me?" He murmured, like a little kitten requiring the attention of its owner.

"Well, if in terms of appearance, I like everything. Your pitch black hair," Elena raised her hand and stroked his head. David closed his eyes and began to enjoy her light touch.

"What else?" he asked.

"Your eyes, like the Mariana Trench, draw me into their depths every time I look into them."

David's eyes widened in surprise, a playful smile slid across his face. "Oh, my queen knows how to seduce," he leaned down and kissed her cheek, "What else?"

"Ha, usually the girls start such conversations. Not like you."

The young man narrowed his eyes foxily but did not answer. He couldn't confess to her that he was scared for the first time in his life when he realized that she didn't remember him. David was hoping never to experience this feeling when your loved one is around, and you can't even touch her as you want.

"Your lips, which make my body burn with each touch," the girl added in a whisper and looked at the man with an unequivocal look.

'Oh, Elena, you are playing with fire,' David thought to himself and began kissing her neck with tenderness.

The girl closed her eyes and threw her arms around his shoulders. Elena bent her back, and David's hands slid under her blouse. She felt his hot palms on her skin, and every nerve in her body tensed with anticipation.



"I love you."

Elena froze, her hands moved upwards from the shoulders of the man. She cupped his face with her palms and answered him with a look full of adoration, "And I love you. I love you very much," Elena lifted her head and kissed him softly on the lips.

David's heart pounded wildly, and his whole body came to a tone. He eagerly responded to her kiss, as if he finally found the long desired well after a long wander through the desert.

She was finally in his arms, and he could no longer restrain himself in his desires.

Knock Knock.

David stopped and looked at the front door. The face of the young man instantly darkened.

"Who is there?" he asked, without hiding his irritation.

"Mr. Anderson, this is Gordon. Your mother prepared dinner and is waiting for your return," the man behind the door replied.

David sighed hopelessly, 'Well, was it really so hard to wait until tomorrow?'

"I understood. Wait in the car. We are leaving in half an hour," David commanded the driver and turned to Elena, "Sorry, we will need to go to my home now. I hoped that they would give us time at least until tomorrow, but knowing my mother, she will come here if we don't come."

"To your home? To your parents?" Elena was confused by the unexpected change in the course of events.

"Daniel should just come back from Germany and bring your stuff. Moreover, both the phone and the Internet are not working well here. You must contact your father so that he does not worry. Otherwise, it will be even harder for me to get his permission later."

"And is it ok that I will go with you? I'm kinda not a member of your family," Elena felt self-doubt. So, to get acquainted with his parents right away? She didn't even have time to morally prepare for this, let alone to put her appearance in order.

"Silly, what are you talking about? What do you mean not a family?! They know about you for a very long time," David reassured her.

"How long?" Elena for some reason was confused by this detail in his answer.

"Well, about 25 years, I think," David laughed out loud when he saw the girl's shocked eyes. "Believe me, as soon as we get there, you will immediately understand what I am talking about."

'25 years? Are you serious? You know, I was not even in this world yet!' Elena thought but decided to keep this comment with her.

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