
Chapter 1 - Savior

The once-proud kingdom of Hikari lay in ruins. Smoke billowed from the remnants of once-magnificent buildings, and the pungent scent of burning wood and ash filled the air. The tranquil gardens and vibrant markets were now mere memories, replaced by a desolate landscape scarred by the aftermath of an unfathomable cataclysm. This was the result of the world-ending event that befell the land, a devastation that left its mark on every corner of not just Hikari, but the entire world.

Amidst the devastation stood a lone figure crawled out of rubble, a solitary samurai named Ryoma Tanaka. He was the last of his order, the final guardian of a vanquished kingdom. Clad in tattered armor, his katana sheathed at his side, Ryoma gazed somberly at the destruction that surrounded him. His heart heavy with grief, he was haunted by the images of the fallen, the ones he had sworn to protect but could not save.

"I'm sorry, everyone..."

As the dust settled and the sun dipped below the horizon, Ryoma felt an inexplicable force pulling at him. It was as if an invisible hand reached into his very soul, beckoning him to an unknown destination. At first, he resisted, determined to stay amidst the ruins of his home. But the pull persisted, growing stronger with each passing moment.

Unable to resist any longer, Ryoma finally succumbed to the strange force and found himself enveloped in a blinding light. His surroundings dissolved, replaced by a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. He felt weightless, adrift in an otherworldly realm that defied all comprehension.

In this ephemeral state, he glimpsed fragments of unfamiliar lands, each with its unique ambiance and inhabitants. He saw lush forests teeming with mystical creatures, vast desert plains stretching into the horizon, and towering mountain peaks lost in the clouds. Every glimpse was fleeting, and the sense of disorientation grew with each transition. It was like large, jumbled pieces of glass that expanded every axis infinitely.

Just as he thought he might be consumed by this chaotic whirlwind, the light subsided, and Takeshi found himself standing on solid ground once more. Yet, this ground was unlike anything he had known before. It was alive with luminescent hues, pulsing with an energy that seemed to emanate from the very earth itself.

Before him stood a bright, green figure. It was a being of profound wisdom and power, an entity unlike any Ryoma had encountered.

"What....What are you?"

The green figure stayed silent.

"You are the Last Ronin." The being intoned, their voice resonating in the depths of Ryoma's soul.

"The fate of your world and many others lay in your hands."

Ryoma felt both awe and trepidation in the presence of this enigmatic being. Before he could gather his thoughts to respond, the being continued.

"Your journey has only just begun, Ryoma."

With those words, the being extended their hand, and a brilliant light enveloped Ryoma once more. A couple of seconds later, he found himself lying on top of a building. He got up, his eyes meeting many holograms and futuristic buildings.

Had to pull out the dictionary for this one

RoyalJestcreators' thoughts